Requested by @twdismylife77
Key:s/n=superhero name
Y/h=y/h=your horoscope
Arsenal's pov
I watched Y/n, aka s/n, talk to Nightwing, those two seem to get closer each passing day and it's killing me! "looks like someone's jealous," said a voice, I looked back to see Superboy "what do you know about jealousy?" I asked, Superboy nodded at the direction of La'gann and M'gann, "right, you guys used to be a couple," I said, I heard giggling from s/n, "any ideas on how to win her over?" I asked "just tell her straight forward, there's a 50-50 chance that she'll say that she likes you too," said Superboy and started walking away "that's not very helpful!" I called out.
S/n's pov
"Well, I hope you and I can get to know each other more," said Nightwing "I do too, but your mentor is serious about your secret identity," I said "how about I make it up to you?" he asked "you, me, a date," "like right now?" I asked "if you want to," said Nightwing "where are we going then?" I asked with a giggle "that is a surprise," said Nightwing bopping my nose and left "I don't like people bopping my nose!" I said as he left.
I rolled my eyes and started walking to the training room only to be blocked by Arsenal "hello Arsenal," I greeted him "is something wrong?" "no, there's nothing wrong," said Arsenal "except you decided to go on a date with Nightwing," "do you have a problem with that?" I asked "yes I do have a problem with that," Arsenal said "and what problem is that?" I asked crossing my arms, he pressed his lips against mine, "that," he said "is my problem," "so you're jealous of Nightwing?" I asked "yes," Arsenal grumbled "if you told me earlier I wouldn't have said yes to the date Nightwing has planned for me today," I said "I can always cancel it," I said "no, you don't want to break his heart," said Arsenal "just..... come back to me when you're done," "okay," I said.
*time skip*
My arms are around Nightwing's waist as he drove the bike, he slowed to a stop and helped me off. We reached a cliff "wow," I said with a smile, Nightwing chuckled, "impressed?" he asked "yeah, it's perfect since it's dark," I said looking at him with a smile "that's good to hear," said Nightwing "come on," he said taking my hand and I followed him. Nightwing pointed out the star constellations out "my horoscope is y/h," I said "so you're (your horoscope personality) huh?" Nightwing asked "yeah/no(no means if you really don't act like what your horoscope saids)," I said, Nightwing turned to face me, slowly our lips were about to meet but I pulled away biting my lip, "what's wrong?" he asked "what would you do if you're in love with someone else?" I asked, I looked at him hesitantly, "go after him," said Nightwing "win him," "you're not mad?" I asked "no, I knew you and Arsenal were in love so I thought this was the only way I can actually get you two together," Nightwing admitted rubbing the back of his neck, "unbelievable," I said, Nightwing chuckled, "come on, I'll take you back," he said and we walked back to the bike.
Arsenal's pov
Looks like Y/n isn't coming back, why does Nightwing get all the girls? I heard footsteps and they stopped right behind me "whoever's standing behind me leave me alone. I am facing heartbreak right now," I said "you sure you're actually facing it?" asked a feminine voice, my head snapped to the owner of the voice to find Y/n, "hey stranger," she greeted me "so uh, what's your answer?" I asked, she stepped up and closed the gap between us, "did that answer your question?" she asked "yes, Y/n, yes it did," I said pulling her in for a deeper kiss.
I know Nightwing is only 18 in YJ but I didn't want to put you in a love triangle with M'gann and Conner. Originally it was supposed to be Conner but yeah, I changed it. Hope you enjoyed! vote, comment and request!
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