Another Batmom special then! I hope you enjoy!
It's been 4 years since the last time we checked on the Batfamily and the mother of the Batkids is pregnant with Bruce Wayne's child. Let's see how they reacted.
Dick Grayson
Dick nearly nearly bounced on the walls when he found out about your pregnancy, "I can't wait," Dick said hugging you from behind with his chin resting on your shoulder lightly, you laughed lightly, "Richard, I've been pregnant for a few months," you said laughing again.
Dick has been helping you anyway he possibly can when you need it.
Jason Todd
The Red Hood wasn't really pleased with having a younger sibling because of Tim and Damian on his tail "Jason, come on, you don't have to be so sour," you said, Bruce chuckled and kissed your temple lightly, "Jason, you're going to have a younger sister or brother soon, be happy about it," said Bruce "no way in hell am I going to be happy with having another sibling," said Jason "I already have replacement and Demon on my tail," he added "Jason. Peter. Todd, you take those names back," you said, Jason gulped at your tone, "now, Jason," "I take it back," he whimpered and quickly left, Bruce kissed your neck gently.
"I love it when you scare him," he murmured in your ear.
Tim Drake
Like Dick, he nearly bounced off the walls too and helped you out anyway he possibly can. You and Tim are down at the Batcave and Tim's currently trying to keep himself from exploding in happiness, "Tim, I know you're trying your best not to explode," you said "how can I not?" Tim asked "Tim, I understand your excitement, I'm excited too," you said "just 4 more months and your younger sibling will be born," Tim looked at your swollen stomach and smiled.
Damian Wayne
He scrunched up his nose at the idea of having a younger sibling but Dick and Tim were trying to convince him having a younger sibling isn't all that bad. "Come on, Damian, having a younger sibling isn't that bad," said Dick "yeah, we can all get together and train," said Tim "TIMOTHY JACKSON DRAKE WAYNE! MY CHILD IS NOT EVEN BORN YET AND YOU'RE ALREADY TALKING ABOUT TRAINING?!" you shouted, Tim gulped and said, "sorry, Y/n!" you then came in with a hand on your stomach, "say another word of training my child I will personally bash your head to the wall and I will not regret my actions," you threatened and walked away. Bruce also has been trying to convince Damian about having a younger sibling since he thought having one will help Damian become......... less aggressive I suppose you can call it.
When the baby is due any day everyone has been anxious about it. Bruce stayed home for the day, Dick and Jason stayed in Gotham, Tim stopped working on the case or lead he has, and Damian's been quiet the entire day, even Alfred is anxious. Bruce happened to walk in the library when you gasped, all hell broke loose.
Everything was a blur and soon, you and Bruce are in the delivery room. 8 hours later you had your child, a beautiful little girl named Joy Faith Wayne. Dick was overjoyed, he was the first one to hold his baby sister, Jason just scrunched up his nose and peered over his brother's shoulder, Joy was asleep until Dick had shifted her to his other arm, Joy had Bruce's blue eyes but your hair color, "go ahead and hold her, Jason," said Bruce "it's not like she's going to bite you," Dick handed Joy to Jason, Jason carefully held Joy in his arms, "huh, she's kinda cute," Jason said, Tim swiftly took Joy from Jason, "hey!" Jason protested, you smiled at how much attention Joy was getting, "quit pouting, Jason, I'm going to give her back," said Tim, he looked at his baby sister and smiled really big, "hiya, Joy, I'm your older brother, Tim," Tim said happily "as if she can understand you, Drake," said Damian "Tim, can I have Joy back?" you asked, Tim handed you Joy again, Bruce smiled at his daughter and let her play with his finger, "Dami, do you want to hold your sister?" you asked, Damian snorted, "Dami, please," you said, Damian tutted but took Joy from you.
You helped him get a better grip on Joy, "just don't drop her," you said, Joy yawned softly and snuggled into Damian's chest, his face softened, but not much, "اعتقد انها لطيف كيندا،"(I guess she's kinda cute) Damian said "4 من لهي بك الأخوة الكبار والفرح، وأنا أتوقع لك 4 لرعاية لها،"(the 4 of your are Joy's older brothers, I expect you 4 to take care of her) you said "what did you say?" Dick asked, you opened your mouth to answer but Damian beat you to it, "she said that we're Joy's older brothers and she expects us to take care of her," Damian explained "of course we will, Y/n," said Dick "yeah, nothing is going to happen to your kid," Jason said "like you said, we're her older brothers and older siblings protect their younger ones," Tim added, Bruce smiled and kissed your cheek, "you're changing them," he murmured in your ear, you slapped his arm, "it's not my fault," you said.
Will the Batboys keep their promise?
8k people! yes! thank you! I am so happy right now, this book is almost at 10k which I am hoping for. Thank you for commenting, requesting and voting, I am so happy right now. Vote, comment and request! another reminder, my World Of Warcraft book is now out so pls do check it out if you can and if you know anyone that is a huge fan of WOW please recommend him or her to read it too.
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