Titles Released 8-14-2019 Event Leviathan Continues

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Hello everyone and welcome welcome back to another chapter in my DC Comics Discussion Page. For this week's update it was pretty quiet. But, I guess we can talk about some comics lol. Anyways per the usual I list all the comics that came out this week and mention the ones that I picked up. Now based on what I titles this update it has to do with the event leviathan book that's ongoing. Now I haven't really read any of it because I'm kind of burnt out by a lot of what DC is putting out. But, if anyone wants to discuss this stuff please let me know.

Titles Released This Week:
Batman & The Outsiders #4:
Batman: Universe #2:
Catwoman #14:
Collapser #2:
Detective Comics #1009:
Event Leviathan #3:
Hawkman #15:
House of Whispers #12:
Justice League Odyssey #12:
The Flash #76:
Titans: Burning Rage #1:
Wonder Woman #76:

Titles I Picked Up This Week:
Batman & The Outsiders #4:
(I haven't read yet. But, I plan to).

Detective Comics #1009:
(I haven't read yet. But, I plan to).

Anyways, what are your thoughts on this week's issues? Let me know in the comments below where we can continue to discuss this further and as always thank you all for reading this and I hope that you all have a wonderful day!

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