January 2019 Solicitations Are Here!

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Hey everyone. Just letting you all know that the January 2019 solicitations have been released for DC Comics. Some notable things include the return of Young Justice, Jon Kent coming back, and also some questionable stuff for the teen titan!


I am dreading this one with Damian and Red Hood fighting and Damian possibly trying to kill him. It just feels like more regression and it's dumb. I'm so sick and tired of Damian being regressed like this. Every new writer that takes over always seems to regress him instead of progressing him towards becoming a better person. I don't get it. I really don't. It's like they hate developing g characters Into becoming better people.

Also, speaking characters it appears that my biggest fear is coming true and that Bendis is going to turn Jonathan Kent into an angsty teenager. What the hell!? We lost super Sons for this crap!? Ugh....  I feel like Bendis and the editors at dc are trying to destroy the super Sons to make the new Young Justice team look better. I don't understand why we can't see all the characters in their best light. It's just frustrating.

Anyways, what do you all think of the solicitations? Let me know in the comments below so that we can continue to discuss this further.

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