This is a requested character from BabygirlRage hope you enjoy and this'll be a little soulmate AU! Also sorry for any grammatical errors I'll start fixing them in a few days or so. In case you're wondering what's up with the spam.
Barcodes they are basically tattoos, on the wrist, they are given once a person is born. They determine who's your soulmate is gonna be for the rest of your life. Of course there are very few who don't have a functioning barcode. You happened to be one of the few. However, that would usually mean your significant other either died or wasn't born. Then again you were already twenty-two and heading onto twenty-three. Never have you once experienced any sort of warmth on your wrist. Which was how a person determined their love was near. The further they got the colder your wrist was.
You've even went to a specialist for help but even they couldn't predict the problem. So you were just left with a broken heart and code. Sighing you ended up sipping the liquor from a Jack Daniels bottle with Bulma. She was a life long friend. She also suffered from not having a soulmate.
"Oh come one (Y/n)! Don't be so bummed you'll find your Mr. Right eventually. For all we know he could be from space. I mean we did just find out Goku is from another planet." The scientist said, you just sulked while groaning at her.
"I'm nearly twenty-three and I have never found anyone. You're lucky you had someone to date! I'm gonna die alone."
"Yamcha? That idiot can go die in a shallow hole, bastard cheated on me! Listen I'm twenty-eight and still haven't had my soulmate either. So welcome to the club." Handing her the bottle Bulma grabbed it before nearly chugging almost all it's contents. It was a pretty big bottle itself.
"Meh, it is what it is." Currently, you were staring outside of Master Roshi's window. The sea looked nice to drown in. It was even a nice day so that added to your temporarily depressed state. All because Krillin and the old pervert brought up the barcode shit.
Drinking the rest of the bottle a wave of sleepiness hit you. Rubbing your eyes slightly you laid your head onto the table and watched what was on TV. It was on Roshi's favorite channel. Nothing but a bunch of females working out in tight fitting clothing. Krillin even joined on the action. But that ended with Bulma standing in the way and glaring at the men. Before scolding the shit out of them. It was funny but as of now laughter didn't erupt from your lips. It was a yawn instead and not long after you fell asleep.
Shifting in your sleep you couldn't help but to feel warmer than usual. It was strange and uncomfortable but you felt weird butterflies while you slept. That's when a familiar scream was heard and then continued with a loud thud. This awoke you from your senses, only to find no one around. Getting up, you were going to call the others when another scream was heard outside. It was Bulma. Quickly instincts kicked in and you bolted out the door.
There you saw half of Krillin in the house, Goku beaten to the ground, a screaming Bulma and a crying Gohan. 'When did they get here?' you thought before shaking your head. No, the real question was who the hell was that weird looking dude stepping on Goku. You moved in front of Bulma and got into a fighting position. That was when your head started to spin, probably from the alcohol.
The man, who's name is unknown, turned towards you and tilted his head. The closer he got the warmer you felt and the more butterflies filled your stomach. It felt the same will you were sleeping. And if you recall these were also the symptom's of finding your significant other. You thought for a moment. 'Could he be my...soulmate?'
"Hey, human. Let me see your wrist now." The man demanded. First impression of him, he was an ass. If he was gonna be rude about it then you'll be rude as well. You glared at him and shook your head.
"No, why the hell should I?"
"Do it or else I'll make you and trust me you couldn't handle my strength."
"Oh please try me." You edged on.
"Can't say I didn't warn you." In a flash the mysterious male was in front of you before you could even lay a punch on him he grabbed your wrist.
Inspecting it, he took off the armor covering his arm and compared the two barcodes. He was rather aggressive about it too. Everyone was silent, confused at the sudden move he made. You just stared up at him. He kinda looked cute for a person who beat the shit outta your friends. What stood out was his long ass hair, it looked soft. Lifting your free hand you touched his black locks.
He didn't seem annoyed his seemed to actually enjoy being touched. He then looked at you and back at everyone else. "I'm taking the girl and the boy." He turned around to look at the barely conscious Goku on the ground. "Remember our little deal Kakarot. You do as I say and you'll have your son back. As for her...she's staying with me."
With that he grabbed Gohan and zipped the hell out if there. Everything happened so fast you didn't even understand what was going on. All you did was wake up and meet this strangely cute man, who kidnapped you and Gohan. Not to mention he beat Goku, kicked Krillin's ass, made Gohan cry and scared the crap out of Bulma and Roshi. What a productive few minutes. To also top it off he was definitely your soulmate.
You sat on the ground with Gohan playing random games to get this whole situation out of your head. Right now Patty cake was agreed upon. It pissed Raditz off but who cares. Who knew he was going to be your soulmate. He was rude, arrogant, and had no regards to human life. He pissed you off as much as you pissed him off. The game went on for a few more minutes and the faster you went the more annoyed the Saiyan got.
"Shut up! I'm trying to concentrate." Raditz snapped. You glared at him before flipping him off and continuing your game.
"I don't have to listen to a low life. Who plans to destroy the Earth over his little brother not wanting to go on his space adventure." You mocked, only to be yelled at once again.
"Low life!? You're one to talk. Someone ought to shut that pretty little mouth of yours." Raditz hissed, you only grinned at him.
"Then why don't you shut my pretty little mouth huh?" The male turned fully around finally realizing the words that slipped out his mouth. To late to take them back now.
"Tch, you misunderstand I-I meant that as an...insult?"
"Yeah, right I'm so fucking offended. Ouch totally my feelings are hurt."
"Oh yeah? Well maybe I will."
"Really? Then bring it on." Raditz got closer to you and you stood up only to be a little shorter than him. That didn't intimidated you one bit. "Maybe that dirty mouth of yours needs to be shut?"
Before he could say anything you forcefully grabbed the males chin. Bringing his head to your desired height you pulled him in for a kiss. You don't know what came over your during those few seconds but whatever it was you weren't the only one enjoying it. Raditz placed his hand on your waist, making sure you stayed in place.
Hungrily he attacked your lips, darting his tongue into your mouth. You both made sure to explore every inch of each other. Before things could progress a cough was heard from behind. Looking behind you, you saw Piccolo and Goku awkwardly standing by. Goku made sure Gohan's eyes were shielded from the, over PG 13, make out session. Both their faces were at least fifty shades of red.
"So uh are we still going to...fight...or what?" Goku said. You looked up at Raditz before pulling away from his embrace.
"Yeah, I'm a little curious as well." You spoke up. Raditz gave a glare before looking at the two 'intruders'.
"Your lucky she's with you or else I wouldn't of given a free pass to live." Removing a stray hair from his face, you smiled up at him before giving him a side hug. Maybe this was why everyone made a huge deal about the whole soulmate thingy. It honestly felt nice to finally have 'the one'.
A few years later Bulma ended up finding her own soulmate. He too was also a murderous alien that came to destroy the Earth. 'What a small world we live.' You thought to yourself as you continued reading a book. Raditz sprawled on the couch, laying his head onto your lap. To think this was the guy you fell in love with. He was aggressive and rude but as time passed he ended up show it you a softer side of him. Removing your book you placed a soft kiss on his forehead.
"I love you, dumbass." You chuckled.
"I love you more, you asshole." Raditz grumbled, as you continued to do whatever you pleased.
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