Hands, Off.
• She was distant, even if she didn't want to. Mason knew that if she got to close, everything would come back crashing down.•
Sam and Mason had been speaking for hours and hours. They were no longer at the forest house but down at the beach, watching the waved roll out and seep back in. Same had set up a fire, even though their body temperature rose every time they were cold, it just set the mood. He told her what had happened the day he shifted and she told him the day she war bit. Mason explain how her body worked, the way her body would keep warm, her cold hands, her beating heart and everything he wanted to know. "You know, if Charlie figured out that I've been getting along with you and not yelling at you this whole time, he'll think I'm crazy."
Sam snickered. He used to get along with Charlie but after Mason had left, the father would scold him every time Sam was on sight. "If someone hurt my daughter the way I hurt you, I would do more than just scold them." Mason smiled at his comment but then she lightly chuckled at the thought of Sam running around the house, chasing his child. "What's so funny?" He asked looking at her. The fire created a neat shadows on her face and it enhanced her cut figures.
Mason shook her head. "Nothing... Just the thought of you having a kid never crossed my mind." She confessed.
Sam rose a brow. "You don't think I could be a good father?" He asked.
She shook her head again. "I believe that you are going to be an amazing dad, you know what not to do..." she replied. A smile a curled on Sams lips and Mason poked his cheek. "Is Samuel Uley smiling?" She teased, digging her finger into his cheek. He caught her hand and lightly squeezed it, warning her to stop. "I hope you know that I can beat your ass now that I'm a hybrid." She warned in a teasing manner.
Sam scoffed. "Doubt it." Mason fake gasped and smiles at him before shoving his shoulder.
Masons smile dropped as she sat up before looking around. Something was off and she could feel it. "There's someone here." She muttered. With her speed, Mason stood up and backed away from Sam and ducked away from the creature that was going to attack her. Masons eyes started to glow golden as she looked at the two werewolves in from of her. "Sam..." She called to him, standing her ground and looking at the two wolfs. They were larger than she remembered but still as beautiful.
"Stand down you too."
'But Sam! She's one of them!' One told him telepathically. 'You can smell the blood sucker on her.'
"She isn't one of them. Not fully." Sam declared.
'He's right Paul. She has a heart beat.' The other added. 'It's vague but it's there.'
"I hope both you idiot know I can hear you." Mason spoke, standing up straighter and crossing her arms. Both of the wolfs looked at her and then looked at Sam. The two wolves talked telepathically only to each other and ran back to the woods. "I'm guessing that was Paul and Jared?" Mason asked. Sam nodded.
"They can't tell your my mate since I haven't imprinted..."
There was a quiet pause and then Mason reached for Sams hand. She I termines her fingers with his and smiles.
"I accept by the way... to being imprinted. We start over. We don't forget what happened before but we start over." She kissed his cheek and stepped back as Paul and Jared came to view.
"Explain." Jared said, crossing his arms as he looked at the two. Paul crossed his arms as well and visibly sniffed the two.
"Yup, she finally agreed alright. I can smell the imprint on you." Paul chuckled but Jared slapped the back of his head.
"I'm a hybrid freshly made. My sire is from the original vampire family and is the first hybrid. I'm his first test gone right. He recently took me out of the sire bond as he trusted me and now I'm here. My heart beats because I'm not technically dead, my hands are as cold as ice- which is due to my vampirism. The rest of my body radiates heat like you guys and I'm also able to shift. No I don't need blood to survive and this last part is the most important..." Sam held her shoulder as Mason looked at the two teens. "When I turned, I was first a full fledged blood sucker... The only way to become a hybrid was of I killed someone, no matter if it was an accident or not... In my case, it wasn't. I believe that in this decision I would do a great cause- i killed an old man who would capture girls with a 'play house' and then he would kill them, burring them places that were unknown. I fairly much enjoyed torturing him." Both of the teens scoffed and the chuckled.
"I like her." Paul said, put his harm over her shoulders.
"Hands, off, Paul." Sam threatened and Paul rose his hands in defense, backing away from her. Mason smiled, then chuckled.
"In Mason Swan, by the way." She said before shaking their hands.
"You mean the girl Sam never shut up about and broke his imprinting with Leah so he could find you?"
Mason was taken back and Jared nudged Paul as he shouldn't have mentioned the imprint. "You were imprinted with Leah??" Sam looked down and shook his head before looking at her. "How did you even know that by doing so, you would imprint me?" Mason asked, crossing her arms and siding with the two teens as she faced Sam.
"I should repeat myself... He thought he was imprinted with her before the shift but he learned from Billy- that it wasn't her, that he feeling was different."
Mason looked at Sam with disbelief. 'How did you get stuck with two idiots?' She asked her mate.
As imprints they were able to speak to only each other when wanted. Sam shrugged at pulled her toward him, kissing her forehead and hugging her.
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