My life had been eventful enough - a demigod hunted since birth, tormented as a kid because one of my parents left me - when every single person at Camp Half Blood knew my name at our campfire singalong? Nothing could have been worse.
Katie baked us some blueberry muffins to share, fresh from her garden at Cabin 4. Gracie, Apollo's daughter, was singing some originals and Valentina was flirting and conversing with the boys around us. I'd like to say I was joining in with her and Gracie, though the truth was Katie, and I were just stuffing ourselves with muffins and laughing at everyone's antics. The most recent newcomers, Leo Valdez, Piper McLean and Jason Grace sat in a slight huddle, whispering and every now and then turning to Annabeth. They mostly kept to themselves since their arrival, mostly not referring to Leo Valdez.
He'd rarely spoken to me apart from once when it was for directions, but even then, his eyes were on Valentina's lips as she charmspoke and turned him in the wrong direction (her idea of fun, I just felt bad). His unfortunate attempts to get girls attention were known by everyone to be unsuccessful. So much so I'd seen him try to strike up a conversation with the nymphs. And they could be mean. The campfire was warm, its flames wavering to me and stinging my extended fingertips. Gracie sang in harmony with her brothers, to a song called "Glue Song". Her voice was sweet like honey, wafting into the air and lifting everyone's spirits.
"I've never known someone like you; tangled in love stuck by you, from the glue." The crowd was silent, swaying along in time with her melodic words. "Don't forget to kiss me; or else you'll have to miss me." She leaned towards me, giving a cheeky smile with a wink. The flames were growing higher still, taller and bigger in the sky, like wispy weeds of heat. "I guess I'm stuck forever by the glue; oh, and you!" Gracie giggled, giving me a pointed look that was telling me to sing along. As we were about to start the next verse, the fire made a loud whoosh noise.
The flames were twisting, morphing, into a sort of face. It was an unfamiliar face of a woman, sighing and blowing out embers. She spoke, her voice rich and shaky.
"I must be quick. Hestia won't be happy with me."
Chiron turned and frowned. Jason went pale, Piper gulped and Leo just tinkered with some pipe cleaners, oblivious to his surroundings. Annabeth stood up protectively, staring at the hearth with anger.
"What are you doing here?" she shouted.
"On my heroes' journey, they need a healer. The prophecy." She didn't disappear, she just stayed in the hearth glancing around. Gracie looked at her friends, wondering whether to continue after her abrupt stop. Valentina shook her head, and her eyes dart up to Chiron curiously. He swallows.
"We need a healer!" he shouted. I jumped, despite being ready for his yell. "Does anyone volunteer?" There was scatters of murmurs, and the blonde boy I knew as Will Solace stood up.
"I'll go." he said, quietly enough that some people ignore him. Chiron inhaled to speak and was interrupted by the fire.
"No!" she bellowed, heaving embers and ashes in our eyes. "No! It cannot be him." Will sat quickly down, pink with embarrassment. I felt a twang of guilt. Will was an amazing healer though.
"Who then, Hera?" Chiron seemed angry as he yelled back to the fire.
"Her." the flames twisted and flickered in my direction. I looked around to the girls near me, spotting a few Apollo kids, even considering they were directing to Gracie. I was a healer too, but certainly not one good enough to have caught Hera's attention. Everyone looked at each other accusingly, curious about who this mysterious healer is. Hera in the flames sighed, releasing embers into my throat. I started to choke when she said directly. "Y/N L/N".
My stomach drops. Me? What did I do? Why is she saying my name again? I was too busy tearing up as I struggled to breathe, the smoke punching my eyes.
"She will accompany them on their quest. She is the one they need." So many questions ran through my head. Sure, I was a healer. But I wiped people's cuts when it's a result of a paper slice, or bandage when someone cut their hand with scissors on some arts and crafts accidents. The three newcomers all faced me in unison. I frowned at the fire which was dissipating to a regular campfire and hold my breath. Chiron huffed, sending an apologetic look to Will. I did the same, and he shrugged as if to say "hey, it's not your fault.", however I could tell he and other healer kids were questioning it. The centaur gestured for me to get to my feet, and I stood up more confusedly than nervously.
"Y/N L/N... Do you accept this- ah- quest?"
Quest? That was putting it simply. I was being asked if I accept this death trap. I frantically glanced around, making immediate eye contact with Leo Valdez. He stared at me curiously, waiting for my answer. I began to think of what could go wrong (and right) if I chose to go. If it was all a part of a prophecy though, I had no choice. This was my fate.
"Yes." I said reluctantly. It sounded insincere, which earned some glances of uncertainty. " I accept."
As I was beside my (maternal/paternal) half siblings, someone called out my name. I recognized the voice as Piper McLean. I waved goodbye to my sisters and moved through the crowd of people, like a fish swimming against the current.
"Y/N.." she panted a bit, as if she had been running after me. "Hey.. Sorry." she gulped, catching her breath. "I wanted to check on you."
I widen my eyes in surprise."Oh?" I replied.
"I know you're probably scared, right?" she assumed. I cocked my head, still kind of muddled. She took this as a sign to elaborate. "You looked really freaked out by the fire. I get it, trust me. I wanted to tell you I'm here for you. We're a team now." It was comforting, yet really out of the blue.
"Thanks Piper." I replied quickly. She smiled genuinely - she had to have built some courage to come say that to me, though it was beyond me why. The gesture was sweet though. I began setting off with the crowd of people and heading to the G/P Cabin. My siblings and I all said goodnight and I went to bed hoping that everything that just happened was some kind of fictitious illusion, that maybe I didn't just get chosen to go on a suicide mission.
The next morning, at breakfast, the cool air wasn't uncomfortable enough, I was once again humiliated. It's like I was the new center of attention, which was definitely Valentina's thing. All eyes on me brought over more anxiety than validation. The opposite could be for a certain Leo Valdez, who decided to approach me. I sat and forced myself to eat some toast listening in to my sisters, gossiping about the Stoll Brothers latest pranks as I tried to keep my mind off of the journey I was soon to embark on. I chimed in every now and then, providing information as we connected the dots to the web of scandals that made up Camp Half Blood. A boy, with dark curls and a mischievously suspicious grin, walked happily toward my table with his hands in his tracksuit pants pockets. He leaned in front of me, and I gulped down my toast harshly, scratching my throat in the process.
"Yo L/N, I'm Leo Valdez, captain of the Argo II." My sisters all giggled and shoved me. I was lost for words. The Argo II was a flying ship everyone had been mentioning, and it was yet to peak my interest. Impressive work admittedly.
"Cool." I said, realizing it sounds kind of rude. Trying to sound less condescending, I moved on to more socially acceptable introductory customs. "It's nice to meet you, Leo Valdez."
"Soooo..." He leaned on the table in a fashion that tried to impress us girls and it backfired as his hand landed in my brother's Sunnyside up egg, bursting yolk all over me and his hand. He immediately went panic mode, grabbing napkins and frantically apologizing. I waved him off, wiping my hands and reassuring him that it was an accident, and that I didn't care. I was a little pissed off, sure. He didn't have to know that.
Once he regained his dignity and confidence (which took a concerningly small amount of time), he grinned at me.
"As I was saying, as the captain of the Argo II" (Is someone counting how many times he's saying that?) "I thought it was my responsibility to give you a tour. 12pm, meet me at the edge of the North Woods." He winked and slipped clumsily as he walked away. My sisters all squealed and laughed at him, and a pang of secondhand embarrassment hit me, destroying my appetite.
"Y/N! That sounds like, so serial-killery, what a creep." My sister Maeve snorted, shooting a judgey look to the Hephaestus table. I bit my lip and nudged her.
"Stop. He's just trying to be nice." I defended, avoiding everyone's eyes.
"He was just hitting on you in dork language!" my sister Sylvee joked, earning many giggles. I just bit the inside of my cheek, holding back commentary.
The Fates really had it in for me. I'd definitely turned some heads recently, and I had a feeling that today wouldn't be the last time Leo Valdez embarrasses me.
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