Making this to answer some questions I get pretty consistently! If you have any other questions that I did not answer, feel free to drop them in the comments! I am also always open to DMs and you guys posting on my wall!
My Personal Info
Just gonna drop a quick about me. I am 22 years old, non-binary (she/they) bisexual living in Wyoming. I work full time as a service desk associate in Walmart, currently working on paying some debts so I can go back to school for IT. I have two cats of my own named Jake and Elwood (who make an appearance in Gray Skies) and I live with my sister and nephew. I also have a boyfriend.
Questions About Me
Favorite Non-Canon Warrior Names: Some of my favorite names I've made are Dawnfire, Turtleblaze, Sunstream and Echoheart
Favorite Canon Warrior Names: Graystripe, Hollyleaf, Lionblaze and Yellowfang
Favorite Warriors Character: Graystripe and Bluestar
Favorite Book: Bluestar's Prophecy
Favorite Series: Dawn of the Clans
Favorite OC I've created: Dawnstar, she started it all.
Favorite Pelt Designs: Love mackerel tabbies and Siamese patterns (think Dawnstar and Owlpaw.
What Got You Into Warriors? I discovered the series when I was in the 5th grade. Both me and my best friend wanted to read it, we ended up going to the library at two different times and got what we both thought was the first book. I got Midnight and he got The Sight. From that moment we both fell in love with the series.
Do You Just Make Fanfiction, Or Do You Read the Actual Boosks? I read the books! I own almost every single warriors book, save for two sets of Novellas and the newest manga. I am currently on Graystripe's Vow, I need to finish it.
Do You Like Any Other Book Series: Yup! Though I don't do much reading these days unfortunately. But I love the Shadowhunter books by Cassandra Clare, the Gone Novels by Michael Grant and others!
How Do I Create My Covers: I use Photoshop CC and a Huion Kamvas Pro 12. I use some homemade templates for Super Editions, Novellas and Novels. I have a Google Drive folder dedicated to some of the resources I use which is available for public use.
Questions About My Books
Reading Order: Start with Dawnstar's Trouble, I know its weird but thats the first book I wrote. Next up is A New Horizon, followed by Waging War. For the Super Editions, just read A Frozen Heart before Jaggedstar's Choice. For Novellas, they usually are connected to a book. Read Flowerstar's Judgement and Dawnstar's Trouble before Tales From The Broken. For the next set that will be out soon, read Flowerstar's Judgement and A Fallen Star first.
What Book Took You The Longest To Write? Dawnstar's Trouble, took me 7 years.
What Is Your Favorite Book? Dawnstar's Trouble
What's Been The Hardest Book to Write: AshClan's Future, it continues to haunt me.
How Do You Come Up With Warrior Names: Sometimes they just come to me, sometimes when I'm making Clans I will go to the Names page on the Warriors Wiki and pick at random.
Do You Have Any LGBTQ+ Cats? Not enough, but the following cats are LGBTQ. Pebblestep (homoromantic asexual), Cinderflame (aroace), Nightheart (lesbian), Rabbitspring (pansexual), Goldenstar (aromantic bisexual), Ivystar (bisexual), Crowstar (asexual) I will add more! (And more toms too, aha)
Which Book Are You The Most Excited to Write? I'm honestly super super excited to write The Burning Sun, it is going to be one of the most challenging, emotional and intense series. Y'all are not ready (but I have to finish Waging War and Rise of the Clans first)
Can My Character Be In Your Books? The answer is maybe. I always need cats when I'm creating books at different points in history so if honestly just ask me and drop their info in my DMs. Please keep in mind that they probably will not be a major character. Unless I do another contest like I did for 200 followers they probably won't have any big roles and even then its not much.
Can You Draw Me A Cover? I do not do free requests but I have commissions open on my deviantART page of the same name, DawnfireOfSkyClan.
Questions About Writing/Advice
How Do You Plan Out Your Books? I usually plan out an entire series at once. I think of the finale, how do I want it to end? Then I start planning out major events and character development. I try and name the six books (which are not always final) and space out the events across six books. Nothing is ever final usually. When I am ready to start writing the book I make a chapter list. I usually try to shoot for 30ish for Novels and about 40-50 chapters for a Super Edition. I write the chapter and a brief description. I usually try and space out any major events within the book and fill in the rest. I will commonly delete or add chapters or even space a chapter out across multiples or combine chapters.
What Is You Writing Process? I sit down and suffer. Jk, jk. I write almost exclusively on my laptop as compared to my desktop because I can be more comfy. I always have something on in the background, whether thats a TV show, a podcast, YouTube videos or music. I have recently discovered that the lo-fi hip hop beats to study/relax to stream is my saving grace and really helps me with writing. There's also a lot of talking to myself.
How Long Are Your Chapters? Usually 3k+ words, sometimes longer. I write in Calibri 12pt font at 1.15 spacing. I require every chapter to be AT LEAST 3 pages long, they often end up being longer. I double space when I'm done because I like how it looks but that doesn't show here, that's just for me.
Do You Have Any Advice? Alrighty, so I get this question probably more than any other, so it's gonna be a long one with multiple parts.
Characters: When you're making a character, you need to develop who they are. What's their backstory? What's their family? How would they react to certain situations? How will they react to other characters? Music really helps, find a song that fits your character, it can really help with development. Think about how the events of your story will change them, will they become better or worse as a character.
Planning: Like I explained earlier, write it down. Make chapter lists, outlines, etc. I don't use outlines but they can be helpful.
Writing: When you're writing make sure you're in a good mood, comfy and that you want to write. I can't stress enough DO NOT FORCE YOURSELF TO WRITE IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO. If you do this, you will end up something you hate. Like I said, have something in the background. Music helps so much. Adjust your music to the type of scene you're writing, if you are writing a battle scene, get some super hype and intense music if you're writing a sad scene get some sad music (I cry during every major death scene because of music).
Writer's Block: Everyone suffers from this, including me. If you just cannot bring yourself to write, maybe work on another project. If there's something you really want to write, then skip ahead! I started writing Beyond the Mountains before I finished A Frozen Heart, and I've already started Forest of Shadows (Book 1 in ROTC). If that's still an issue, then look at your chapters. See what needs to change. I had to drastically change the plot to A New Horizon because I couldn't bring myself to write A Fallen Star and it helped. Reading the canon Warriors books also helps me so read those or even read mine!
Spoilery Questions
Read these at your own risk, they're not major spoilers but still
Who Is the Cat That Pebblestep Loved? Dawnstar
Which Death Was The Hardest To Write? Snakewhisker and Ivy
How Has The Books Changed Over Time? They changed a lot, especially Dawnstar's Trouble. The original story had Lionclaw dying and Dawnstar becoming mates with Yarrowtail. They were going to have children together, but then I changed it to Dawnstar having Lionclaw's kits and Yarrowtail raising then, but then I eventually decided that Dawnstar had suffered enough and I loved Lionclaw too much, so he got to live and Yarrowtail became mates with Briarrose. Also Snakewhisker was never intended to become such a major character, but I love him so much. Also Falconclaw's name has changed several times. Honeyfrost and Blackstorm were originally going to have kits who would become the protags of the next series, but I didn't want to play into that trope, I wanted to be unique.
Will Honeyfrost and Blackstorm Be Mates in StarClan? Yes, once the both of them join StarClan they will become mates.
Who Is Crowstar Mates With in StarClan? Ivy, she will always be his true love. He loves Frostfire with all his heart, but she knows this as well as she's okay with it. Frostfire has found her own true love in Pigeonpelt. They will always be best friends.
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