Even before the trials were over Steel Heart had been talking with the Temple Mothers, Fathers, and several of the Pack fathers. They had all decided they needed to deal with the anger of the planet to get them away from what had happened. This wasn't to say they didn't want to address it but that their worlds needed to move past it. After a great deal of discussion, they had decided to release some of the information from the dragons.
Steel Heart was standing at the podium in front of the sea of reporters. On either side of her were two tables with a number of figures of which many were known. Some weren't which would also hopefully distract the population. She finally gave a nod for the reporters to start recording, "Good morning Folicia and our colonies. I know the last few weeks have been very hard on all of us but I do have some good news as well. Before I start talking about that I wish to introduce a new Pack Father. Pack Father Fertile Fields was made a Pack Father by the Pack Lord and he has accepted the role as the Pack Father for what was formally known as Pack Zorg. Pack Father the podium is yours." She stepped to the side.
When Toes had originally been asked to speak in front of the reporters he almost felt like Ray or Hands... He wanted to find a deep cave to hide in. Oddly enough it was Singer who had comforted him and helped him to come to terms with it. Toes did get revenge on her since he had invited her along. That and she had finally tentatively accepted his request. He was going to get that out there as well since he had seen what the various groupies for Hands had been suggesting.
He stood and pulled Singer up with him. She had growled at him earlier and even bit him on one shoulder hard enough to leave a mark or two. Toes had laughed at her but had remained adamant that she was going to be with him. He finally approached the podium and looked out over the many reporters, "Good morning as well and I am Pack Father Fertile Fields. This is my soon to be mate Sings Sweetly. I was asked by the females of my new pack to become their Pack Father. It was an incredible honor to be asked this but I stepped forward and told them yes. The only request I had was that we rename the pack. It is no longer Pack Zorg. It is Pack New Dawn. I chose this name since I am a new Pack Father and with the help of the Pack Lord and many others the pack is being reborn. I look at it as if the pack was recalled to the Goddess's fold and then returned to the wheel of life. Because of this I ask of all our worlds to step back and take a breath before wanting to go after the innocent. The pack didn't cause what happened, the guilty did. The elders of the pack made the choices and not the junior pack members." He lifted his head in a pleased howl. It was his way of telling the world he was more than happy to have taken over the pack.
Singer honestly wanted to bite him again when he forced her to both come to the news report and what he had just said. He had pretty much proclaimed her as both his mate and Pack Mother by saying that and it terrified her. For him and the pack she stood as tall as she could but her ears did lower slightly. So many of the people would see that as pleasure at what Toes had said even if that wasn't what she had intended. After thinking about it for a few moments she simply stood there with his arm around her shoulders. She would get him back later. Maybe bite him again for good measure. In this case, it might be on his tail while he was sleeping.
When they moved back Steel Heart moved forward again and gave the two a pleased smile, "Congratulations to both of you." Once she had said that she turned more serious, "Next is some information on the declining male birth rates. Pack Father Golden Fields is going to address this." She moved away again as Golden came forward.
Just to be somewhat silly he had a stein of cider in one hand and took a drink out of it, "I, as of now, can't give you all the information since we are still learning everything which is involved. Having said that it has been brought to our attention that far in our distant past a very ancient race of beings came to our world. When they arrived, they found that our race was on the edge of sentience. They also discovered that unless something drastic happened chances where we would never go past a low intelligence level. Though I am of mixed emotions about what they did I am glad they looked further into the issue." He took another sip of the cider.
"From what we understand one of their chosen purpose in the universe was to help proto-intelligences have a chance of becoming something greater. In our case, they ended up splicing some of the genes from Humans into our DNA. This is why we are both sexually and genetically compatible. With the infusion of new Human DNA into ours we can stop fearing the loss of our people and look forward to our future. This is why the pups from the human Folician mating's have a higher male to female birth number." He had to lift his head in a very pleased howl as well, "As we have more information on this we will make what we can available. Some of it is currently under a god or goddess order. Again, we can't tell you everything since we are still learning everything we can." He felt bad with the not quite lie but it was for their world.
He moved away from the podium and settled down next to Dancer. Steel Heart stepped back up, "Now for some additional information..." There was more to discuss which included Simon choosing to come to their world. What was important had been discussed.
Gloria and Storm had most definitely become an item and it wasn't just the Liraque/Liraqua aspect. Both had found something in the other which drew them to the other. They had been staying at the Pack property once they had moved from the temple. Heck Gloria had even spent some time in Ray's bed though they had only made love once. It just wasn't really who she was. She did care for him a great deal and after watching him the last few months she could see how good a man he was. She had come to care a great deal for him but much like Aqua she really didn't have an urge to have a man sleep with her.
Why she was thinking back over the last few months she didn't know since she was currently in the delivery bed. Ray was settled down next to her and holding her as her labor progressed, "Ray I might just send you a bill for the pain and suffering damn it!" She curled around her belly with the next contraction hit. She grunted and pushed since according to the doctor she was very close to delivery.
Ray couldn't help but give her a slight laugh, "Didn't I tell you child support isn't included in a one night stand?" He leaned over and kissed her though it was chaste, "I will support you and our children Gloria. Between the pack support and what you will be paid on Earth you will be fairly well off. He held her through the contraction and the rest until she had finally delivered. As expected there was a boy and a girl. Once they were delivered Gloria collapsed in both his and Storm's arms.
She had to rest for a short time, "As we had discussed for the boy his name is going to be Charles Simon Johnson and our little girl is Danica Juanita Johnson." She was American even if both of her parents were Asian. She wasn't going to take his last name since they weren't married or mated. On Folicia they would always be members of Pack Johnson and she felt this was a good way of doing it.
Before Ray gave the two babies their bracelets he smiled before he leaned over and gave Gloria another kiss, "No, I want them to have the last name of Johnson-Kimura. They should have your last name as well." He took the boy and pressed his bracelets against the baby's wrists and named him. He quickly named the girl as well, "Welcome to the Pack you two. You will learn as you grow about both sides of your family." Both looked totally human which made sense.
Gentle had come in and mock sighed, "Darn it there you go again Ray, making beautiful babies. Earth is going to hate you just so you know." She laughed before she came over and leaned over and gave Gloria a kiss, "Once you have recovered we have a ship ready to take you back. You will always be a member of the Pack and the three of you have been entered on the roles."
After a few minutes the nurse chased everyone except Ray and Storm out of the room. Once the bed adjusted both climbed in, one on either side of Gloria as she was trying to nurse the babies. Eventually they fell asleep.
When the transport to earth arrived for Gloria, Storm, and the babies Ray had to hold Gloria close, "I am going to miss you and our children. I might occasionally come out and check on you. Also, don't forget you can catch a transport back here for a week or two as well." He gave her a light kiss, *Storm take care of her and our pups. I know this was an oops but all three do mean a good deal to me.*
Storm had an arm curled around Gloria and was holding one in her arm, *I will Pack Father and I can feel how much you care for all of them. I will ensure you get routine updates on how they are doing.* With that they were transported to the ship. It was easier this way for all of them. Normally for transports the ships landed but not always.
Several of the pack came over and wrapped their arms around Ray, *They will be taken care of. They also have the suits and nanites so they won't get sick or if so it will be detected before it becomes urgent.*
Ray sighed and after returning the hugs headed towards his office. Some work would help since they had a new contract to look at. Now they were looking at importing some new luxury items. He needed to review the contracts and either approve them or decline them. If he declined them it opened the items up for other packs to import.
Hands was in his section relaxing with Light. It had taken him some time to realize that his feelings for her were similar to what he felt for Savory. It had nothing to do with the fact she was now seventeen or anything like that. She had just started becoming closer. After he had talked to Golden about it he had blushed horribly and hidden his face. Before that talk, he hadn't realized all Pack Fathers had two or three really close females including the Pack Mother. If he had thought about it he would have thought about Salty or Spicy but Salty would probably end up with Rain and looking at it Spicy would end up to them like Light was to him. Kyth wouldn't be since she was a Matriarch.
As he was relaxing he felt his back spasm and he wanted to growl. He hadn't done anything which should make it bother him for a while. He had kept up with the mandated exercises and had spent a goodly amount of time with the boy pups of the harem as well. Hands had to shift and wiggle for some time before he realized what was going on. When he finally realized it, he found Savory was mentally laughing at him.
Savory had sensed that Singer had gone into labor and she had been contacted by medical about it. She had watched Hands shift and adjust for a more comfortable position for some time before he realized what it meant. When he did she snickered at him mentally even though he was going to growl at her.
"Oh damn it, why am I feeling her labor? I am too young for this crap blast it." He tensed again much to the amusement of the older females. The younger looked at him since they didn't quite realize what he had said.
Light couldn't resist leaning over and pressed her muzzle against his cheek, *Get used to it since when you are of age I have a feeling not having pups isn't going to be a problem for you.* She had to tease him when she said that.
Hands tensed again and mentally muttered at her, *I am so not going to tell you to bite me. I am going to say that I might bite you at some point in revenge of your teasing me.* He slipped from her lap, "Girls Singer is in labor and I am going to go and wait outside the delivery room. Both she and Toes asked me to be there when she does have her pup." Hands slowly left his section since it wasn't going to be a rush.
When Singer did deliver sometime later and he was shown into the room he hurried over. After giving her a good hug he gave Toes one as well, "Both of you have a lovely daughter. Congratulations." Hands settled down on the other side of Singer and looked down at the baby girl and had to smile. Before he realized it, he had fallen asleep even as Singer had. He wasn't even awake enough to ask what the girls name was.
Thunder had delivered a few days ago and when Singer had gone into labor she had been expecting it. She was still getting used to the idea of having a pup but between Misty's help and Hands pack, Thunder was getting the idea of what was needed to take care of her daughter. High Tower had been so very pleased to be there when she had delivered. Thunder had to admit she was pleased to have him in the room as well. They did care for each other but more as friends than as Singer and Toes.
When Singer had gone into labor Misty had contacted medical and also sent a message to Toes though they knew he would be close. It had only been a few moments before medical had come to get her. Once they were gone High Tower had shown up and settled down next to Thunder. Nothing had been said but all the other females in the section had been relieved when he had come in. Her former section had almost adopted him as theirs and she knew of one other female in their section who had gone to him when her heat had hit, "And we grow and increase." She murmured to herself as she was nursing their daughter.
Hands was sitting in one of the hot springs at the pack property and he had to smile. Looking back, he couldn't believe how close to two years had passed since the trials. He had just turned sixteen the month before and something was making him actually stop and look at his pack. Not just his pack but Ray's as well. The pups from the first women had grown and were now toddlers and by god they were busy little pups. To be honest anymore he didn't know how anyone kept up with them. One or another of them were always getting away from the nursery and driving people nuts.
Thankfully over the last few heats the number of births had dropped but there were still a number of younger pups. The birth rate had changed more towards the traditional seven to one after the first slew of deliveries. As he was looking around his eyes looked over so many of his pack and the memories had to make him smile. It had been maybe two and a half years since the pack had been formed but there had been so many changes. The only addition to the pack was Silky Sky which he had expected. She had just arrived a few weeks ago after her bracelets had turned the light purple of a Liraque-trainee.
She was still very shy and not very good around larger groups of people which was why Dancer had asked him to take her in. That and her mother had asked Hands to bring her into his pack. He did that without even thinking after he had talked to Dancer. Even though she was the youngest by several years all the girls just loved her dearly. Savory had taken the time to explain what her problem was just to ensure that everyone knew to be careful. Once she had started getting more comfortable with the pack she had started slowly opening up. Nuzzle was still her favorite person other than Savory and Hands.
Two of the oldest pack members had come into their majority and moved to private rooms in the Pack section. Of the others, he had a feeling Kyth was going to be joining them soon. He had added a number of inches in height and by now he was far more comfortable being a human/Folician mix than at first. His shoulders had widened and his muscles had developed as well. He was no longer a skinny kid from the middle of nowhere. What had taken some time to get used to was he had the diamond of fur instead of a triangle he had grown to expect.
Savory had grown as well and definitely grown into the position of being the Pack Mother. Thankfully she was just a bit younger than he was so when they came of age he could make her his mate. Their relationship had hit a few hard spots as they were growing and learning who they were but even at the rockiest parts they had still cared for each other.
Nuzzle was eight and darn it she still loved to wake him with tickle attacks and cleaning his ears in the morning. Her lively sense of humor was definitely there even though it had taken a hit for a while after the trial. It had helped that Ray had finally acknowledge her as his pup though he hadn't specified who her mother was. It was one of those unmentioned 'everyone knew' things. Many now knew that he had travelled in time and assumed she was his by someone he had met in the past. For Nuzzle and the rest of the pack they knew better. One thing he had a feeling was that she was going to be considering a new use name soon. To him she would always be his Nuzzle though.
Kyth had also grown into her position as a Matriarch of the Pack. She, as many of the pack, were more comfortable with who they were than their similar age groups. Myrna and Myriam were ten now and he could see that they were going to grow into some pretty young women. Rain had grown as well though he was still rather quiet. For some reason, even though he lived with the Pack he hadn't become a member. Ray had a feeling Rain was going to end up taking over the temple harem eventually and Salty would go with. It saddened him but also knew it happened. They would be good for each other as well as the temple.
Much like Dreamer, Rain was a very smart young man. Unlike Hands he was far more comfortable with the soft sciences. Hands was definitely showing a leaning towards engineering and nanotech. It was something Hands had shown almost from the beginning. Having the Accident Inspector vouch for him was opening a number of avenues for him. Dreamer? Well he was following in Gerdal's footsteps. His mind was always looking at the beauty of the world and almost demanded ways to merge tech and the beauty. It showed in the Pack Property at the Temple. Periodically something would randomly change for the better and everyone would laugh and give him a good hug. That included in the temple.
When Light settled down next to him she nuzzled his hair, "Try not to think too many heavy thoughts Hands. We are doing well and you are helping model us. We love you and you love us." She was one of the two adults now in the pack, "I have been talking to Cienna and have been certified. I am going to start being a contract Liraque shortly. It will help to start bringing in money to the pack as well as the temple." When Hands turned to look at her she pressed a kiss on his muzzle, "After getting to know Singer I have requested to work with people from her background. Unless something changes Cienna has approved it."
Hands returned the kiss and leaned against her and smiled, "Good for you, I know you have grown closer to her as you have been really helping her with her pup. I think it will mean a great deal to her knowing that. It means a great deal to me as well." Hands hadn't been thinking to many heavy thoughts and grumbled at her, "I was just taking a few minutes to think back over the last few years. I went from just a country kid to being renamed to a Pack Father. I have some wonderful males and females in our pack. I am far
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