Chapter 14 - Pack Zorg Trial begins

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Hands walked out of the office and to the small section his pack had been given. When he walked in he found his pack getting ready to leave. Spicy came over and gave him a good hug, *Love you Hands.* She kept holding him, "I am glad we are going back to the temple. I need to go back." She had fun playing with the pups but she was so ready to go back.

Hands wrapped his arms around her and held her close, *Wuvs you to Spicy. I am beyond ready to go back.* He lightly nuzzled one of her ears, *I want my life back and screw this crap. I want to just be Hands the Pack Father and another teen.* With a sigh he let her go and moved towards his bed and started packing. There wasn't any reason for his pack to do that for him.

Spicy gave him a good hug before she went to check on the younger girls. As she was taking care of that she was keeping an eye on Salty and Rain. By now most of the pack knew that Rain was somewhat different than Dreamer. It wasn't the 'he came from a damaged pack' but Rain had a different feel to him.

Rain had been told he was going with them for the time being. Not much else had been said though he had tried to read between the lines. As hard as he had tried to figure out what was going on he hadn't been able to. His life had been too circumscribed to really understand. Salty was holding him at the moment to try and keep him calm.

Hands finally had to stop, *Savory can you please take care of this for me? I need to... I need to talk to Rain.* He could feel his hands starting to tense and the claws on his new hands starting to dig into the robe he was holding. Damn those frigging stupid females. What the... he couldn't think of what to either think or say about them.

Savory came over and gave him a good hug and nuzzled one ear since she knew it would distract him. It wasn't anything like an adult but he did tend to react somewhat, *I will take care of it Hands, go and comfort them.* She urged him away before she took the robe from him.

Hands walked over and pulled Salty and Rain into a good hug, *Rain please do me a favor and trust me that we are doing our best for you. I can't say why we want you to go with us. It has been decided at a level above me. Just trust me please.*

Rain, and even Salty, instinctively reacted to a more mature male and both leaned into his hug, *Yes Pack Father we will do so. Please tell me why as soon as possible.* Rain was scared to tears since his life had been so screwed up in the last few weeks. He didn't realize his entire life had been screwed up.

He had to close his eyes and felt his jaw tense and his ears fold back in anger, *I will do my best though it might take some time. There are reasons I can't go into other than for the moment it involves a Goddess order. I just can't tell you at the moment.* Hands released the hug and moved back, "Go and finish packing. We are going to be leaving soon."

When the transport finally landed at the temple Hands and the others had to frown. They landed at a gate they had never seen before. Since it was at the temple he was pretty sure they were where they were supposed to be. That and Dancer and Golden was there waiting. Hands walked off the transport with Savory next to him, "Do I want to know why we are in a different section of the temple? Did you decide we were causing too many problems and we have been relegated to some dusty rooms?" He was trying to make a joke.

Dancer reached over and lightly bopped him for that joke even as Golden grinned, "Not amusing insolent pup. Just for that I might send you back to your old section and not show you around your new section." There was a slight hint of amusement in her voice.

"New what?" Savory was sounding as stumped as Hands was looking. It was rather obvious nobody in his pack even considered their pack property being completed.

Golden started laughing, "Come Hands and let me show you around your new pack property. It was completed while you were helping Toes." *It was felt it would help all of you settle down. This is part of the temple but also to be your pack property. This is yours Pack Father Hands.* He wrapped an arm around the young couple, "Come inside and I think you will enjoy it. We have been keeping close contact with Gerdal and the designs all of you have been working on."

Hands kept his arm around Savory as they walked into the new section. He had waved the other girls to follow along with and they did. The luggage they could come and get later since this was more important. When they walked in there was a small courtyard which also had a lovely water feature as they had discussed. When they walked into the building there was an entry hall which opened into a large and comfortable lounge. It was larger than they needed but nobody really asked about it.

As they walked in all of them had to stare since a number of the furnishings matched what the Dragon had left. No, it wasn't from the dragon but it resembled it though somehow, they had made it look somewhat girly. Not in an obnoxious way but in a tastefully understated way. Savory finally let go of Hands and moved around the room with the rest of the girls. Nuzzle was staying next to Hands though. Her eyes were huge as she looked around.

Dancer had decided to let Golden take care of this since it was a Pack Father issue. Well not an issue, but between two pack fathers. It didn't directly involve her so she simply walked with them as they looked around. Golden had taken on this project and had kept even Dancer away until it was done. This was the first time she had seen it since the work had started.

Hands took one of Nuzzle's hands even as he was looking around, "Wow, this place is really nice. I almost feel guilty since the rest of the girls in the temple won't have this sort of place." It was really nice but being honest they were just pups and trainees as well. If he and the others had been adults it would have been different. Then it would have been expected.

Golden kept an arm around the young man, *Relax Hands since the others will be drawn here as needed. You will be working as a pack father for the temple. That means much like when you were in the rooms girls will be coming to you when needed.* "I have a man cave for you as well, I think that is what Ray called it. Rain, Dreamer come with us." He urged the three, well with Nuzzle and Salty, five towards the room Golden had in mind.

When they walked in Hands couldn't help but start laughing, "Oh man this is most definitely a man cave, no, a Pack Father cave." Something in the room called to something inside. The walls looked like fine stone; there were torches on the walls. At one end was a large fireplace with flames flickering in it. The floor was covered in thick warm carpets. The furniture was made of fine woods though designed in a solid, almost larger than life, style. All three of the boys moved slowly into the room and looked around.

Dreamer couldn't help but hop on one couch and stretch out, "I could get to like these Hands, a room for just us?" He squeaked when Salty came over and started to tickle him.

Rain looked around and for some reason moved over to Golden and leaned against him. The room felt almost comfortable even though he had never seen a room like this before, "Why is this room calling to me Pack Father? Why does it feel right to be in here?"

Golden settled down in a chair and urged Rain to sit next to him and to lean against him, "Because this room calls to who you are young pup. I can't tell you everything yet but there is a reason it calls to you and you will learn the reason why." He looked at the fire, "Trust in Hands and his pack. They will take care of you Gentle Rain. That is all I can say but eventually you will understand." Should he say anything else? "Just be a pup for a while and let the girls show you how to play."

Rain settled down next to the Pack Father and sighed. There was something being kept from him but he had to trust the two Pack Father's. Both were doing their best to take care of him and he did like the girls in Hands' pack. Salty was staying so very close as well and it was comforting, "Yes Pack Father I will do as you say."

Eventually they wandered through the rest of the section and it was really nice. There were several rooms for the different age groups as well as a separate room for Hands when he was of age. A final section was designed for when the girls started coming of age so they would have their own rooms. All in all, the section was large and comfortable. It didn't take long before everyone was settled in and had picked out their beds.

Hands was standing off to one side and had his arms wrapped around Savory. For some reason, he was feeling both very happy yet rather pensive. His head was resting against hers, "I don't even know what to say Savory. This is so much more than I had expected. The rooms are wonderful; the care taken to make sure it matched what we wanted is incredible. How do we thank everyone for doing this?"

Savory was feeling much like Hands was. She was most definitely feeling rather overwhelmed herself, *I don't know Hands, I don't know.* When Hands settled his head on hers she leaned back against him and relaxed in his arms, "Our pack Hands, our pack and we will grow into what they designed for us."

"Come everyone, it is time for dinner. It is time to show our faces again." Hands called for everyone to get ready to go to the dining room. They had the facilities here but he really needed to get back into the routine of things. It only took a few moments before everyone was ready and they left.


It had been several days since they had returned to the temple and it was time for the trials to start. This was not something Hands was looking forward to but at least it had been decided Dreamer didn't need to go. If needed he could be called but his memories were very vague since he had been asleep when the aircar had crashed. Since Hands had a very intimate involvement almost from the beginning of the investigation he had to be there.

Savory was going to be there as well as Nuzzle since she was his Liraque. When he had talked to Nuzzle, she had flat out refused to remain at the temple. Nuzzle had growled at him and even barked and bared her teeth at him, "I's your Liraque. I's not stay behind." She most definitely wasn't going to let him tell her what to do and was making her choice obvious.

Hands knelt down and pulled her to his chest and held her, "As you said you are my Liraque and I am your Liraqua. I just didn't want to bring back bad memories. My little sister slash niece." After one more hug he finished getting dressed. For the final touch the three of them placed black ribbons on their sleeves in honor of Dreamer's mother.

They arrived at the building reserved for the trial and were quickly escorted in. As soon as they were inside Hands glanced around and his eyes softened slightly since virtually everyone had a black ribbon somewhere on their body. The number of people far exceeded the trial of the three Hands had dealt with. It wasn't just Ray, his pack, and even the various temple mothers and fathers. There were reporters, a few of the Pack members from Pack Zorg and their new Pack Father Toes. He even saw some of the Peace Forcers, a number of the rescue techs, and Long Shot.

Hands didn't even think twice before he hurried over and gave Long Shot a good hug, *I am so pleased to see you here. Thanks for trusting me.* He hadn't seen her since Dreamer had been saved even though he had wanted to.

She looked down at him and returned the hug and gave him an extra squeeze, "Not a problem Pack Father and I am still waiting for you to come over to the Station for a meal. I know you have been busy but I am going to hold you to the meal. If I have to I will talk to your brother." She had to tease him.

Ray snorted and grinned, "Well for a small fee..." He laughed when Gentle and Zantha groaned and lightly smacked him. Even Simon, he was there as well as Storm and Calm, groaned at Ray even though there was a snicker from Simon.

"Ray I really hope the Pack Lord doesn't do anything to me. Hands looks good as a Folician but I am too old for this darn stuff." There were several snorts as they slowly moved into the room.

Since Hands was going to be one of the star witnesses he was seated at the very front along with Long Shot. The two investigators were there as well as Dusty. Since she had started teaching him how to use the suit she was needed. Hands settled down next to her and leaned against her even as he held Nuzzle in his lap and had Savory on the other side. He needed the comfort of Dusty. On the other side of her was Gerdal and he was holding Dusty's son.

Dusty wrapped an arm around him and settled for simply holding him since it had been recommended they be quiet. Just for good measure she leaned over and pressed a kiss on his head. Dusty also gave Nuzzle a kiss on the top of her head and touched Savory on the shoulder. Even if she couldn't, or shouldn't, say anything she could offer some comfort.

It wasn't much later when the initial twelve females were escorted into the room as well as the two males. As of now it didn't include the one who had tried to take Dreamer. His involvement had been borderline and he had already been tried. Trying him again would have been stupid since they didn't need any extra pack involvement. The fourteen adults were seated in two rows of seven off to one side.

Once everyone was in the room the bailiff called for everyone to stand, "Temple Mother Sees Clearly is presiding over this trial." Her voice was low and hard as she spoke. Moments later the Temple Mother walked in and assumed the seat behind the massive desk, "All be seated; the trial is commenced." The Bailiff remained standing next to the desk. Around the room were a number of both Peace Forcers and Military Police for security.

The prosecutor stood, "The charges against the fourteen are numerous but include First Degree murder of twenty people including a number of Peace Forcers, Military, Dreamer's Mother, and several pack members. There are charges of conspiracy, hiding the existence of a Pack Father, and not reporting the death of a Pack Father and Pack Mother. We chose to call Young Pack Father Strong Hands Johnson to the stand."

The Bailiff looked at Hands, "Young Pack Father Strong Hands Johnson please come forward." She waited until he did and held out a book of law, "Please swear to tell the truth as you know it on the higher powers of your choice." It had been modified since they weren't from Folicia.

Strong Hands slowly stood before moving forward and damn it but he was scared. It took a great deal of strength to move forward to where he had been called to. He had been through the fires but damn it he just wanted to go back to his pack and be a kid again. Hands knew better than that since he would never be who he had been again but this was almost too much. When he finally reached the Bailiff, he looked at her and rested a slightly shaky hand on the book, "I swear as a future priest of the Pack Lord, Pack Father of the Pack Liraque, and the Goddess to tell the truth." His eyes were tense yet scared.

She nodded at him as she met his eyes, "Pleased have a seat Young Pack Father Strong Hands Johnson of Pack Liraque." She helped him to the chair and moved back to let the trial continue.

The prosecutor stepped forward, "Good morning Young Pack Father. Can you please tell me what led up to your involvement with the pack member of Zorg named Dreamer?" She kept her voice calm and relaxed.

Hands met her eyes and started talking, "I had been meditating as I was trying to contact the Goddess. I was needing some comfort from her about a previous issue. When I tried to contact her, she responded though it was an order to go to a courtyard. It was something about 'his being lost' though at the time it made no sense to me." Damn it but as hard as he was trying to keep his voice calm and even it was starting to sound stressed.

The prosecutor gave him a slight smile, "Liraque – trainee Nuzzle Johnson come forward and please help your Liraqua." If someone had a Liraque it was normal for them to be involved. When the small girl came forward, she almost dashed across the floor and crawled up onto Hands' lap and tucked her muzzle into his neck. It was obvious they cared for each other as his arms wrapped around her.

"Now can you please describe what happened when you reached the courtyard?" She really was hoping that he would calm down now that Nuzzle was in his lap.

Hands' arms wrapped around Nuzzle and he had to close his eyes. He took a slow deep breath. How he wished he could thank the woman but it would be wrong or so he thought, "Ma'am that is a very complex question since when I arrived in the courtyard the aircar had already crashed." He called forward the memories of what had happened, "Gerdal was there but wasn't able to help since he had just received a ship suit. Dusty had been teaching me how to use my suit, I was told it was an engineering suit, as we had been traveling to get here. I asked Gerdal to help clear the courtyard. As we were doing that I had started some scans on the damages..."

Hands went on to describe what his suit had to tell him about the damages and how he had forwarded it to the rescue team, "Rescue Tech Long Shot and her superiors didn't want me involved but with the urging of the Goddess I did what I had to." Even with Nuzzle's help his voice was starting to get stressed again, "After scanning the vehicle and running some simulations it was decided that the best idea would be for me to crawl under it and try and secure the drive."

The Prosecutor had been feeding him some questions before that point, "Why was it decided you were the best to handle the damages?" This might open the door to the defense but it could also smack them in the face since she had reviewed all the logs.

Hands kept his eyes on hers, "Because I was small enough to get under the vehicle and I could get to the drive with the least amount of impact on the damages already inflicted." His face hardened some and when it did the strain he had been feeling could be seen. Even with the visit to Savory's family he was still dealing with a number of issues, "If someone else had tried it was possible that they might have impacted on the drive. If that had happened the vehicle would have gone up in an explosion based on the scanner readings. Since I had a ship suit even if it had I would have received minimal damage." That idea even now scared him and he was forced to lower his eyes and face to Nuzzle and take a slow breath.

The prosecutor had some additional questions before stating she was done with his questioning for the moment. Now it was the defenses turn and it was going to be hard on him.

*Nuzzle do not let them force you to react to the questions. It is my job to answer them.* Hands sent to her before he looked back up.

The defense had some questions but it could go either way depending on what the pup had to say. With a firm nod she stood up, "Greetings Potential Pack Father Strong Hands Johnson. I have some questions for you as I am sure you know." Calling him a Potential Pack Father was actually the correct term even though he did have a pack,

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