Gloria and Storm had decided to go on a retreat now since neither pack needed the worry of her being there. It was something Storm had mentioned shortly after Gloria had arrived and they had finally decided to go for it. To be honest Gloria was thankful they had taken the chance since they had arrived just before the raid had happened. That had horrified her and especially since she was coming to see what males and packs meant to the Folician's.
The closest she could come to think of it was on a tribal level. It was more than that though. She had been paying a great deal of attention to how Ray dealt with the pack in the short time she had been there. They definitely weren't human with odd body parts. They literally reacted differently to Ray than tribal members would react to a chief or elder. As far as she could tell it had something to do with his being a Pack Father and not just a chief. There were bonds that drew them together and kept them together. What that really meant she wasn't sure of but it did seem to give stability to the Pack which humans wouldn't have.
Storm was watching Gloria as she was thinking. At the moment, they were in an enclosed hot spring looking out over the forest scenery. The enclosure wasn't obviously enclosed since there was a force field keeping the snow out and the warmth in. You could easily step through the shield so it was rather like being outside. As Storm was watching Gloria she couldn't help but lean over and lightly tuck a strand of hair behind one ear. She was pleased that she had been assigned to be Gloria's Liraque. Storm was even happier when Gloria had accepted her request to be her Liraque. She was a very interesting woman and Storm was having a great time getting to know her.
When Gloria felt Storm move the strand of hair, it broke into her thoughts. She smiled at Storm and leaned against her and rested her head on Storm's shoulder. Once Gloria was comfortable she sighed, *I am so sorry about what happened. I can't believe anyone would do anything like that.* Even on earth she couldn't believe people would do some of the things they did. After that both had decided to remain on retreat until the trial or just after. It was one reason she had consider staying here but it just wasn't for her. She had family back on earth which she was very close to and didn't want to lose contact with.
Storm turned slightly towards Gloria and rested her cheek on the top of Gloria's head, *Thank you Gloria. It shocked me down to my soul. It hurt knowing a few people were willing to do anything to stay in power.* She sighed again and closed her eyes and looked very sad, *Let's just enjoy this time as best possible. I will have to deal with it when I go back once our retreat is over. For now I simply want to enjoy being with you.*
Gloria could feel the horror in her sending and gave her a good hug, *We can do that. I think I will make you dinner tonight. I think I have everything I need for something similar to a meal from home.* She wanted to do something to make Storm smile even slightly.
The Instructor had started the testing for the pups. She started with the youngest pups and slowly worked her way to the older pups. The reason she did this was to see if she could identify where any changes to the education started. Normally with the testing learning software was used by it was strictly for identifying the education level of the child. In this case as the data was being generated it was going into a second program which compiled all the results. It then processed it into a vast number of different graphs and charts.
This allowed her to compare different ages, genders, even rank in the pack at the same time. She could also compare them to the standards expected by the government. There weren't a vast number of children to process thankfully. Even if there were, with the processing power inherent in their computers it wouldn't have mattered. By the end of the day she had the pups from five to nine years old done. The balance would be done the next morning. It was enough data for her to start with and already she was seeing discrepancies.
Once she was done she sent a message to Toes, Hands, Dancer, and Golden. Normally she wouldn't have sent it to Hands due to his age but since he was involved he received a copy. Now came the fun part, starting to come up with a training schedule to start getting the pack members up to date.
When Toes and Hands received the message they both opened it up and reviewed it. Hands decided with everything else going on he was going to let the adults deal with it. Hands decided for now his job was to keep the pups busy and occupied. They had been playing off to one side and the pups were starting to relax. The older pups were mostly doing their own thing but all the ones of about fifteen and younger here staying close to his pack. They had been watching movies, playing some games the girls had brought with and talking.
Though the pups were still fairly tense and fearful they were feeling far more relaxed than they had been. His girls had been doing a great deal of comforting and especially Salty. She was spending a most of her time with Rain. Then again Dreamer and River were spending a great deal of time with him as well. He was going to need to talk to Toes about Rain. He was such a quiet and shy boy. Hands didn't know if he would ever be able to act as a pack father even if he had the bracelets and scent. It was something for the adults to deal with. Hands was just going to comfort him and keep an eye on him.
Savory was sitting next to him and looking at the pups as well and her eyes were evaluating. Even as young as she was Savory could sense the difference between these pups and her family. Savory didn't bother including the Liraque Trainee's since they were trained to a higher standard. That and since they were chosen by the Goddess they were outside the norm. These pups, male and female, had a sense of restriction or constraint. It was like they had been deliberately held back for lack of a better word. She really didn't like that feeling and she was going to bring it up tomorrow. They had started having a small Pack Father/Mother meeting each morning.
As expected the solicitors for the defendants had requested the extra time. That wasn't going to stop the trial for the male and females who had tried to take Dreamer away. That trial was going to be held in the court house in a secured court room. Since it involved minors they could do that sealed. Since that case had been ready to go for some time they scheduled it for the next day. A message was sent to all parties responsible with the date and time.
When Ray received it, he leaned against Gentle and sighed, "At least it is a sealed trial. I must admit I am glad for that. I can't help but wonder just how many people are going to show up. I hope they are going to have a large court room waiting." He knew half his pack was going to be there at the least.
Gentle snorted at him before nuzzling his hair, "Believe me I am sure they have the largest one reserved. When the defendants come in they are likely to give up then and there." She couldn't help but feel a slight bit of malice at that thought, "I have ensured your robes are completely ready. I know that Vyra is going in her uniform, as well as the ladies going for support."
Zantha glanced at the two and a slight smile crossed her face. Tonight might be a good night to distract the two of them. If it worked she was going to enjoy it. With a slight smile on her face and a curl to her whiskers she stood up and took her cup to the kitchen. When she came back she walked behind the couch Ray and Gentle was on and leaned over. She lightly pressed her muzzle against his hair and inhaled before nibbling on his ear.
Ray watched Zantha go to the kitchen and figured she was going to head upstairs to bed. Anymore he didn't even blink at the idea of having her in the bed along with Gentle. He had gotten used to it with Flitter and now he enjoyed it. When she came back and sniffed his hair he had to smile. The smile lasted right up until she nibbled on his ear. Ray was getting used to it but that still tended to get a major reaction. His ears shot straight up, he jerked up right, and actually squeaked in shock.
Gentle turned and looked at Zantha and then Ray and a knowing grin, "I think someone was wondering if you wanted to go and have a bit of fun." Zantha had talked to her about it earlier and Gentle had been pleased. Knowing Zantha was interested in Ray was a compliment.
Ray turned and glowered at Gentle since he knew she was laughing at him, "Well someone could have just asked. Just for that I am going to pout. Both of you can just sleep down here for that." Just for good measure he crossed his arms and gave a good mock pout.
Zantha nuzzled his hair again, *But someone did ask, just not in a verbal way. So if you need me to I would like to join you in bed and not just to sleep Ray. Tomorrow is going to be a long day and you need to get rid of some stress.* As she was sending to him she was nuzzling his neck and Zantha was pleased when he tilted his head for better access.
Ray tilted his head as she pressed kisses against his hair and neck, *That was still a horribly sneaky thing to do. I almost jumped out of the seat.* He had been considering asking himself but he had been too busy taking care of the ladies of his pack. They had to come before anything else, *I think I would definitely enjoy that.* He slipped off the couch and held a hand out to Gentle. He smiled when she took his hand and stood up.
Ray turned and gave Zantha a pleased smile, "Shall we?" When she walked around the couch he wrapped an arm around her and the three of them walked upstairs, "So would you like a bath first or maybe a full contact massage?" Even though he was taller now he was still shorter than either of the women. He almost felt silly at times but Gentle had never complained.
Zantha wrapped her arm around his shoulder and leaned lightly against him, "So are you are asking me to give you a full contact massage? I think that is somewhat backwards Pack Father. I think you should be giving me one." There was a definite pleased rumble in her voice as she teased him.
Ray laughed at her, "Silly female I figured I wanted to get my hands on you. Gentle seems to like the feel of my hands running across her body. I have a feeling you will also." When they walked into the bedroom he stepped away and pulled his robes off. Though he had seen Zantha nude before he couldn't help but appreciate her looks again as she stripped down.
She was about three inches shorter than Gentle was and though still muscled was slenderer. Her looks were an almost exact opposite of Gentle's. Where Gentle was mostly black with brown overtones Zantha was pale, almost white. Her hair was as close to being white as a Folician could be. Her black nipples stood out in stark contrast to her pale skin. As his eyes traveled down her body he appreciated her figure. Her chest slimed down to her toned waist before widening out to meet her hips. The diamond shape of her pubic hair was the same color as her hair. Unlike most Folician's she did trim her fur short. She also had a dark tattoo which swirled down from one shoulder, around the curve of one breast and down to her navel. It was almost what he would call a tribal tattoo but not quite.
Gentle couldn't help but smile as Ray really looked at her friend. She swapped looks with Zantha and both smiled. Gentle came up behind Ray and wrapped her arms around him, "See something you like Pack Father? She is a good looking woman, isn't she? We have been waiting for you to have time. She cares for you a great deal as well." No, it wasn't the way Gentle or Flitter had felt but she had grown to care for him as their Liraque.
Ray looked up at Gentle and gave her a shy smile, "I have always thought she was very good looking and yes, I have been curious but as you said I had to take care of the pack. For tonight I am going to take a bit of time for us." He gently removed her arms and moved over to Zantha and reached up and wrapped his hands around the back of her neck. Ray pulled her head down and pressed his muzzle against hers, *I am planning on enjoying this a great deal.*
When Hands and the others received the message, he leaned back against the chair and simply closed his eyes. Nuzzle came over and crawled into his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck. She pressed her muzzle against his neck and simply held him. In this case, it wasn't for him but for her. Nuzzle was remembering not just the assault but the sadness of Dreamer and the loss of his mother.
As Hands was wrapping his arms around Nuzzle, Savory called Dreamer over and urged him to sit down as well. She started singing quietly to him since they were going to need to tell him. For now, she was going to comfort him and then tell them.
Toes had an arm around Singer and gave her a squeeze. In his other arm was one of the pack females. He was watching Hands and Savory and even though they had his sympathy he was pleased by the actions. Even if he was a newer Pack Father than Hands he was an adult and had helped run the Harem for a number of years, *With some more training and education Hands is going to make the Pack Lord proud Singer.*
She was leaned against Toes and resting her head on his shoulder. She was watching as well and had to smile. Singer was doing better since dealing with this pack was helping her to deal with some of her issues, *He is and so are you Toes. I have a question for you though and no it isn't about the mating.*
He leaned over and nuzzled the top of her head before licking one ear, *What is your question?* Toes turned and gave the other female a light nuzzle and lightly nipped at her ear. He had been working with Thunder to sleep with the most stressed. Not just for sex but to comfort them. Now that Thunder was an adult she had been enjoying time with some of the females also.
Singer didn't tense but there was a slight change in her scent, *So when were you going to tell me I am pregnant?* She had been thinking about it since Thunder had announced she was pregnant. That and the Temple Mother had announced it as well. It just made sense to her. Just because she was ill-educated didn't mean she was stupid.
Toes did sigh this time, *I was going to tell you once the fun and excitement was over. You were stressed enough with my asking you to be my mate when the time felt right. That wasn't even mentioning what happened earlier this week. I wasn't trying to hide it from you since that is sort of pointless. I won't apologize for not telling you.* He sent a surge of affection to her and waited for her to speak.
To be honest Singer didn't know what to think. Her life had changed so much over the last few months, *I am not happy with this Toes. I know I was in heat but how did this happen? We aren't supposed to get pregnant until we are retired.* She was very confused by that. It wasn't so much that Toes had managed it but that it had happened.
He was still paying attention to the other female which she appeared to be enjoying, *Singer I wish I could tell you. It shocked Dancer as well as Golden when both of you came back as pregnant. I can't say I am sorry since I think you will be beautiful round with our pup or pups. I also think in the long run you will be a good mother. I know you have your problems but we can overcome them together. I don't expect you to focus on only raising them since you have training you have to do. I was considering asking Ray and Gentle if they would take care of the pups during the day.* Toes hoped that would be acceptable to her.
Singer twitched when he mentioned the Temple Mother and Pack Father being shocked, *Oh...* Her voice was very quiet when she sent that. The idea they didn't know bothered her even more. She was going to have to think about this for a while, *Um, I need to think about this Toes. I don't know what to say or think right now.*
He turned and nuzzled Singers closest ear, *I was thinking of inviting this lady to the room. If you want or need some comfort I can do otherwise.* He would take care of Singer over anyone else unless it was urgent. In this case, even though it might be good for the female but was it right for Singer.
She closed her eyes though she smiled slightly at the nuzzle, *No it's fine, this pack needs you. I think I am going to get a hug from Hands and relax with them for a while. Go take care of her.* Singer stood up and walked over to the couch Hands was on and settled down next to him and wrapped an arm around him.
The next morning Hands and Savory rolled out of bed and gathered up Nuzzle and Dreamer. After a quick shower, they took their time getting ready. For Savory and Nuzzle it was relatively easy – they wore their Liraque Trainee robes. The only difference was Savory had on her Pack Mother necklace and Nuzzle her pack necklace. Dreamer had on his pack Liraque necklace and some very nice robes. For Hands, he had on some very nice robes as well which showed he was a pack father. He also had on his Pack Father necklace, Pack Lord Priest necklass, as well as the Pack Johnson necklace.
As the final touch, all of them had the black ribbon with the Pack Liraque emblem attached. They walked out and found Toes, Singer, and Thunder waiting as well. Kyth came out moments later and she was dressed as well. With a slight nod to them she came over and joined them, "The air car is waiting. I didn't think you were going to be hungry but I made some coffee for you. I also have some snacks in a bag for when you might be hungry." She gave him a hug and a good kiss, *Make us proud.*
Hands returned the hug and kiss before moving over to Savory, "We are ready to go Toes. Shall we?" When Toes grasped his shoulder, and gave it a good squeeze Hands relaxed slightly before following him out. When his Pack stopped to give him some hugs he sent his appreciation to them. Once that was done they left the building and headed to the air car.
About the same time much the same was happening at Hunter's and Morning's house, the temple, and Pack Johnson. Soon air cars were aimed towards the court house. They arrived in a secure loading dock. Inside and out were plenty of Peace Forcers, air cars, and security vehicles. Nobody was taking any chances. As each vehicle arrived the occupants were escorted into the building. Eventually everyone had arrived and was escorted inside.
They were taken directly to the court room and Hands had to roll his eyes, "Sheesh, enough people? This is like overkill darn it. Why not just a simple his is guilty and I can go and let Savory get her hands on my back?" Hands had to whine slightly even as he winked at Ray.
Gentle reached around Ray and lightly bonked him, "Rotten young Pack father, deal with it or else." She did give him a good hug before giving the others with him a good hug, "Love all of you and we are just here for moral support." Then again, she was not feeling gentle at the moment. Frankly she wanted to beat the shit out of the asshole even if he was male. Especially since he was male and he should
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