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I smiled, "come on clint, why don't we go run?" I asked it poking at his side.

He nodded and we walked out, I was only out for like an hour because of the fight. They thank god didn't cut my clothes off me and since I was about to go running I didn't bother to change.

We went out on the deck/port , we were on the water not that we would be even able to go out if we had been in the air. They have a track around the ship. It was for agents and heroes to use seeing how most of the time we were not on land. I stretched, Clint watched me as he did to. He had changed into just shorts, god I think I might start to faint . I think i found my weakness as a woman, muscles. I flushed, hehe. He was hot, it was simple. But I liked him for him, him being hot was just a plus. His abs rippled down his flawless skin, and he had solid pecks. I had taken of my tank top being in my sports bra, I had realized it was ripped so I took off the tank top. It was hot out here anyway, so why not?

"Alright ready?" He asked it moving next to me. He had a smirk on his face as if to tease me.

I just took off running, laughing. Running straight on I was pretty fast and it seemed like I just kept getting even more fast as time went on.

"Jesus!" He was next to me, his body pumping."Lets slow down speedy." He smiled, we slowed and jogged.

---a while later---

I panted on all fours, "haha! that was fun!" I said it laughing.

He lay on his back the sun beating down on us. He smiled, "So I think you are faster then me in a long shot." He said it grabbing my hand and playing with my fingers.

I huffed, I starred at the ground.  I heard a high pitch sound. "rose!!!" I was tackled, I gasped. At least i thought i was tackled.

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