Chapter Four

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  ⚜️Clara Starkov⚜️

It was several days later when we were finally nearing Os Alta. Peter hadn't spoken to me once the entire journey. I know it was my fault we were on this path but his silence  wasn't any less painful. At least I wasn't having to comfort him, I was barely holding myself together. My entire life mother always told us the importance of staying hidden. She was wanted and therefore so were we. I've lived in fear of a man I've never met for most of my life. She left so that we could be safe and I jeopardized everything, putting all of us in danger. Everything is all my fault.

The guards inside the carriage have changed everyday. The only consistent face has been Fedyor. However I don't think he particularly likes us. His anger is just as justified as Peters. Mother, or Alina Starkov I guess, abandoned the Grisha. She and Mal abandoned Ravka.

As we traveled by the small towns and city's the guards let us out to stretch our legs occasionally. At first I had tried to use the opportunity as a means of escape, however upon a quick survey of the Oprichniki I could see that they're numbers had greatly expanded.
There were now at least 25 Oprichniki and a handful of Grisha accompanying us to the King. They really had no proof we were anything so it was surprising what felt like a whole army had come to keep me in check.

There was only a day left of our journey when we stopped for the last time in a small fishing village. The air was fowl, but it was better than a stuffy carriage. Two Grisha heat renders stood by my side and I guided me along the village outskirts so I could walk. From the corner of my vision I saw a statue, falling into rumble and disrepair. It was that of a "saint", Mother... I stopped cold in my tracks and looked the right of her. There was a taller statue of man with a cold face. His liking did not look angelic. He was beautiful yes, but it was a cold cruel beauty.

I turned in my heels and ran with Grisha guards chasing after me. "Stop! Slow down!" They were screaming but I couldn't here. Why the hell would this village pay tribute to a monster.

"NOW GRAB HER!" Suddenly I was tackled from behind, my arms splayed in front of me with the guard pinning me to the ground. Spitting the dirt from my mouth I hissed at him.

"I wasn't trying to escape or flee, so do you think you could let go of me now?" He grunted in reply and lifted me up from the ground.

I was escorted back in the carriage with door firmly shut. What did they think I would do, blind one or two of them and be taken by the rest? It wasn't as though I could even do much harm without proving myself a Grisha. Or worse, summoning shadows and proving myself a heretic.

Whatever there reason for such extreme cation it was annoying as saints to be treated like a bomb that my go off at any time.


When we entered the capitol city there were people standing by the sides of streets. It must be normal for carriages to travel through but I'm sure there hadn't been this many Oprichniki present without the King in they're memory. I know he is immortal and that Grisha like mother will age more slowly. Father used to say she looked the same as she had when she was 17. Though of course she was probably less tired. God she was always so exhausted. So pale and thin no how much she ate. And her ever brittle hair. White as snow, I presumed she hadn't been born with it that color. Peters was brown like Mal's and mine was dark and thick, mother's must have been black before it lost color.

I was pulled from my thoughts as the gates into the palace opened. Oh saints this was really happening. I looked to Peter, all of the anger fell from his face as we looked at each other. I grabbed his hand and squeezed tight. I hoped he knew I was sorry.

"Be strong." He nodded and looked down at our hands.

"Clara I'm scared.."

"I know, I am too."

We stopped moving and the carriage doors opened. The palace was a lot different than mother described, she always said it was ugly and over extravagant. The place I saw felt, graceful. And strangely full of life, servants and nobles were walking about the grounds. They all seemed a lot...happier than I had beloved court could be.

Of course when they saw our precession they stopped and gauked. As we walked to the giant doors of the palace entrance there were people whispering into each others ear all around. No doubt gossiping about what the prisoners might have done, if we would be put to death. My hands were in irons still as we entered. I felt like I was walking off a cliff. My breath was in even and sharp as I tried not to cry. If not for myself then for Peter, I could be strong.

As we entered the throne room everything around me seemed to darken. To a passerby it wouldn't look very odd, the change was slight. But Peter probably knew, and he knew what would happen if I lost control. He reached for my hand but a Grisha stepped in the way.

"No,"He paused a look of distance on his face. "She goes alone otkastsya." Grabbing Peter by the arm he drug him across the room to a side door.

I wanted to scream, I knew it wouldn't do him any good but I wanted to do something.

An Oprichniki left for a door beside the throne and entered swiftly. I took a moment to actually see my surroundings. The Throne was in the center back of the room, everything else seemed to gravitate to it. It was black and embellished with little gold suns in eclipse, the kings symbol. 

I'm a flash the door swung open and the man I had feared since birth stormed into the room.

"WHERE IS SHE!" He turned to one of his personal guard. "I have just informed you have a sun summoner. So where, is Alina Starkov!" His cold rage was evident enough but there was something more in his tone. It felt to me like he was a very, very unhappy man. Whatever loss he felt must have been powerful. Not that I would ever feel pity for a monster like him.

"Moi sovereignty," the guard from before (the cottage) gulped, "it is not Alina Starkov that we have." He managed to spit out stuttering at the end. The darkling looked like he was about murder the bastard.

"It's this girl, from an area about a days ride from the sikorzoy. She was in the village near her home when she blinded a man trying to buy her goods." I snorted. Yeah he was trying to buy goods sure just maybe not the kind I was selling, "The man reported the incident to us and we left immediately to find her."

He looked at me slowly, his eyes were as  piercing as the ones of the statue in that fishing village. What an odd likeness, he had the same cold beauty but unlike the statue there were scars upon his face.

"You mean to tell me you brought this girl here and you do t even know if she Grisha." His voice was nearly shaking with rage.

He turned to me again. I wanted so badly to back far, far away."What is your name child?"

I considered not answering but he had Peter.

"Your full name..."

He wouldn't know if I lied. "Clara Ivanov"

"Clara if you want that little boy you came in with to remain alive you should really try telling me the truth.." How the saints...

I was shaking in fear, gulping I tried to speak.
"My name is Clara Aleksandra," he winced,  "Starkov."

"Where is Alina, your mother I presume." His eyes looked almost dead.

"I don't know, she left me." My voice broke, I should have just said she was dead.

"And who is your father?"

"Malyen Oretzev." The pain was unbearable it was like I could feel his anger and heartbreak.

"Lift out your arm." Panicking I started to back away.

"Your arm... Clara" I held it out and he pushed up my sleeve. What in the saints, was he going to cut off my hand?

He brought his wrists together in a crash and the room exploded into darkness. He grabbed hold of my wrist and I felt a calming surety rush over me. I could feel his energy, it felt so familiar. Like I had felt it in myself.

There was a rising feeling in my gut. No no, no, he was trying to make me summon. If it happened like this I couldn't control if it was shadows or light that was called. No no, no. Not like this, if can't... The room exploded in light, darkness swirled in and around me. I could see the darklings face, I could see the fear  in him.

He snatched his wrist from my arm and I fell to the floor sobbing. "Please, please, oh god please don't hurt Peter! He's normal he's an otkastya and he didn't do anything wrong." Tears we're streaming down my face onto the shiny marble floor.

"Everyone out, now. Don't say a word of what you saw." It was barely more than a whisper but the room was emptied almost immediately.

I was still on the ground sobbing and shaking when he bent down to get a better look at me.

"Clara how old are you?" His voice was almost gentle as he took my chin and lifted my face level with his he studied me and I paused dumbfounded.

"I'm 16." It was simple answer but he stood up quickly. Picking up an ornate vase he smashed against the wall where it crumbled away to dust.

Startled I jumped and he started at me. This time he was the one who looked shocked.

He called for his guards and a servant. I stood up trying to wipe the tear tracks from my face. Was he going to kill me now? But no he didn't raise his hands to summon shadow, he turned and spoke to a servant.

"Go prepare the Royal suite next to Lord Ben's, we have a guest." the maid left the throne room and he turned and started talking with his guards.

"I want at least one Oprichniki and one Grisha with her at all times out of the palace. And Oprichniki stationed outside her chamber door." They nodded as the king continued to give orders. "Make sure she bathed and ea-"

"What's going on! You took me as a prisoner. Kill me or lock me up but don't play games." He walked to me and I backed away. Oh saints  Saints, shit. He lifted his hand and swiftly reached for the back of my neck. I braced myself for immanent death but it didn't come. Instead I fell down to the marble beneath me. And instead of crashing I fell right into his arms.

A/n probably not another update until Saturday or Sunday. I have two tests on Friday (Geometry and Biology), and a test on Monday (A.P. World) all of witch I am woefully unprepared for. Kill me now. Also PSATS ARE IN LIKE 3 WEEKS!! Oml I'm drowning. Thsi chapter is unedited because I am exhausted. As always thank you for reading, leave comments please it makes me soooo happy to know people are enjoying the story! Love you all<3
Also 2000 word chapter...good job me.


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