Ch 36 ~ The Lady of Rivendell

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The Lady of Rivendell floats through the halls of her home, little more than a phantom with her light steps and pale, drifting gown. She doesn't know how much time had passed since she had returned, spending what seemed like eternity in the cold darkness of that mountain pass.

She can not remember much.

Just the dark.

And red. So much red.

It bit at her skin and tore at her mind day, after day, after day.

She had thought it would never end.

But then there had been a battle. And two identical faces had broken the darkness.


Her sons.

Yes, her sons had come to save her.

Elladan and Elrohir.

They were the ones who brought her back. To this place.


Yes, to Rivendell.

Her home.

To a dark-haired maiden with eyes like glittering stars that wept at the sight of her.

Her daughter. Arwen.

Her raven-haired daughter of Rivendell.

Her daughter.

Did she only have one? She can't remember.

She looks down at her white hands. The red is all gone now.

They are pale, not even the whisper of a mark remaining on them.

Was it really that long ago that they had been stained red?

But now they are white, pale in the silvery moonlight.

Someone had gotten rid of the terrible red that had plagued her thoughts. Had healed her.


Her husband.

Raised voices interrupt the silence of the night. The Lady drifts towards them, listening. They are arguing.

About... 'her'?

About 'Celebríel'.



Her daughter.

Her golden-haired daughter of Lórien.

Celebríel. Her daughter.

Where was she?

A dark-haired elf bursts into the hall, interrupting her thoughts. Elrohir.

He is angry.

But he notices her then, a silver phantom fading into the moonlight.

"Mother, you should be resting."


She is tired.

But his voice reminds her.

She is tired, but she manages to speak.


She does not recognize the sound of her own voice.

It is faint.


His face is sad as his hands rest on her shoulders.

They are warm. And she is...


So cold.

"Let's go, naneth."

His voice is soft.


But she can not forget.



Where is she?

Where is her daughter of Lórien?

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