Leaving Beorn

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A couple mornings later, Valadhiel was packing up her sleeping mat and other belongings, including strapping all of her weapons onto herself. She still wore the necklace that Beorn had given her, and she hardly ever took it off. It even fit in her other forms, as the chain expanded and thickened when she shifted.

The past couple of days with her uncle had been both fun and interesting, and she had learned a lot of new things about not only her mother, but about herself, too. Thanks to the new information, she could shift quicker, heal faster, and she even had a couple of new forms as well. Not only had she learned new things about herself, but she had mended her shirt so Thorin could have his coat back, and she had been given a coat by Beorn, who had altered it so it would fit her better.

However, it was now time to leave and make their way to Mirkwood, so Valadhiel would have to say goodbye to her uncle. She had no idea when she would see him again, but she felt deep down that she would indeed see him again one day soon.

Once she was outside, she looked around at the dwarves, who were getting the ponies Beorn was lending them ready to set off. Valadhiel turned to Beorn when he walked out and smiled at him. "Thank you again for lending us the ponies. It will make our journey go much faster."

"Anything for family." Beorn replied with a smile, gently ruffling the top of her head, messing her hair up a little. "Just remember to-"

"Let them go before we enter the forest." Valadhiel finished with a grin. "I'll remember, and I will make sure the dwarves let them go. Not a single pony will enter that place."

Beorn gave a nod after Valadhiel spoke. "I suppose I have said it enough, and you have assured me enough that you'll free the ponies, so I won't mention it again."

"Valadhiel." Dwalin called over to her. "Come, we're ready to leave."

"I'll be right there. And if I take too long, go on without me; I'll catch up." Valadhiel replied before she turned to Beorn. She then climbed up onto a stump and gave her very tall uncle a hug. "Thank you for everything. For telling me about my mother, about my ancestors, and about me."

Beorn flinched, but he then smiled and hugged his very short niece. "You're welcome. And of course. I'm sure you wanted to know all about the secrets of your mother, ancestors, and yourself. I hope they come in useful for whenever they may be needed." He let Valadhiel go before giving a whistle. "I have one more thing for you."

Valadhiel furrowed her brow and tilted her head, then looked to her left when she heard a horse cantering their way. Her eyes widened when she spotted the beautiful equine. His hair glimmered and shone like gold in the sun, and his every movement was graceful. "This is no ordinary horse... he's of the Mearas, isn't he?"

"He is." Beorn replied as the horse stopped next to Valadhiel. "His name is Glewellin, and he is almost as fast as Shadowfax, the lord of all horses. He stopped by last night, and I know he wishes to help you."

Valadhiel petted the muzzle of Glewellin and smiled. "Golden Song. A beautiful and fitting name." She commented, then she looked at Beorn again when he continued before she mounted the golden steed. "I accept your help, and thank you for coming to my aid."

Glewellin whinnied and tossed his head gently, then he turned towards the direction the dwarves and Gandalf had set off in. It was time that this elleth got caught up to them, even if she was dreading the forests of Mirkwood.

Valadhiel chuckled. "All right, we'll go now." She told the eager stallion, then she looked at Beorn once more. "Again, thank you."

Beorn gave a nod in response. "If you ever need anything, don't hesitate in sending someone for me. I will be there."

"I will keep that in mind." Valadhiel replied with a smile, then she turned to face the direction the dwarves had gone. "I'm ready, Glewellin. Goodbye, Uncle Beorn!"

"Farewell, Valadhiel. Safe travels."


Valadhiel had caught up to the others quickly, and they all rode together either in silence or as they made small talk. However, everyone was quiet for the most part. It seemed that everyone was anxious about the forest they would come upon.

A wave of uneasiness flowed over Valadhiel once she laid her eyes on the forest. It was different since the last time she had been to Greenwood. Mirkwood was now a more fitting name, sadly.

The elvish dragon dismounted once they had come to a stop near the forest, and she looked around at all of the dwarves. "It's time to unpack the ponies and send them back."

"Why can't we keep at least just a few?" Nori asked. "Beorn wouldn't know the difference."

"Or even keep them all. What could he do about it?" Dori questioned. "We've already had them overnight. We can send them back once we're through the forest."

Valadhiel raised a brow, then she noticed something large out of the corner of her eye. She looked up and smiled when she saw a very large brown bear, then she looked at the dwarves again. "It looks like my uncle came to make sure you release his ponies."

Bilbo looked behind him where Valadhiel was looking, then he turned to the dwarves. "It looks like Vala is right. I'm no bear expert, but I would say that the bear back there is much larger than your average bear."

"Release the ponies." Thorin finally said, having been talking to Gandalf before he heard the conversation going on between the elf, hobbit, and his men.

Once the ponies had been unpacked and sent on their way, Valadhiel turned to the forest with a frown. "This forest is very different from the one I once knew. It feels..."

"Sick." Bilbo finished when Vala trailed off. "As if a disease lies upon it. Is there no way around?"

"Not unless we go two hundred miles north, or twice that distance south." Gandalf answered. He followed the path a little ways and stopped by a statue covered by overgrown plants.

Valadhiel sighed before she went back to staring at the forest. After a moment of staring, a fiery eye flashed through her mind, and she heard Bilbo gasp around the same time she inhaled sharply. She glanced at the hobbit before she sent a thought to him. 'I know about that ring of yours, Bilbo.'

Bilbo glanced around at the others before he looked at Valadhiel. 'You do?' He thought back to her before she looked away.

'Yes. Don't worry, your secret is safe with me. However, I think you should tell Gandalf about it the next chance you get. I have a hunch that there's more to that magic ring than meets the eye.'

Gandalf walked towards his horse, which the dwarves had been about to unpack. "Not my horse! I need it."

"You're leaving us?" Bilbo asked, turning toward the wizard.

"I would not do this unless I had to." Gandalf replied as he looked at Bilbo. "You've changed, Bilbo Baggins. You're not the same hobbit as the one who left the Shire."

Bilbo glanced at Valadhiel before he looked at Gandalf again. "I was going to tell you; I... found something in the goblin tunnels."

"What did you find?" Gandalf asked after he leaned forward curiously.

Bilbo put his hand in his pocket and fumbled with the ring. He again glanced at Valadhiel, then he withdrew his hand from his pocket before he replied. "My courage."

Valadhiel sighed a little. That was true, but it wasn't the entire truth. He had found something else in those tunnels. Something round, golden, and possibly dangerous. She had a feeling that Gandalf already knew of it and had his own suspicions, however.

"Good." Gandalf said, nearly sounding disappointed, but hiding it. "Well, that's good. You'll need it." He turned and walked to his horse, and he began speaking again as he passed Thorin. "I'll be waiting for you at the overlook, before the slopes of Erebor. Keep the map and key safe. Do not enter that mountain without me."

Valadhiel swallowed and looked at the forest once more. Her stomach churned as she thought about the dangers that must be in the forest now. She'd heard rumors, but she had hoped that they had only been rumors. However, now that she was looking at it and could sense how much it had changed, she had a feeling that the rumors were indeed true.

"This is not the Greenwood of old." Gandalf continued. "The very air of the forest is heavy with illusion. It will seek to enter your mind and lead you astray."

"Lead us astray?" Bilbo whispered to Valadhiel. "What does that mean?"

"I have a bad feeling that we will soon find out." Valadhiel whispered in response.

"You must stay on the path." Gandalf added after he mounted his horse. "Do not leave it. If you do, you will never find it again." He wheeled his horse around, took off, then called over his shoulder, "No matter what may come, stay on the path!"

"Something tells me we should stay on the path." Valadhiel murmured, partially to herself.

"We'd best do as Gandalf says." Bilbo said, looking at Valadhiel before he looked at the dwarves, who had all turned to face the forest by now.

"Come on." Thorin said before he began walking. "We must reach the mountain before the sun sets on Durin's Day."

"Durin's Day." Dwalin said. "Let's go!"

Valadhiel watched as the dwarves and Bilbo entered the forest, then she looked at Glewellin before patting his muzzle. "Thank you for bringing me here. I hope we meet again one day." She told him softly. She then took a deep breath, held it a moment, slowly released it, then walked into the forest.

Once she was in the forest, the elf looked around. It was dark, dreary, and the place gave her the creeps. Of course, she dreaded everything about this forest. She had a dark secret that she had told no one about. Only Gandalf, Elrond, and her uncle knew of the incident. It was the main reason she wished so badly to avoid this place.

"You seem uneasy." Fili commented after a moment, falling back to walk alongside Valadhiel, who was all the way in the back. She was normally walking next to Thorin, Bilbo, Balin, Bofur, Ori, or Kili and himself.

"Well, aren't you?" Valadhiel asked in an almost defensive tone. "This place just feels dangerous. As Bilbo said, it feels as if it's sick."

Kili fell back with his brother and Valadhiel, walking on her left while Fili walked on her right. "And the Barrow-Downs didn't? Come on, Vala, we know something is up."

"And you know you can trust us, lass." Bofur, who had overheard the conversation and also knew that something was up, told the fiery-haired elf.

"Aye." Gloin added. "We've known each other long enough. I'm sure by this point we would still like you even if you'd killed someone."

Valadhiel bit her lower lip and glanced away from everyone, staring at her feet as she walked. She occasionally looked up to look at her surroundings, but she dared not look at the dwarves or the hobbit.

Thorin glanced back and noticed, so he stopped walking and turned around. Oftentimes, when Valadhiel fell silent after a comment such as that, it meant that something was up. "Vala, what's wrong?"

Valadhiel sighed shakily. "Nothing, this place just gives me the creeps." She replied, swallowing and composing herself before she began walking again. "So let's get out of here as quickly as we can."

Kili and Fili glanced at each other with furrowed brows, then shared a look with Thorin, Bofur, Balin, and Dwalin. The rest of the dwarves all shared looks as well, but they decided that it would be best to not push Valadhiel for information. She would only get angry, and that was the last thing they needed at the moment.


^This is the golden Mearas known as Glewellin.

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