Lee Felix Yongbook x Y/N

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You and Felix meet years ago at a bakery/café you worked at. He kept coming back and he'd make small talk. He ended up getting your number and you guys began to talk. Of course you stand Stray Kids, so you knew who he was and some things about him. But you treated him as someone you had became friends. Felix found this refreshing. One day he asked you to go out with him and take you on a carnival date he asked you to be his romantic partner in the most cheesiest way. But it was so cute to you, he asked you at the top of the fairest wheel. So cute!

Present day

You have been waiting for Felix to come home from work. He had promised to have a movie night with sweets and cuddles. Yet he was no where to be found. Obviously you weren't mad. The group was going on a tour soon, he had to put the extra time in. In your head you hoped he was taking care of himself as you slowly fell asleep. It was almost midnight you couldn't help but sleep.

Around one o'clock in the morning Felix came into the house tired but wanted to see you. He took his shoes off at the door and went to your guy's room but you weren't there. He got worried, then remembered what he had promised that night and checked the living room. There you were on the couch laying there with sweets in their boxes on the coffee table, untouched, and movies ready. He frowned feeling bad for not keeping his promise and put everything away. He went to you, your h/c all messy and covering your closed eyes.

"My sunshine.." he said to himself softly as he carefully picked up you up and cradled you making sure you stayed asleep. He carries you back to your guys' bed. Laying you down on your side he covered you up and kissed your head before changing into pajamas. He carefully got into bed with you and wrapped his arms around you. He held you in a warm soft embrace as you slept. Your body melting into him as you slept. Your head nuzzled into his chest, he softly rubbed your back slowly falling asleep while holding you in that soft embrace.

In the morning when you woke up, you felt that oh so familiar embrace. You cuddled into him closer and that's when you heard the deep slightly raspy voice of your boyfriend.

"Morning, sunshine" he hummed to you softly and you smiled widely looking up at him. Moving you hair out of your face he kissed your forehead

"I'm sorry we weren't able to have movie night.." he said obviously upset about it. You shook your head

"It's ok babe, I understand you're busy with your upcoming tour. Maybe when you're not so busy we can have our movie night?" You smiled softly and kissed his cheek. He nodded, you could see he relaxed more knowing you understood.

Both of you got up and out of bed, getting dressed for the day and making pancakes together. Felix got out the whip cream and got some on his finger and got some on your nose. Which you got some on your finger and got some on his nose both of you laughing. He tried to get you again but you ran away. Running after you in the apartment, both of you laughing he caught you wrapping his arms around your waist.

"Let me goooo!" You whined still laughing

Felix giggled "Neva!" He said picking you up by your waist and taking you back to the kitchen finishing the pancakes.

As you both sat down to eat you looked over at Felix eating and smiled. You were happy just to be dating some like him. You were happy to have someone like him. He looked over to you feeling your eyes and smiled to you softly. Smiling back you you began to eat. After you both cleaned up before Felix went to work he embraced you in a tight hug. You obviously hugged back just as tight

"I love you.." Felix said into your ear softly and tenderly. You smiled widely and a soft loving

"I love you too.." came from you before you both pulled away and you watched as he left for work.

I apologize that this won't be in order of oldest to youngest. Felix came to me first when I was thinking of what to write and so that's why I'm starting with. I hope you guys don't mind!

I do hope you guys enjoyed!

Have a good day/afternoon/night! <33

​​​​Remember, you make Stray Kids STAY


Word count: 776

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