Chapter 5:

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Augustine aka Winter: The Sexy Ass Stud

Augustine aka Winter is 17 years old, 6 feet, and a junior in high school. She's part Puerto Rican, Caribbean, Black and Spanish. Her hair is cut short with her sides shaved , and dyed a white/blondish color. She  has tattoos running up her arms to her chest and up her neck. She is a Leo. (yes i know what your thinking....does she lick her lips every now n then, does she stop and pose out of nowhere for no important reason, does she make the light skin face.yes she does ALL that and more..She's a handful!!!!!!!!!). But, she's cool people's. She has a smile of an angel and voice of a goddess. She's the school's star basketball player  and Knows how to play the guitar.  Here and there she writes her own songs, poems, books and sometimes perform for the school. She is very active, hyper, and not normal at all. For example, she has different colored/decorated socks for every season, holiday, month, and everyday of the week. Yes, i know.. weird. I don't know how she does it, but she does.

Oh! but let's not forget she's a gay magnet. What do i mean by that. Well, Winter just has this special power to turn almost every girl she meets bi or gay. When i say she pulls girls... SHE PULLS GIRLS.... She could just lick her lips and a whole bunch of girls would fall at her feet and confess their undying love for her. No joke. She can just smile at you and you'll just be like "Oh shit...Im gay/bi".

She is over protective of what's hers. If your her girlfriend she gon hold you down like no other. Can't nobody do you better than yours truly, Augustine Winter. She had PLENTY of girlfriends, but she's not a hoe. (she's just a lost pup looking for wa she would say) Winter isn't a hoe her relationships just doesn't last no more than a week. But she does have something special for two girls.

Ashley: Winter's been wanting to be with Ashley since forever. She's  been trying to get at her for 8 months now, but Ashley continues to use that same ol excuse. "I'm going through a lot right now, and i'm just not ready for a relationship. " But she continues to flirt with winter and send her mixed messages playing with her heart and feelings without even knowing it. 

Mya: Crazy Ex girlfriend. Winter and Mya use to go out,but had a fall out when Mya caught Winter kissing another girl in the girls locker room. Winter wants to be with Mya because she still loves her. Mya loved winter too death and gave her her all. She made Winter feel free even tho she was hgih key crazy asf, but that didn't bother winter because that's what she loved about Mya. Mya knew how to hold down Winter. She still loves Winter too, but not sure she can trust her with her heart again because of what happened before. They still flirt and act like a couple tho.

Winter is madly in love with both Mya and Ashley, but can't choose between them. She refuses let either of them go, but she will have to choose between them sooner than later. Way sooner than she thinks.


(The girls decided to hang out after school and watch the boys practice for football)

Daeshanae, Asia, Precious, Ruthette and Tie sat in the bleachers cheering the boys on.

Precious: Yo I swear the niggas look sooooooooo fine in their uniform. (Cocks her head to the side to get a better look.)

Asia: Mmmmm... Girl tell me about it. Do you see the way their ass moves in those TIGHTS!!! (Asia nearly screams, zooming in closer with her binoculars.)

Precious looks over and realizes that Asia had a pair of binoculars.

Precious: Omggg no you didn't!

Asia: (zooms in closer on her boyfriend Adrian) yes i did.

Precious: Do you got another pair for ya sus.

All of a sudden Asia gets overly excited and reaches for her purse.

Asia: YASSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!! I came prepared. I got all ya.

She pulls out 3 pairs of binoculars with each of our names on it and handed it to us.


Tie: (to Daeshanae) Tell me why she just had these laying in her purse???

Daeshanae: (giggles) yea Asia? How the hell did you get these?

Asia: (continues looking through the binoculars) Oh, I just had those laying around the know.

Tie, Ruthette, and Daeshanae laugh it off and decides not to ask anymore questions. They were afraid of what weird shit Asia might say next. The girls used the binoculars and cheered the boys on. Tie stands up and screams on the top of her lungs when Ty tackles Bronx to the ground.

Tie: YASSSSSSSSS!!!! FUCK IT UP BAE!!!!!! Get rough!!!

Ty gets up and dusts himself off. He looks up towards the stand where Tie was and takes off his helmet to blow her a kiss and wink. Tie blushes and sits back down. Precious gets up and yells at her Bronx from the stand.


Bronx gets up and takes off his helmet.

Bronx: Precious shut yo ass up. Why can't you be supportive like Tie over there.

Precious face softens.

Precious: Okay baby. Your doing a good job.... (her tone of voice changes from calm to forceful) IS WHAT I WOULD SAY IF YO ASS WAS GETTING DRAGGED THROUGHOUT THE FIELD!!!! GET YO ASS UP AND DO BETTER!!!

The girls laughed at how bipolar Precious was being. Bronx rolled his eyes, suck up his middle finger, and ran to where the boys were. They continued to watch when one of the guys in a jersey with the number 1 on it walked to the middle of the field. A set guys formed behind him and some formed in front of him. He chanted something the girls couldn't hear. The boys that were behind him ran forward hitting the others, trying to keep them from getting to the guy in the number one jersey (the quarterback). The guy was looking for someone to throw the ball to, but no one was open. From the corner a guy was running full speed towards him and he had no choice, but to run the ball. He took off running, dodging, and jumping over his opponents. He did and couple spin moves on some of them breaking their angles. He got to his opponents side untouched and threw the ball on the ground, making a touch down. He jumped up and down with his hands in the air. The girls in the stand didn't know how the guy was, but he was lit. The guy started doing his victory dance and started hitting the folks and the nae nae making Daeshnae and the girls laugh.




The guy pointed at the girls and kept dancing making the girls dance too.

Suddenly The "guy" took off his helmet. The girls were shocked that what they thought was a guy turned out to be a girl.

Daeshanae, Asia, Ruthette, Precious, Tie: WINTER!!!!!

Winter walked over to the gate, and the girls walked down bleachers to met her.

Winter: Did you guys see that?

Tie: Hell yea.. you killed it out there.

Precious: Ya you murder everyone out there.

Asia: YUPPIES, you slayed them hoes.

Daeshanae: Damn winter we didn't know you played football.

Winter: (Wipes sweat off forehead) Yea, i started today.

Ruthette: damn and your that good.

Winter backs up from the gate and flipped her imaginary collar sticking her tongue.

Winter: wa can I say, I'm a pro at everything. including...

She put her tongue between her two fingers and wiggled it, pretending she was eating pussy. The girls blushed.

Daeshanae: Winter stop before i tell Mya.

Winter eyes widen and quickly put her hands down.

Winter: Stop playing.

The girls laughed at how scared she got. Winter walked into the locker room to change and shower. After 30 minutes Winter, Bronx, Adrian, Ty, and Cameron came out dressed and smelling good. The girls grabbed their mans and split up going their separate ways.


*Adrian & Asia*

Adrian unlocked the front door and moved to the side letting Asia walk in first. Asia marched through the door with a chicken wing sticking out her mouth. Adrian laughed at the way she marched and closed the door behind them. He placed their bags down on the couch and looked at Asia. Asia sat on the couch and continued chewing on the chicken wing that was still in her mouth, not acknowledging the fact that her boyfriend was staring directing at her. He laughed and gave up because she was too interested in the chicken wing in her mouth to realize.

"Lol bae, I'm going to hop into the shower."

" Okay.."

Adrian walked over to Asia and kissed her forehead before making his way upstairs. Asia grabbed her bag and went upstairs to Adrian's room. 5 minutes later she came out in a panda onesie. She excitedly skipped down stairs with her curls bouncing up and down. She made her way into the kitchen, pulling the fridge open.

"Wha, Can i stick my face into????"

Asia grabbed two sprites, and two puddings and closed the fridge. She placed them on the counter and danced over to the cabinets. Pulling them open to grabbed 3 bags of cheese puffs, 2 bags of gummy bears, 2 brownies, neutella, and 2 packs of powdered donuts. She grabbed her victims and made her way upstairs. She laid the snacks in the bed and jumped onto them and rolled around in them.




i can't wait to eat you guys....."

she continued to roll around in the snacks until...

(clears throat)

Asia immediately stops in her tracks. She slowly turns her head to the direction of where the sound came from. Adrian stood there, dripping wet, hair all nice and curly, chest and abs glistening, towel loosely wrapped around his waist. so loose that you were able to see his v line. He smirked at the way she was staring at him.

"So what do you think?"

Asia sat up and opened her mouth,

"I'm thinking..."

He got excited thinking she was going to talk bout how good he looked

"...about which one of these snacks going to be my first victim."

He's expression changed. -_-

"whats wrong?"

"Really your worrying about snacks while im standing here damn near naked!"

Asia pouted. "Well, You asked me what i think and i told you."

"I was talking about the way i look, not which snack gon be your first victim. " ~.~

"well, you should've been more specific..."

Adrian stared at Asia with a blank expression. -.-

Asia sat there, slowly picking up a brownie and unwrapping it slowly bringing it to her mouth. She took a small bite.

"You better put some clothes on before you catch a cold..." :)

Adrian sighs. -_-


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