(Set in Alexandria in season 6)
Warning: Fluff, Cussing. Ages 13+
Summary: You and Daryl went to high school together, you guys had a somewhat, kind of, not really, parse relationship. (Super simple, Emma.) You and him are reunited at Alexandria where you are free to explore the memories.
You were walking in the woods, tripping over your feet as you walked. The walkers chasing you didn't help. They were real slow so you weren't real concerned. You hadn't sleped in days and you knew you were getting slower. Out of nowhere, a man -a cute man- stabbed the walkers in the head. They dropped to the ground like the dead fuckers they were. "Thanks." You panted with your hands on your knees. You hadn't caught your breath in days. You were out of ammo and your knife was dropped of a 10 story building... Long story.
"Rick." the man said. "Y/n." You said back. "Got a camp." You and Rick said at the same time. "Yeah. Do you?" He said laughing. You shook you head as you followed him back. He asked you a few odd questions before you reached a big gate. Laughter could be heard inside the community. Kids. Rick introduced you to everyone. Maggie, Glenn, Carol, Arron, Abe, Sasha and so on. One man lurked in the shadows. "Rick? Who's that?" You asked pointing to the side of the house. "Daryl. I'd keep your distance, he ain't to friendly." He shook it of.
"Wait, Dixon?" Your heart leaped. "Yeah, wait, you know him?" He asked surprised. "Teddy bear? That you?" You asked in tears. His head perked up. You were the only one that has ever called him that. Rick jumped in front on you with his hands up. "Do you have a death wish?!" He whisper yelled. Daryl walked out and peered over Rick's shoulder. "Fish food?" He asked. Rick looked so confused. "Yeah." You chocked out. Daryl ran as fast as he could into your open arms. "I've missed you so much, Y/n." He whispered into your ear. He slowly let go of your small body. Everyone looked so confused. "Time for a little back story." You said.
Flash back
You walked through the halls of your new school. You didn't know anyone there and you were an easy target. Not exactly the most popular girl and you were very small. You were looking down as your books flew out of your hands. You looked up to see 2 guys laughing at you. You tried to push past them, but they didn't budge. "Please, just leave me alone." You said trying to keep your temper. You had minor anger issues.
"Ya wanna make us?" One of the men said getting in your face. You looked down and tried to breath. The other one pushed you to the ground and really invaded your space. "Hey! Get the fuck off her!" A man screamed. You were a freshman, it was rare for anyone to stand up for you. The men scattered. I guess the man had a rep. "Fish food?" He asked. "Fish food." You giggled. "You had to admit, he was really cute. Black hair, blue eyes, tall for his age. He grabbed your hand and helped you up. "Thanks. Y/n." You said. "Daryl. No problem." He shot back.
End of flash back
"That's the story behind the fish food." You said. "What's with the teddy bear?" Rick asked. "Another time." You answered. By the time you stopped talking, Daryl's arms were around your shoulders. You looked up to se those beautiful blue eyes. He leaned down to kiss your small nose. You scrunched up your nose and giggled. He smiled so wide. "You should go rest." Michonne suggested. You looked at Daryl who nodded slowly with his eyes closed. "Potassium." You said nodding your head. "What?" Rick asked with a lip curl. "Did none of you guys pay attention in science?" You said oddly. You sighed, "The sign for potassium is K." Daryl giggled as he walked away. "Come on, pretty lady." You smiled as you followed closely.
"This is my house. Well, not 'mine'. I share it with 6 other people." He smiled nervously. You grabbed his hand, looked into his blue eyes and smiled. "Show me your room." He looked down and walked up the creaky stairs. "Your gonna be impressed." He muttered smiling. You scoffed, "Why?" He opened the door and to your surprise, it was clean. You gasped, "Daryl! Its clean! What happened to you!!" You laughed. "Your room use to look like you had parties in them every day." He laughed letting go of your small hand.
"You need to lay down. You've had a long day." Daryl said. You laid down on the warm bed the man. He shifted him self so you were facing him. He was staring lovingly into your eyes. "Damn. I never thought I would ever see this day." He smirked. You furrowed your eyebrows, "What?" Daryl scooted closer to you, "The day Y/n Y/l/n would voluntarily get in my bed." You laughed as you snuggled your face into his chest. "I missed you, Daryl." You yawned. "I missed you too." Daryl said kissing your head. It was like the 1st time you had sleped with the Dixon.
Flash back
You were walking down your street at about midnight, you knew you weren't suppose to be out so late because your parents told you that's when the druggies and.. Not so nice people came out. "Hey! Wait up!" A gruff voice yelled behind you. You took a quick peek over your shoulder to see your bestfriend running behind you. "Hey, Daryl." You said chuckling. He smiled as he walked with you. "Where you headed?" He asked. "Home." You answered. "Can I stay at your place for the night? My dads drunk again..." He asked walking backwards in front of you. You thought about what your police officer dad might do if he found a guy 3 years older than you in your bed. "Sure. But be out by 6:30. My dad works in the morning." He smiled and walked next to you.
You opened your door and slowly walked in hand in hand with Daryl very carefully. "I think we're good." You whispered. You both walked at a normal pace to the other side of the house. "Where have you been?!" Your dad yelled through the hallway. You have never seen Daryl hit the ground so fast in your entire life. He hid under the table as your dad screamed at you. "What if someone stole you?! What if I never saw you again?! Where were you?!" Your heart was beating out of your chest. "I-I just went down the street to get a soda." You explained. You pulled the Y/F/S out of your jacket pocket and smiled. He glared at you before slowly walking back to his room. The door slammed shut. Daryl slowly got out from under the coffee table. "Holy fuck." He said. "Yeah, come on." You said walking to your room.
You flopped on your bed as Daryl shut the door. "Where do I sleep?" Daryl asked politely. You shrugged your shoulders and smiled. "My bed?" You suggested. He smiled, "Ya sure? Ya wanna share a bed with me?? He looked at his cloths. They were torn and quite dirty. "Yeah. I'll wash the sheets tomorrow." You smiled. "I wont do that to your bed." He smiled mischievously, Daryl being Daryl, took off his pants and shirt leaving him in boxers. "Daryl fucking Dixon." You smiled with your mouth wide open. He laughed as he crawled in the bed. You rolled over to face the wall. Your slowly closed your eyes and drifted of to sleep. You woke up because you were shivering. I guess Daryl was awake at the time, he covered you with a blanket and cuddled up next to you to keep you warm. He lifted his head up to kiss your neck. "I love you." He whispered. "Good night, teddy bear." You smiled and drifted back to sleep.
You woke up the next morning to Daryl breathing on the back of your neck. "Daryl, wake up." He groaned and buried his face even farther into your neck. You laughed as you tried to get him up. "Suns up, which means my dad will be up any minute now." He sighed as he slowly let go of your waist. He got dressed as quickly as he could. You walked him out of your room to the door. "Bye, Daryl. If you ever need a place to stay, my doors always open." He smiled as he walked out of the door. He stopped abruptly and turned around. He grabbled your face and kissed you very slowly. He pulled back and looked into your surprised eyes. "Have a nice day." He chuckled very softly as he walked away. You smiled and closed the door.
End of flash back
You woke up the Dixon, you have dreamt about this day for almost 2 years now. For it to actually come true was amazing. You looked at his sleeping face, your lips slowly kissed his jawline. He smiled out if reaction. You guys never dated due to the fact that your dad would murder you... and him if he had the chance. About 3 weeks after you two slept in the same bed, you moved to Arizona. You still kept in touch with him, calls, letters, ect. But you never saw him after that. You never felt the same way you did when you were with Daryl. No matter how much of a trouble maker he was, you still loved hanging out with him.
You slowly got out of the bed without waking Daryl. You walked out of the room into the bathroom. You looked into the mirror and saw a face you didn't recognize. You hadn't seen a mirror scene the beginning. Dirt caked your face, mud was tangled in your long hair. "Why did he sleep with me? I look like this!!" You whisper yelled. You stripped yourself clean of all your cloths. You looked like you had rolled in a puddle of mud 10 times. . . It only happened 4 times! Long story. . .
You got in the shower and started to wash your hair. The dirt and mud ran down the drain. Suddenly the door opened. You stopped what you were doing, you froze. The other voice broke the silence. "Y/n? Ya in here?" Daryl asked. You let go of the breath you didn't know you were holding. "You scared the shit outa' me!" You yelled. He laughed as he closed the door. After about 30 seconds of silence, the curtain opened. "Daryl!" You yelled as he walked in. "Don't wanna waist water, now do we?" He asked holding your waist.
The hansom man kissed you very softly, very sweetly. The taste of smoke lingered in his mouth. You pulled back and smiled. "What was that about?" You questioned. "I missed seeing your beautiful body. Gorgeous." Daryl smirked. You laughed holding his face, "I love you, Daryl." You said out of reaction. You stopped breathing realizing that was the 1st time you had ever said that to him. You waited for a reaction. His face was still smiling. "I love you too." He chuckled.
Tell me in the comments if I should do a smut!!! I know there are some people out there who wouldn't mind. . . Kinky, Sweet, Slutty, ECT. Tell me!!!
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