Daryl's Mistake

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                                                          (Set at Alexandria in season 6)

Warning: Funny. Smut references. Ages 13+

Summary: You wake up in the morning thinking about what you and Daryl did last night. You walk out were everyone is. You say good morning to them and say something that Rick and Daryl both respond to.

You were asleep in yours and Daryl's shared bed. Your eyes start to flutter open due to the sun shining through window. You sit up and run your eyes. You smile at the thought of last night. You and Daryl were doing many things. You gave him a nickname. You slowly start to get out of bed. Voices could be heard downstairs. Laughing and talking was cluttering the house. You walked down the stairs to be greeted with lots of smiles. Abraham, Rosita, Tara, Rick, Daryl and Judith. "Morning, Y/n." Rosita said. "Morning, Rosita." You smiled as you grabbed the cereal. "Morning, Abraham." You greeted him as you pored the cereal and milk into a bowl.

You took a bite and said good morning to your father, Rick. "Morning, Daddy." You said out loud. "Mornin'." Daryl and Rick both answered at the same time. They both looked at each other with a odd expression. Daryl's face showed fear. Rick's was confusion. You dropped to your knees and leaned on the coffee table. You covered your red face with your arms and just sat there. Abraham started laughing. "That's great!" He giggled as he walked away.

Rick was the first one to break the awkward silence. "Who were you talkin' to?" You shook your head. "Does it madder?!" You yelled. You stood up and grabbed Daryl by the arm. You pulled him into a separate room. "Daryl, that nickname doesn't leave the room!" You whisper yelled. "Yes, ma'am." He said as he looked down in embarrassment. "Hey, if you really like it that much, maybe we could explore it a little more tonight." You whispered in his ear. He got a wide smile on his face. You giggled as you walked back to the kitchen.

I know this one isn't that dirt but I just though it would be funny :)


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