Remember Me

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The next morning Mazie plans to stay in her room all day to avoid him, but soon enough there's a knock on her door. Mazie gets out of bed and answers-it's Sam.

Mazie: Can I help you?

Sam: Mazie, there's been an attack in Russia. Bucky was spotted. Suit up, a plane is waiting for us.

Quickly Mazie gets her suit on and rushes with Sam to the plane waiting for them. They get on the plane shortly after that.

Mazie: What's the group called that has control of him?

Sam: They're called BLACKRAIN. The government official we spotted meeting with Zemo is the head of the group.

Mazie: What's their mission?

Sam: Isn't it obvious? They're planning on overthrowing the government. They've captured Moscow, and are at this moment probably planning their next attack.

Mazie: What's our plan?

Sam: This is a civil war, and the U.S government has no rights to get involved at the moment.

Mazie: So what you're saying is we can't get involved and help the people?

Sam: I said the U.S government can't get involved.

Mazie: Aren't we a part of the government?

Sam: Yes, but I don't follow orders well. I learned that from Steve. Our first objective is to find Bucky and get him the hell out of there and bring him somewhere safe.

Mazie: Ok, we find Bucky and then deal with the rest. This doesn't sound too bad.

Sam: Mazie, you've never dealt with Bucky when he's in this..condition before. He's ruthless. He won't know who you are, but don't take offense to that. Just stick to the plan and we can deal with sorting him out later.

Mazie: Poor Bucky...

Soon they arrive in Moscow. The plane hovers overhead and Mazie and Falcon prepare to fly out.

Sam: The plane is going to stay nearby so when we get Bucky we can get out of here fast. Are you ready?

Mazie nods her head, and they both jump out and start flying. They land on the outskirts of the city.

Sam: There's probably guards everywhere, so keep your eyes peeled. I'll head up to the top of the buildings, you stay on the ground for as long as possible. Remember, Bucky could be anywhere.

Mazie: Ok, got it.

Sam: Be safe Mazie.

Mazie: You too Sam.

The pair split up. Mazie stays out of sight and surveys from the ground while Sam is circling up above.

Sam: Alright, I found where they're keeping the government officials. Head up the street and turn right. Stay out of sight.

Mazie: On my way.

Mazie spots the building and ducks behind an overturned car. She peers over the car and sees a swarm of guards surrounding the building, but still no Bucky.

Mazie: Sam, how am I supposed to get past these guys? I'm going to have to get up in the building across the street and take them out from above.

Mazie runs to the building across the street and starts heading up the stairs. She plans on getting up the building so she can shoot the guards from above. She reaches the last floor and opens the door to get to the roof when she hears a noise behind her. She spins around to see Bucky facing her with a blank, dead expression on his face.

Mazie: I know you don't know who I am, but you have to trust me, ok?

Bucky continues to stare but doesn't reply.

Mazie: *Voice trembling* Please, don't make me do something I'm going to regret.

Suddenly Bucky charges her and slams her into the wall. She gets up and a fight breaks out. They tumble down the stairs and Mazie manages to get on top of him for a moment and pins his arms down.

Mazie: Soldier, don't you remember me?

Something just then clicks in Bucky's brain with the nickname "Soldier" Mazie always calls him. A look of confusion overturns his face for a moment but he quickly recovers and flips her off of him. They start fighting again until Bucky knocks her over. He grabs her by the neck and starts choking her. As she struggles for air, Sam comes crashing through the window.


Bucky turns to Sam and soon throws Mazie across the room. She is unable to get up for a moment. Bucky and Sam start fighting. Mazie gets back up and starts fighting again. Together Mazie and Sam manage to inject a sleep serum into Bucky. A look of panic clouds his face, but soon he drops to the floor in a dead sleep.

Sam: Quick, we don't have much time to get him out of here.

Mazie and Sam lift Bucky up and fly him out of the city and onto the plane. A while later Bucky starts to wake up in a glass room strapped down into a chair. When Bucky wakes up he looks around to see Mazie and Sam standing outside the room.

Bucky: *Groggily* Where am I?

Sam: Do you know who we are?

Bucky: I've been sent here to kill you.

Bucky starts struggling to get out of his restraints. He rips through them and charges at the glass and starts banging on the glass.

Sam: Bucky, calm down. Calm down. We're your friends.

Bucky: They said you would say that.

Mazie: Who's they?

Bucky: I don't answer to you.

Mazie turns to Sam. Her expression is filled with worry.

Mazie: Why doesn't he remember us yet?

Sam: We just have to give him more time. C'mon let's go.

Sam and Mazie exit the room and Bucky paces his glass room.

Mazie: Sam, I don't know what to do, if he doesn't come back...

Mazie starts crying and Sam wraps her into a hug. He feels her distress and just wants to hold her forever. A few hours later Mazie decides to bring Bucky some food. She walks in the room to find Bucky sitting on the floor, back pressed against the glass. When he hears the doors open he looks up. Mazie opens a small door to pass him his food.

Mazie: You should eat, I'm sure it's been awhile since you've had a proper meal.

Bucky: I don't want your food.

Mazie stands there looking at Bucky for a moment. She soon turns around and hits play on a small radio in the room. Their song starts playing. Bucky stares at the radio with confusion clouding his face. He keeps looking at the radio to Mazie and back to the radio.

Mazie: Does this sound familiar?

Bucky: I don't remember.

Mazie: I think you do, just listen-

Bucky: What do you want from me?

Mazie: I want you to remember me.

Bucky: I've never met you before in my life.

Bucky stands up and turns back away from Mazie.

Mazie: Look at me Bucky. I know you can remember me if you try. Try for me, soldier...

When Bucky hears that nickname again his head starts to spin. He starts having flashes of dancing with Mazie and the diner and at the dock before he went overseas. He grabs his and starts to stumble around.

Bucky: Stop doing this to me!

Mazie: I'm trying to help you Bucky. Bucky, please look at me-

Bucky: Get away from me!

Suddenly Sam enters Bucky's glass room and shoots him with a tranquilizer gun again.

Sam: Mazie, we should leave. Hopefully when he wakes up again he'll be in a better state.

Mazie starts crying again and Sam escorts her out of the room. 

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