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The next morning Mazie turns over and once again doesn't find Bucky in bed. Just then he walks in with a cup of coffee.

Bucky: Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you.

Mazie: No it's ok, I was worried where you went. Thank you for the coffee.

Mazie sits up and pulls the covers over her and Bucky sits on the edge of the bed

Bucky: *Jokingly* Why cover yourself, I was enjoying the view.

Mazie: *Shoves Bucky playfully* I could say the same; you put a shirt on.

Just then Sam walks into the room.

Sam: Hey Bucky where's the-Woah!

Mazie screams and pulls up the covers even more. Bucky bolts up out of his seat.

Bucky: Sam! Out! *Pulls Sam out of the room with him and closes the door* Do you not know how to knock?!

Sam: Sorry, I didn't think you had company. *Smirks* I told you the dinner would work.

Bucky: *Rubbing the back of his neck* Well, we didn't do much eating.

Sam: Well romance time is over. I have some new leads on Zemo you two might want to come check out.

A few minutes later Bucky and Mazie meet Sam in the office where they've been working.

Sam: I scanned some other cameras like Mazie suggested, and I found this *Pulls up picture of Zemo meeting with another man* According to our records, that guy is a government official from Russia.

Mazie: This doesn't make sense. Why would this guy and Zemo be meeting? Also, why in such a public place?

Bucky: I think they hoped that we would find this photo. They want it to be known that they're working together.

Sam: What's their motive for blowing their cover?

Bucky: Zemo has done this before to me. He wants us to come after him. He's trying to set us up.

Mazie: Do you think he's still set on getting revenge?

Bucky: I'm not sure. He could have a whole list of reasons on why he wants us to come after him.

Mazie: So what do we do? Do we go after him?

Sam: I don't think that's smart to do, at least not yet. Right now I think the smartest thing to do is lay low and wait to see what he plans to do next.

Bucky suddenly exits the room. Sam looks at Mazie and motions for her to go check up on him.

Mazie: Hey, are you alright?

Bucky: I'm fine, I just need a little space right now, okay?

Mazie: Are you sure that's what you want?

Bucky: *Grabs jacket* Yes. I'll be back soon.

A while later Bucky is laying in his bed and Mazie enters the room.

Mazie: I didn't hear you get back. I was waiting for you.

Bucky: Sorry, I thought you were already in bed.

Mazie: Can I sit?

Bucky: Sure.

Mazie sits and Bucky pulls her down into the bed and wraps his arms around her*.

Mazie: Do you want to talk about something?

Bucky: No, I was just clearing my head.

Bucky starts playing with Mazie's hair affectionately.

Mazie: Your arms have always made me feel safe. You make me feel safe. I trust you, Bucky.

Mazie slowly starts to fall asleep, but the last remark she made makes Bucky toss and turn the whole night long. When Mazie wakes up, she realizes she's not in Bucky's bed anymore, but on her own. She throws on a quick outfit and heads downstairs. She finds Bucky at the punching bags again. His shirt is drenched and shows he's been up for hours.

Mazie: Did I sleepwalk, or did you put me in my own bed last night?

Bucky: I put you there.

He continues punching.

Mazie: Would you like to explain why? *He doesn't answer, so she says jokingly* Did I hog the sheets? *Still doesn't answer* Hey, are you going to answer me?

Bucky: I don't think we have anything to talk about, really.

Mazie: *Getting slightly angry* What do you mean? You moved me, why?

Bucky: You're making a big deal out of nothing, now will you let me get back to this?

Mazie: No, something's up. Why are you acting so different?

Bucky: I'm acting fine. You should go.

Mazie approaches him and touches his face so he has to look at her. Bucky tries to turn around but she has a firm grip.

Mazie: Bucky, don't shut me out..talk to me. A day ago you were acting fine and now it's like you don't want to have anything to do with me.

Bucky: That's because I don't.

Mazie: What do you mean you don't want anything to do with me?

Bucky tries to leave the room but Mazie blocks the door.

Mazie: If you want to leave, you'll have to break my arm again. Tell me what's wrong, now.

Bucky: This isn't a good idea.

Mazie: What isn't?

Bucky: You, me. This whole thing isn't a good idea. I don't think you should spend time around me anymore.

Mazie: What? No. I'm not going to let you do this to me. You can't keep letting me in and then immediately shutting me out again.

Bucky: I'm not going to do that anymore, because we're done.

Bucky goes to walk out but stops when Mazie calls out angrily.

Mazie: You made love to me, Bucky, and now you want to take that all back? You can't, it happened, and I'm not going to let you walk away this easily.

Bucky: Too late

He heads down the hall and away from Mazie.

Mazie: *Stammers* But..Bucky..Bucky...

Bucky: *Whispers* Sorry, Mazie...

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