Chapter twenty- one

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"So... a family room and a double room?" I asked the receptionist. 

She nodded before adding an important piece of information.

"But the family room has to have one of each gender so that it is used as a... a family room," she looked over us in confusion. "However, if two of the men or women are a couple, we can-"

"Nope, we're straight," Tessa jumped in and I mentally sighed. 

That could have been our way out of the situation.

The woman gave a sickly sweet smile, although her eyes held disgust. It wasn't as if we were any different from any other customer, she didn't have to make us feel worse than we already did. She placed the cards on the counter.

Well okay then.

She put our names down in the system and I let out a sigh.

I took the two key cards off her and we went up to the floor. 

We discovered that despite being on the same floor, the rooms were at opposite ends. I looked to the others.

"So... rooms?" I offered and Tessa shrugged nervously.

"One of us girls has to go with a guy... alone,"

"I'm not being that girl, I hate them both as it is," Lexie snarled and I stiffened.

I looked to Tessa who looked nervous. I couldn't make her stay in a room with just her ex ...

Could I?

"I and Belle will share," Julian said and I stiffened.

Tessa clearly noticed this and glared at Julian.

"Belle, you don't have to. I could go if you re-"

"It's alright," I whispered across her. "I won't make you,"

She then turned to Julian, pointing a finger up at his face.

"You try anything on her that she doesn't like and you're dead," she spat out viciously and I smiled softly.

So this was her bitchy side. 

I walked with Julian down the hall and to our room. I opened it, ignoring his gaze and walked in. He was so much taller than me, and it was hard to not 

And yes, there was only one double bed.

"I-I'll sleep on the chair," I whispered out, putting my bag next to it. 

I turned to see Julian and he didn't say anything.

He simply just stared.

"We can share a bed, it's no big deal," he stated and I shook my head.

"It is. I have a boyfriend and I will not cheat on him,"

Julian growled and pushed me against the wall. I shrieked in surprise and I instantly cowered.

He was a giant compared to me.

"That boy is no longer your boyfriend. I told you to break up with him already,"

"A-and I don't h-have to do as you say," 

Trust me, I tried to sound confident, but it came out as more of a squeak. 

He stared into my eyes for a few moments longer before backing off. 

Instantly, I escaped into the bathroom and changed into my shorts from earlier that day, but quickly realised that I didn't have anything appropriate to sleep in.

"Julian?" I called out quietly. 

Footsteps instantly came over to the door.

"Yes?" he asked a bit too eagerly.

"Can you see a sleep top or dress out there?" I said, trying to make him understand.

It was silent for a few moments before he spoke again.

"No, but I brought a t-shirt earlier if you want to borrow that?"

Decisions, decisions.

I could, or I could take my chances with the stiffer top...

"Could I please borrow it?" I whispered shamefully.

Almost instantly a hand came through the door with a large black shirt in hand. I took it and slipped it on; it came down almost to my knees so I decided to slip the shorts off.

They were uncomfortable and couldn't be seen anyway.

I walked back into the room to see Julian stood there in a pair of black shorts...

And no top.

Yes, of course, I was used to seeing him without... but he was a merman then.

Now he was an actual man.

He smirked at my sight before turning back to his bag. 

I shook off any strange feeling that I had and walked over to the chair. Just as I was about to sit down in it a pair of strong arms wrapped around me and picked me up.

I let out a short scream and I heard Julian laugh. 

He dropped me on to the bed, where the covers were pulled back, and climbed in after me. I tried to crawl out the other side, desperate to escape. However, Julian had other plans.

Julians' arms locked around my chest as he pulled my back to him. I wriggled for a moment before I felt his lips right next to my ear.

Oh, God.

"Be still," he whispered, sending shivers down my neck. "This might be the only night that I have with you for a while, and I fully intend to make the most of it,"

I froze at his explanation. There was clearly something going on that I didn't understand... I barely understood any of this! Why did he keep on confusing me? I didn't want to be his pet, I was a human girl with rights. 

"I-I don't want to," I whispered. 

"Too bad,"

His chin rested on the top of my head, his arms holding me tightly to his body. Julians' body barely shifted in the bed, but mine? I was constantly trying to wiggle. 

"If you lie still for one night, I'll allow you to walk away from me tomorrow," he chuckled. 

"I can walk away from you anyway," I sighed. "You don't control me," 

He sniggered. 

"But you are mine," he whispered darkly, leaving a lingering kiss on my ear. 

Just the feeling sent my mind into a state of complete confusion. My feelings were so mixed, and it was so hard to understand anything he said or did.

I tried my best to lie still, not wanting to make him mad. If I could just get to sleep quickly, the morning would soon come an-

His hand began to run down my hair, fingers breaking it apart. His breaths could be felt on my neck and just as his other arm began to losen, I pushed my self out of his grip.

Sitting up on the other side of the bed, I shook my head quickly, feelings the tears now running. 

"P-p-please don't," I whispered shakily, cries staying as far in as they could. 

He instantly sat up, eyes wide with... fear? Shock?

"Belle, I didn't want to make you cry! I thought that you were enjoying it, I-" 

He stopped when I finally let a long cry out, not being able to keep it in any longer. 

His arms began to snake around me, and I tried to push away, but he wouldn't let me. I was pulled into his chest where his handheld onto the back of my head. 

"Shh, shhh, I wasn't going to hurt you. Shhhh, it's alright, Belle, I've stopped, I've stopped," he said sadly, holding me in as tears wet his chest.

But I didn't stop crying.

Words: 1201

Okay, so this is the last chapter that I have written. It didn't have the end and I totally forgot where I was going with it, but I think that this makes Belle seem a bit more realistic. 

One of you guys have told me what you want to see, which I will be adding into the next chapter, with a little twist :) 

See you guys on Sunday!

Question of the day: Book or Movie?

Mia x


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