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DISCLAIMER: I don't own Yugioh soooo chill out it belongs to its perspective owner.
{Dylan's POV}
I looked at my head.
Call of the Haunted, Dragon knight of Creation, Herald of Creation, Magic Cylinder, and Red eyes Darkness Metal Dragon. My best card.
I knew what I could do it isn't as aggressive as my LightSworn deck but it is still as powerful.
"Okay I'll start off!,"I yelled out as I played my cards.
"I set a card face down summon Dragon knight of Creation and activate his effect to send a level 7 or 8 dragon type monster from my deck to the GraveYard and I chose my Blue eyes White Dragon!" I say as Skylar looks shocked at how I was able to do this so fast as I smirk.
"I end my turn."I as I put my cards face down and stare her down.

{Skylar's Turn}
"I Draw!"She yells out as she smirks and puts down a Evil Swarm Zhark and two cards face down.
"With my Evil Swarm Zhark I attack your Dragon Knight if Creation!"She yelled out as I took 50 damage leaving me with 3050 LP left.
"I end my turn."She said with a smirk as she knows I can't do anything about that Evil Swarm Zhark yet.

{Dylan's Turn}
I'm in the grove now!
"I DRAW!"I yell out as I get another Dragon Knight of Creation.
"well Skylar I play Call of the Haunted to bring back my Dragon knight of Creation!"I said as Skylar looks shocked for a second.
"Then I use his effect to send another level 7 or 8 dragon from my deck to the grave yard! And I choose BLUE EYES WHITE DRAGON!"I said as Skylar was shocked.
"W-What when did you get another Blue Eyes White Dragon?!"Skylar asked as I smirked.
"I then Banish my Dragon Knight of Creation to Summon MY RED EYES DARKNESS METAL DRAGON!"I said as Skylar was shocked to say the least.
"No way..."Skylar said as I smirked and looked at my grave yard and hand.

"Sorry Skylar this is the end of the duel with my Red Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon I summon special summon from my hand another Dragon knight of Creation activate his effect and send Another Blue eyes White Dragon from my deck to the grave yard!"I yell out as I have three Blue eyes in my grave yard.
{A/N so guys just so you know they are shuffling their decks while doing this =]}
"I then discard one card and send my Dragon knight of Creation to the graveyard to Summon my Blue eyes White Dragon! And then I use my Red eyes darkness Metal Dragon to Special summon my other Blue eyes White Dragon and place a card face down end my turn!"I Said with a poker face.

{Skylar's Turn}
"I draw! Perfect just what I needed! I play Swords of Revealing light! And then I play Enemy controller to take control of your Darkness Red eyes Metal Dragon and then I use it to bring out Blue Eyes White Dragon!"Skylar said as I looked at her and noticed what she is going to do.
"Oh no."I whispered as she smirked.
"I then pay 1000 LP to use Super Polymerization! To fuse all three of the Blue eyes to bring out Ultimate Blue eyes White Dragon! I then attack you directly!"she said with a smirk
'her LP was at 3000 while mine is at 3050 if she hits me once I'm done!'I thought as I head a voice.
'Master please don't give up!'A female voice said as I felt a strong bond as I looked at my other face down card I smirked.
"I won this duel Skylar! I play magical Cylinder and you lose this Duel!"
"Arrggghhh!"Skyler's LP drops to Zero as I won the duel.
"Dammit I lost again!"Skylar said as I held my hand out for her as she takes it.

"I'll win one of these days Dylan I swear on it!"Skylar yelled out as I looked at her as she walks away as I turned to my Red Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon as I felt something shift inside of me.
'If I knew its gender I would fall in love if it's a girl.'I thought as I felt arms around me as I turned around I saw a female with hair that looks like my Red eyes Darkness Metal Dragons....
"You won Master."She said as everything started to glow bright as everyone yelled out in surprise as a girl my age was latching on to my arm and had Dragon Wing hair pins in her hair.
I felt my face heat up as everyone didn't seem to see her except for the new girl Mana and her boyfriend and my friend Y/N my childhood friend.
"What is going on!?!?"I said out loud as Y/N seemed to give me that look that said -Meet at my place-

{At Y/N's House}
"CAN SOMEONE PLEASE EXPLAIN TO ME WHAT IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW!"I yelled out as Y/N and Mana sighed and looked at me.

"Dylan calm down and listen for a second before you start freaking out."Y/N said as I couldn't help but look at the Girl clinging to my arm.

"How can I not calm down my Favorite card turned into a very very Beautiful Girl!"I yelled out as I felt my face heat up.
As Red Eyes smiled at me as she tightened her grip.

"Master calm down and let Dark Magician Girl explain!"She said as I looked at Mana and then to Y/N and started to laugh my butt off.

"N-N-No way!"I laughed as Y/N paled a bit as Mana looked at me confused.
"What do you mean by that?"Mana asked as she looked at me as I smirked evilly to Y/N.

"You wouldn't dare!"Y/N said as I smirked and looked to Mana.

"You wouldn't know this but once Y/N got you he immediately stopped with his overpowered deck that I would has trouble with at times."I spoke as Y/N blushed but I didn't stop.

"He also dismantled all his decks except for D/T and made decks to make you over powered as hell!"I said as Mana looked at Y/N and kissed him on the lips.

They both realized me and Red eyes are still here and started to blush.

"You forgot about us right?"Red Eyes asked as Mana rubbed the back of her head sheepishly.

I noticed a trend in this and looked at Mana.

"So why are you two really here?"I asked as Mana and Red Eyes soon paled a bit as Y/N noticed what I was going for.

"Yeah why are you two here, not that I'm complaining."Y/N asked as he held Mana's hand.

"W-What do you mean?"Red Eyes Stuttered as I looked at her as Mana held the same look as Y/N looked at her.

I leaned closer in as I grabbed her waist.
"Tell me or I'll tickle you!"I yelled out as Red Eyes paled as she tried to get out of my grip as Y/N did the same with Mana.

"O-Okay calm down, we were going to tell you once we confirmed it but Exodia has sent us here to find Champions to fight against a new enemy that has come to the Monster world."Red Eyes said as I felt my head be splitting like getting hit on the head with a massive sledgehammer.

"AAHHHHH!"Both me and Y/N cried out in pain as I felt my body changing but not in a bad way BUT AN OVERPOWERED WAY!

{Y/N's POV}
I felt my body changing as I looked to Dylan to see him with chains around his body as he stood up opening and closing his hands.

As soon as the pain stopped I looked to Mana as she had a massive blush on her face.
"Y-Y/N it looks like Exodia has chosen Dylan and you as his Champions as well as Slifer and Obelisk both of you are strong enough to fight the enemy we are about to go against but you must know-!"Mana didn't get to finish her sentence as a multiple creatures came out of a portal as they were the size of a Blue Eye White Dragon.

"KILL THEM!"One yelled out as they lunged for Mana and Red Eyes.

Both me and Dylan jumped in front of them as I felt a new power coursing throughout my body.

"YOU WONT TOUCH THEM!"Both me and Dylan yelled out as I felt a (Weapon) form in my hand it was F/CO as I felt armor form around me as it was SF/CO as both me and Dylan let our instincts take control.

We destroyed the monsters or Creatures as I saw my house destroyed as I sighed out loud.

"How am I going to explain this to mom?!?!"I asked out loud as my mom's car pulled up as she saw us and yelled out.
"Y/N M/N L/N!!!!!!"My moms voice reached me as I paled.
"Uh oh...."I whispered as she walked up to me.
"YOU ARE IN SOOO MUCH TROUBLE YOUNG MAN!"As my mom lectured me Mana casted a spell to reverse the Damages and remove my mothers memories about his entire event.
"Oooh noo you don't missy that little mind spell won't work on me."Mom said as we all looked at her confused.

"What do you mean by that mom?"I asked as she sighed.
"When it is time for you to know I'll tell you who your father is."Mom said as I looked at her as she never talked about dad a lot and never told me who he is.

"What do you mean?"I asked as mom looked at me.
"Y/N your father is a powerful deity you see I fell in love with-"My mom didn't get to finish as a portal opened up as it took her as she sent a message to Mana as she nodded.
"MOM!"I yelled out as the portal started to close.
"Y/N remembered when you need to get stronger go to the basement it will show you the truth!"My mom said before she was completely gone.

"No no no NO!"I yelled as I punched the ground as Mana walked over to me and hugged me.
"Don't worry Y/N I won't leave you I'm still I won't leave I swear it."Mana whispered as I cried into her arms and never let go of her.

I stood up with Mana in my arms with a dangerous look in my eyes.

"Who ever took my mom with PAY!"I yelled out as Dylan smirked.

"Count me in Y/N no body messes with my childhood friends mom!"I smiled at his statement.
I look forward as a portal opened up underneath us as we all fell inside.

"CRAP!!!!"Dylan screamed out as we almost reached the both as.

A/N CLIFFHANGER!!! Anyway hope you enjoy this chapter and who is this enemy they have to fight??? Well tune in next time on YUGIOH Z!

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