Chapter 20 Courage

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I was in the woods, crying for my brothers' names. No answer.
Then I heard it. The bartiger flew at me, pouncing on me.

I woke up covered in sweat, it was only a dream. But it was so real. I looked over at my brothers, who were asleep on the floor.
I buried my head in my arms, letting out heartwrenching sobs.
"Verity," Peter woke up sitting beside me,"Its alright."
I threw myself into his arms."He was attacking me," I cried.
"He's dead, Verity," Peter told me rather curtly,"You killed him, remember?"
I shook,"I almost didn't, and I wasn't brave enough."
"Of course you were," Peter wiped my tears, before pulling me back into his warm embrace.
"I was still afraid," I answered.
"I don't think, that's what the word courage means. I was courageous during the Battle of Beruna and so were you. But we were still afraid," he rubbed my back, consoling me."It's a strength that makes us bold and steadfast in the face of fear. Daring Strength. You're one of the bravest people I know. And I'm proud of you, my little sister, you ignored your fear and just killed your giant."
"But look at all who died, because of me," I said,"Because I gave into my fear."

"Look how many lives you have saved now," he replied, brushing a strand of hair out of my face,"You almost sacrificed your life for the sake of others. There's a reason Aslan called you Queen Verity the Faithful. I however cannot understand why He called me Magnificent. Is not there only one called Magnificent?"
"Magnificent means well I don't know," I sighed,"I however don't feel Faithful."
"Since when is being faithful a feeling?" He asked laughing."It's an act."
"I suppose," I nodded.

Peter looked at me,"There's still something on your mind." I snuggled up against him, my head on his shoulder. What would I do without that dear older brother of mine.
"I just miss them all," I replied sorrowful,"What day is it today?"
"June 10th tomorrow according to our calendar," he told me.
"My birthday is a week's time and Lucy's three days after," I said.
"That's right," Peter realized.
"I just wish they could be here," I explained,"And Susan we never got along, but I miss having her telling me what to do. She's been like a mother to me. Even though she is my sister."
"Someone needs to be a mother to you," Peter laughed.
"And Ruth and Lucy. I miss them all so much. You all always ask me what I want for my birthday, this year all I want is to have all of us together." I replied.
Peter squeezed my hand,"I know," he smoothed my hair,"But who knows what can happen in a week's time." He tucked the blanket around me,"Try to get some sleep."
I did as I was told.

3rd person Edmund
"Ed!" Edmund heard his brother whisper.
"What?" He asked annoyed, waking up from his sleep. Peter sat on the bed, a sleeping Verity nestled up against him.
"Tomorrow I want you to go back to Cair Paravel and leave before Verity wakes," Peter said,"You're to bring the girls here in time for Verity's birthday, which is a week from now."
"I don't think they'll listen or Susan won't," Edmund mumbled.
"Of course they will," Peter replied,"She's their sister too and it's also Lu's birthday three days after. It will be a gift to both of them."
"Alright," Edmund answered,"Anyways I've missed them for too long."

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