Chapter 12: Breakfast & a show?...

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I yawned slightly waking up awaiting for Pilar's loud nagging, but frowned when it never came.

I opened my eyes only to see the dark walls of the cell I fell asleep in last night. Wait what? When I fall asleep in Landons cell I usually wake up back in mine.

Before I could finish questioning my confused self I heard the sound of loud and heavy footsteps coming near the cell.

I looked up to see Landon holding a tray of food while looking at me with worry.

"What time is it?" I ask as he shrugs before kneeling down to place the tray in front of me,

I was about to get up before I gasped when I noticed the uniform shirt I was wearing was torn in half from last night. I covered myself with the blanket as Landons eyes widened before he stood up and took off his shirt. It was my turn for my eyes to widen when his buff and tatted upper body was clearly shown.

I blushed when he looked down at me while I was staring at his abs. He smirked before kneeling down to me and pulling the covers away as I try to hide myself. He let out a growl like noise as I flinched back and watch him peel the torn shirt off easily before placing his humongous shirt on me with ease.

He lifted the tray onto my lap before nudging me to eat as I gulped nervously before eating the coffee cake on the plate. I watched as he moved to the side of his cell that had a door I've never noticed before.

He opened the door as I noticed it lead to a toilet, a sink, and a shower? Wow, he gets his own shower while the rest of us gotta hide from other inmates peeking in the little cube thing we showered in.

He turned the shower on as my eyes widened again. Was he literally going to shower with the door open?! I mean I wouldn't care less because then I could see all of hi- what am I saying?! My mother raised me to be holy JESU-

And there goes his pants...  


Don't look....

I'm literally trying so hard not to stare at the hot model like man in the shower literally a few feet away from me.

I mean I've seen a fair amount of men naked before, but never that buff and tatted with delicious caramel toned skin- ughhhh can I just eat without thinking of his body god!

A little peak wouldn't hurt...


I slowly turned my head only to see the over 6 foot man facing the wall while his toned back dripping water facing me. I was literally drooling at how the water flowed down lowly down to his butt that was quite nice if you ask. His legs weren't as hairy as most men's were. Just as he turned to face the shower head as I scanned down his left side which was an even better view. Not only could I see his face and upper body, but my eyes wandered to the lower area....


I couldn't stop myself from staring so hard at his man hood. I could feel myself get a bit heated just by staring at it. But my thoughts were cleared when the shower turned off.

I jumped a little before looking down at my plate and trying to eat normally. I could feel his eyes on me before I took a sip from my cup while my hand shook.

As soon as I finished my tray it was picked up from my lap as I looked up to see a clothed Landon. He opened his cell door and looked at me with a raised brow. I looked at him confusedly before getting up and walking out while feeling him tower behind me.

I could hear his breathing as he walked with me close to his chest. He walked me to the cafeteria as people watched us in shocked. I placed the empty tray back to where it was supposed to be before Landon kissed my cheek and walked away with the prison guards.

"Holy fuck! You guys are so cute!" Pilar shouts from across the cafeteria as I blushed at the fact that everyone just saw him kiss me on my cheek,

"You got to teach me how to get guys" she says as I laughed while sitting down at our table,

"You fucked him yet?" Tazz asks with a smirk as I shook my head,

"Damn, you got one of the hottest ones in here" Pilar says with a wink as I laugh,

"But what happened last night? Are you okay?" Bloody asks as I nod,

"We saw them taking out Andrei's body a few minutes ago. What happened?" She asks as I was about to answer before Pilar cut me off,

"Ain't it easy to see, Landon saved her ass and they were making babies. I mean look, she is wearing his shirt. And plus she wasn't in our bunk last night. Isn't that a bit suspicious?" Pilar asks with a duh tone as I rolled my eyes before laughing,

"Actually, he gave me his shirt cuz my other one was ripped by some one else" I say avoiding their eye contact as they grew silent while staring at me with sadness,

"I'm okay guys, he helped me. Thats it" I say with a shrug as they look at me with worry before nodding,

"Well okay then...." Pilar says as I knew this day was going to be a looong day.

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