Chapter 2/1: Agreement Made

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PLOT: Bruce flungs his eyes open from a nightmarish sleep, sits up and tenses his whole upper body into a followed stretch like it's an everyday thing, yet it is but he can't push the hindering dreams and act like he now has all that's wanted when it's still far from it.

He spots the healthy packed protein shake on the drawer chest to his left side that was also on a serving tray, that's from Alfred.

It didn't look the most appealing pro-shake but it was one of his routine moves; he gets up. Downs it in seconds, then drops to do a bunch of push-ups. 150 to the exact, without stopping, to get a nice boosting pump before taking a long shower.

After drying up... He got into a white t-shirt and grey tracksuit bottoms then goes down to the lounge and was about to relax when he remembered an important thing to check up on, and instead walks over to the fire mantle, performs a sequence that opens up a quick route leading to the dark cave beneath his home.

BRUCE: Arriving into the batcave, I -- again, get swarmed by my backup bats right after stepping out of the elevator 'n' making my way to the computer.

They spread around the shadows above my merchandise, being; The Batwing, Training Facility, Bat-Suit cage and PC system that has everything I need to get around the City with barely any problems at all.

I activated the system and took a check on the tracker that Copperhead has on her clothing and it takes some time to get it up and I see that it is still in the exact same place.
Hadn't moved. And again made the message about the agreement, and resent it to Gordon's PC for double assurance that he gets it and the deal was kept-worded.

Just as I done that, Alfred came down after me in wonder to what I was doing cus' I don't usually go here on this day to do anything of Bat work! He asked me of why such a decision to be made was being here...

Alfred: "This manor has all the fun activities to do and yet... Here you are, down here, out of all the places you could be!? Why, Sir? Figured you'd be in the gym and combat sparring perhaps?"

I had my reason and was straight with it, telling him "The tracker I attached to Copperhead, I've triggered to see if her loyal side has remained truthful or not, Cus' I don't trust anyone....except for you!" I added there. He raised a brow before I did so and said after it...

Alfred: "I should hope so, Sir. But, I'm being clear that you are not going out there as the vigilant alter on this day at all!! I forbid it!!" Even though I wasn't planning to fight crime today or tonight, informing him that "I don't plan to! But I do have severe anger that I'll use on my dummies to steam it off my system!"

My faithful butler agreed to my own advisement.

Alfred: "Very good, Master Bruce. I'll prepare your breakfast, being the most important meal of the day"

I cautiously care for his energy and health as well as mine to ask him "Have you eaten today, Alfred? Not havin' any problems from Bane's attack last night?" Standing with his hands together behind his back in the process of moving back to the elevator, he paused to go on turning to face me and says...

Alfred: "Occasionally... Had bites here and there, when hungry, of course. But you must eat. Be back shortly, Sir, with 3 bananas, 4 rice cakes topped with crunchy peanut butter, 8 whole eggs and 800 millilitres of milk " Impressed that no damage had sufficed on his memory, I nod to him in corrective appetite requirements that I have daily.

Alfred: "As good to know, Sir" He carried on and left.

I switch the power core to my training ground control box on and stroll to get to it. Pressing a simulation test to program barely a challenge of; 6 thugs - 2 wielding knives, 1 using a baseball bat, 1 armed dangerously with a firearm and final 2 as martial artists.

I initiated it to begin in 60 seconds. Got inside the bounds, cocking my head to both sides that erupts a crackling noise as it counts down to have them appear. Fisting my hands and hearing the beeping of 5...4...3...2...1; Begins.

PLOT: Bruce concentrates his eyes on every fake enemy before him. A martial artist and knife thug try their luck, both at once, slashing the blade for Bruce's gut and palm strike for his head from the martial artist. He weeps out of the sharp reach and used a forearm to block the palm upwards, catching the wrist he held the knife in, striking him below the bicep and smacks his knee into the thug's elbow making him drop the weapon releasing the wrist palming him in the sternum knocking him to the ground and afar to attend the other attacker as they went for a head kick. It impacts Bruce's outside of his upper arm blocking it 'n' wrapping his whole arm around the shin, trapping it's escape, trips the balance out from underneath him before he could attempt any resistance against him and follows up with snapping his ankle that ended the first martial artist's simulation. Standing back up just while the wooden batsman is coming forward and the thug getting his feet back under himself goes again. Taking a mean swing with the bat, Bruce ducks being smart to realising that much power built up cannot be withstood or stopped, the batsman is now behind as he recovers from the powerful determining miss with it Bruce see's an incoming fist going for his face, weaves aside bashing his elbow into the thug's kidney and he stumbles back a few steps. He latches onto the thug's punching wrist, tossing him over his shoulder blades quick enough that the momentum consists him to bump into the batsman, giving Bruce time to get fully up as the batsman kicks the thrown thug out the way and lines another pelting swoop. Bruce dashes into it when less than half the power is provided' he gropes the bat and sends a hook to the the batsman jaw stunning him and combines the hit to detaching his hands off the handle, locking his whole arm over and around both the thug's upper arms then Judo throws his bodyweight to the floor breaking the elbow using the bat -- eliminating him out of the test.

He lets go of the batsman thug's arm just when clicking is permitted for the gunman becoming motioned to attack. Going right for the biggest threat, the gunman gives a try with his weapon's stock on him. It dreadfully fails. Bruce blocks the attemptable strike with both hands, slamming a knee into the firearm thug's stomach hard enough so that he could pull him into an armbar hold hyperextending his rotator cuff, kicks the thug's lower leg bringing him to his knee, completely face-planting the steel and is out from the impact.

Only 2 now remained operational.

The second martial artist ran and threw a 180 spinning taekwondo reverted kick at his head. Bruce reflects it rotating under the attack and smacks a power back fist up towards the striker's sleep spot, and it doesn't land -- from the caught by the aggressor and tries to infiltrate his defense with a similar back hand of his own to Bruce and blocked just within the perfect second by the same arm 'n' hand -- kicking out the front balancement knee from the fake fighting opponent. He doesn't go down to a lower height, instead momentum's the acceleration strike from Bruce for a spin-rib kick. It almost connects... Though, reflected away and passed its target mark with his forearm and karate straight punched in the kidney then wrist latched 'n' tossed strongly into the blade wielded thug.

Both were down but not out! Bruce gives the regular thug a ground pounding dome punch, knocking him unconscious and out the practice course.
The martial artist got up in a breakdancing manner quickly and went for multiple attacks in one fury stream of hostility. He prevents all from landing except the last one - a double handedly palm striked in the entire torso. Causing him to stumble back two steps. His final programming threat went for a jumping high knee strike and it was focused on Bruce's forehead, due to him looking at the ground in short-term pain.
He knew a strong finisher was enroute to end his training and fail, but he wasn't letting that happen! Sucking up the pain; as he should... while about send the leap off, Bruce dashed forward with side headbutt to the Martial Artist's chest, knocking him off stance and he used to swipe his foot into the air and spun to follow in delivering a torso spinning back kick but it alternated targets to hit the chin. Martial Artist went down.

After that - he disappeared and the computer called out "Simulation Complete" just as Alfred arrived with the packed food tray.

Alfred had brung down a towel for after Bruce completes his physical gym training, being a daily to the list that he never cuts or does not do even if ill being an example! The training is not the same but needs to be challenging for getting better, stronger and more suitable to certain situations in doing justice and spreading fear into the bravery of Gothams scum.

For today; was Endurance, Speed and Target Practice training.

He ate the breakfast set down and made before proceeding into what keeps him in shape for the night work.

By the end of it, Bruce was a sweat mess. Pushing the limit that a less motivated human would quit doing after the first day or week. His forehead leaks the fluids of body exhaustion.
Taking the towel, dabs it on that area to rid the sweat from reaching his eyes which would sting like hell, he knew so.

He done a full 3 minutes of muscle tense and squeezes to trigger passed the mutual pain, boosting the aching pump. When finished, sat down and logged up into the Bat-Computer - checking the city crime detection module.
It was quiet, but to Bruce that always could mean bad news just waiting to pop up and disturb that silence.

BRUCE: Sitting like a guessing business leader in this chair, just thinking about the quiets isn't the kind I see this city use and I don't like it!

Somewhere out in the city limits crime is waiting to be raised where I will be needed and it's just a matter of time 'n' patience.

So I wait... wait... wait... and wait longer, for that felt like half the day.
But she still didn't budge. At least.. I figured it to be actually her and not that she could've found the tracker and put it there?!?

And that thought worried me for once ever..

But I had to know for sure!

The minute the sun went in from no longer shining over the city for this day as I watched it go down from my lounge window, which had a great view of the entire portrait of Gotham and now that it's getting dark; time to visit GCPD! But not as Batman or myself!.. As my vigilante attire from my few nights of serving the streets with justice.

Refusing to tell Alfred of it, I go back to the cave and disguise myself up from foot to head. Only my eyes were exposed. Or maybe not!

I grab one of my eye masks to add in and now...I had nothing skin wise showing and leave out the secondary entrance of the cave to avoid contact with Alfred because he's probably in the kitchen..??!

[Time Skip]

Being on foot going from rooftop to rooftop like this and not able to glide with my cape made things slower! Wasting time as Copperhead could be long gone if she has defied me?! I have to get there quicker!

A few more minutes go through the time scale of this day and I finally get to the rooftop that overlooked the GCPD building. It looked unoccupied as no cops work today, so I shall have no issues getting inside...!


When in there, I'm enroute to reaching cells area. It was cold. Very cold.

Could even feel the chill through my gloves.

I thought to myself..."If she has gotten loose? Can't say that I partially blame her." From the fact, she's barely wearing anything on her torso section.

Keeping the means of silences in being like a ninja to sneak up to her cell, no thumps of my boots colliding to the steel flooring of the station.

Getting there, I stay mute and up on the higher rail walkway.

There was no shadows I could hide in.

...Not good!...

Is all that could come to mind in words for my stealth approach getting obscured from up here but I change that by jumping the railing as quiet I'm suppose to sound. With my boots cladding a little bit but frankly not loud, either she'd be at the bars by now!

Landing then rolled into a dimmed corner. Same one as last time, but I was witnessed then. But not a chance on happening this time.

Turning on my instinct tech that helps me get ahead of crime solving, I use it build into this mask to test and I see if there's a skeleton in her cell that should be hers and no one else's.. and that assumption goes right out of my mind when I detect one and they're displayed down in a relaxing phase of position. Also breathing as well. The figuration structure is definitely a woman's!

"I don't need stay any longer" I mindingly say in my conscience and grapple off.

Vaulted back over the railing onto the overpass that'll give anyone a good view of the prison block.

Smoldering at her cell for a moment, until...

PLOT: The police station may have been unoccupied by personnel officers but it didn't mean that none were there!

In the control room of the cell area sat one - chilling with a magazine and snack like on any jolly late afternoon, but the mag wasn't any sort.. A various all in one mag.

A part of it made him eye the monitors and only 2 cells were attended with captives.
He takes focus onto Copperhead's and placed his tips onto the screen at her exact spot where she's lead. Dropping his fantasy into motion and dawns to say out....

Officer: "It's Christmas after all! And why wouldn't a venomous woman be grateful for a present?" Irresponsibly thinks to himself and getting antlered up somewhere on the job.

Grew stronger on the dedication and comes out of the room to head for her cell door beforehand switched the cam off, and stealthily Bruce rallies out of sight just before he could be seen by the...horny policeman waltzing by him whistling carelessly.
Using the shroud to his predatory advantage.

Down in the holding cell, Copperhead cradles her height upon the bedding and gazed at the ceiling just awaiting the time for her escort to come when hearing loud smart footwear steps approaching.

Her snake-like tongue swims in the thin air as she sprang to her feet, up to the bars.

Copperhead: "What you want, cabron!?"

The officer confidentially confronted her up close, bc just that he is going to try seduce the villain with words of niceness carrying a shock item in case it doesn't work!....

Officer: "Thought I'd come here to wish you a cheerful Christmas?!"

She didn't get a convincing vibe of truth from him.

Copperhead: "Something tells me - that wasn't why you came here?!"

Her gloves were still usable, if she needed them.

He overlooked that particular detail within her cell, but still attempted keeping the act of getting what he wanted. Responding back with a laughy type of tint in his voice....

Officer: "Maybe. Yet maybe not. It's occurred to me that such an assassin like yourself would let a costumed freaky punk of a man beat you... a deadly merciless killer for hire? Which is quite funny, really!" His purpose was to annoy her enough that she'd open herself to be hit with the purified voltage that'll incapacitate her.

She though shrugs off what he said as a torment and told him....

Copperhead: "It's not like you did any 'bette, payaso!??"

The man was diagnosed with severe PTSD and his previous encounter with Batman now decided to play in his head, where he remembered patrolling the front of GCPD with 12 others that were armed up 'til Batman dropped into the middle of them and put every single one into 'night night' mode too quick, until he remained - hollering out a big game, flipping his tongue and running his mouth beyond arrogance child level, with his opponent just standing there not at all fazed by anything that escaped out with his voice.

All he did was run at pelting speed for that one hit win.

It was ridiculously a waste of his energy, with Batman knocking it away using his opposite forearm into him getting a nasty same arm elbow strike against his face that landed, to stumbling a foot or so backwards wobbling by the attack while having his wrist grabbed and yanked forward to knocking him out with a floor face-planting impact where his vision went blank and next thing he knew was hearing Gordon's voice upping him out of the snow pile he was sunk in.

But how would she know which one he was, or was her line just a comeback from his own one to see if he'd be as easily ticked than she is? Before thinking his next words he thought on it..

His comeback on her was the real triggering point where she leaped at the bars....

Officer: "For me, it's ideal. But you have a reputative score for killing tough ones and just some guy in a suit, gave you one hell of an ass kicking to ending your days to ever kill again!"
That's when she had enough. Gritting her teeth in a maddening pissy, jumps at the bars of her cell and fixated on reaching out to get ahold on him. Being her own downfall of an opening chance, that he capitalises on for reason to use the tazer he held behind his back and sending 25,000 volts through her from the arm, dropping to the floor, as a twitching mess.

He chuckled that the plan to make her lose it worked so simply and adds something in words to it....

Officer: "So...predictable. For just the right tone is so easy to get such a vital killer to lead themselves right into a temper consequence, leading to this happening!" Unclipping the keys from his waist belt, he unlocked the door to Copperhead's jail cage and opened it without being hesitant.
Reason that she was down and in a sudden case if certainty shock for however long it lasts through her body?...
He waltz in to scan her over instinctively, starting from her feet snailing along to make worth of the little details that classes Copperhead to him as - 'a hot piece of criminal ass' - her grittered abs spasming from the purification source that was deposited to have ran through her and she couldn't take. To the natural cups upon her chest, he eye's most of all, lecturing them with the pull that's making so hard for him to look but not touch and stares for ridiculous amount of clock working time until he sets off from there..more upward where his gaze met her lean vocalist neck, still a sight he seen to be use of the duration to admire that she was gifted from whichever one of her parents who has that same sexy outlined area?

Her mighty sharp teeth were latched together in tolerating the electricity coursing throughout to ease it as Snake's do not react too much on shock types of aggression, yet her humanity half defeats that purpose to not managing the effect well enough.

Officer: "Those eyes of yours are the epitome of thé slither kind, green with a hint of brown in them."

Copperhead releases a long lasting dog snarl to obliged that she was indeed caught in place with having to listen to what he was disrespectfully describing her like and could do nothing yet to stop that resuming on!
She so wanted to put this cop into the lesson stride of misery for just doing this in general, but if she did, her trust from Batman would die on the spot and she'd be escorted somewhere that's unescapeable.
He'd make sure of it.

Yet with him watching her choices of reaction now, he will see what she'll try.

Her body was kicking off slowly, in fighting it.

The officer obviously wouldn't make touching contact risk with 25,000 volts going

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