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(Himiko's P.O.V)

How long have I been in here for? Nyeh...

I want Tenko.

I'm not sure how long I've cried for so far but my eyes are definetley wet and red. for all the time i've seen that asshole green bird and some of his associates but hey, they dont pay me much attention. i should probably stop thinking about what happened when i first got here... if only Y/N had been able to do something, i dont blame them though, they couldnt have done a thing. i hope they're coming for me though.


(Nobody's P.O.V)

Himiko woke up, and began to take in her surroundings, and her predicament

she seemed to be tied to a chair in a small dark room and as the room came more into focus a girl with blonde hair began to walk toward her

"oh wow so himiko huh" she said

"junko" said himiko

"yea so like uhhhh we're gonna like maybe torture you for a bit, u ok with that?"


"fuuuuuuck! i cant legally torture you if you didnt give consent" said junko

"lol no i'll do something" said duo who also walked in "i can like try and torture her but like also not"

"ok then" said junko "but dont actually torture her she hasnt given consent"


so junko walked out and himiko began to scream as the owl blasted the gummy bear song in her face for 24 hours


Nyeh.... that gummy bear song is still stuck in my headdddd!!!!

oh well...

welp.... time to go back to sleep-


Someone else was thrusted into the cell I was in

"hello?????" i called

"hi" they said
i decided to walk closer to them, and she was a witch wearing full black

"Nyeh, pitch black witch"
I said

"Chlomaki" said chlomaki
"Himiko" i said

"So what is this place" asked chlomaki

"capital city, duo's jail"

"oh nice" said chlomaki

"well can you help me escape?"

"yeah sure but i dont know how long it could take, do you have a spoon?"

"yes" i showed her my spoon

chlomaki took it and used a spell to make the spoon very sharp

"now we can dig out the wall easily"


so chlomaki and i got to work on the wall

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