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tw: uncensored swearing

Virgil woke late the next morning, Remus's arms wrapped loosely around him from behind and he had a splitting headache.

It wasn't uncommon for the two roommates to cuddle together, especially after a full night of drinking. They were close and had a very strong platonic love for each other.

Virgil groaned, and, thanking whatever god was up there that he didn't have any classes today, wriggled free of his roommate's arms. He didn't remember much from the night before, but, telling by the numerous empty beer bottles on the floor and nightstand, he and Remus had had another drink night.

Remus shifted, yawning.

"Nice hair." Remus chuckled.

Virgil's eyes grew wide.

What had they done last night?

Virgil climbed over Remus with a desperate haste and he looked in the mirror.

"What the fuck happened to my hair?" Virgil shouted at nobody in particular.

Remus was just waking up and he chuckled again.

"You said you were getting sick of your natural color, so we dyed your hair."

"Yes Remus, I can tell." Virgil glared at Remus then turned back to the mirror.
"Why purple?"

"Because it's a good color on you. Don't worry so much Virgey, it looks amazing."

"You do not get to call me Virgey after you did this," Virgil gestured to his freshly colored hair, "to my head."

"You're being overdramatic. Give it a few days, it'll grow on you." Remus rolled his eyes.

Virgil continued to mope, not taking his eyes away from his purple-haired reflection in the mirror.

"Quit moping and get some painkillers. I've got a killer hangover after last night and I'm sure you do too."

Virgil did, stopping to look at himself in the mirror once more.

Other than the painfully bright color, Remus actually did a really good job. It had been evenly bleached and nearly perfectly dyed. Remus was good, especially for an amateur.

He grabbed the pill bottle and swallowed two dry, tossing the bottle to Remus.

Virgil slipped his shoes and jacket on, grabbed his keys, wallet, and phone and pulled the hood of the jacket over his head.

"Where the hell are you going?" Remus asked, popping two of the pills in his mouth.

"Out. Clean up the room while I'm gone, yeah? I'll be back later." Virgil replied before leaving the room quickly.

He glanced down at his phone.

117 messages from Pat 🐶
67 missed calls from Pat 🐶
17 voicemails from Pat 🐶

"Shit!" Virgil hissed to himself.

He clicked into the phone app quickly and dialed Patton's number, holding he phone up to his ear.

The phone didn't even ring once before he heard Patton's worried voice on the other end.

"Virge, kiddo, is that you? Are you alright?" Patton asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry for not texting, I forgot. I've got an emergency though and I need your help. Can we meet at the shop?" Virgil asked.

There was shuffling on he other end of the line, "yeah, I'll be there in a few."

"Thanks, Pat."

"Of course, kiddo. I'll see you in a few."


The line went dead and Virgil pulled the phone away from his ear, shoving it in his pocket.

He kept the hood over his head even in the searing heat of the morning sun. He was afraid if he took the good off, his hair would reflect the bright sunlight and break the universe.

He arrived at the shop a few minutes later and saw Patton waiting for him at their usual table.

Logan watched Patton from behind the counter, and, much to Virgil's distaste, Roman was with him.

Virgil attracted the three boy's stares as he enter the shop. He slid into the seat across from Patton and looked around. It was later in the morning, so the shop was fairly bare of customers.

"Virge, kiddo, why the hood?"

"Because, Pat." Virgil pulled the hood down, revealing his hair. "It's purple!" He shouted, his voice was a mix of angry and frightened and his eyes were wide.

Logan and Roman looked at him, shocked. Patton was the first to speak.

"Kiddo, I really don't know what to say." Patton looked to Logan hoping that his boyfriend would know what to say to keep their friend from freaking out.

Logan was still stunned to silence. Roman spoke instead.

"It looks great! What's the problem with purple?" The barista smiled brightly.

Virgil flashed Roman a look.

"No Roman, it doesn't. It's purple." Virgil growled.

"Who did it? I need to go see them." Roman asked.

"My roommate did it when I was shitfaced drunk last night!" Virgil hissed.

"Not very helpful. Can I get a name?" Roman asked once more.

"Remus fucking Sanders." Virgil's voice was low.

Surprise showed on Roman's face before he let out a loud laugh.

"Remus did that to you?" Roman's laughter was loud which caused both Logan's and Patton's gases to fall upon him.

Virgil was struck with a sudden realization. That's why Roman looked so familiar.

"Your fucking brother did this to my hair!" Virgil glared daggers at Roman while the barista continued to laugh.

"Well at least it looks good." Roman commented.

Virgil sighed, this wasn't going anywhere. He looked back to Patton.

"Pat, I need your help fixing this." Virgil declared rather desperately.

"I'm sorry, kiddo. I can't fix it. I've never touched a container of hair dye in my life." Patton smiled gently at his angry friend.

Virgil let out a frustrated groan.

"If it makes you feel any better Virgil, the purple does suit you very well." Logan commented from behind the counter.

"Thanks, Lo. I'm just not feeling it. It just doesn't match my style." Virgil muttered.

Patton thought for a second before speaking up. "So maybe the purple hair doesn't match your current style, but what if we, let's say, updated your style!"

Patton seemed so confident in his idea that Virgil couldn't not agree.

"Whatever you say, Pat." Virgil felt momentarily better about the situation.

"My sewing kit is back at Logan's house, but if you see something on the internet or in a magazine or anything I can try to help!" Patton's endless enthusiasm helped boost Virgil's mood significantly and for the first time that day Virgil smiled.

"Alright. Thanks, Pat. I'll start looking."

"Of course, kiddo!"

Virgil stayed until Logan got off break, the latter had managed to convince him to keep the hood off his head seeing as it was progressively getting hotter and they didn't want anything bad to happen to Virgil.

Roman had even joined the couple's efforts in making Virgil feel better about the situation by telling the purple haired man that he would tell his brother off.

Virgil wasn't surprised that when he finally decided to leave to go back to his dorm Roman got up too, but he didn't shun the man this time. He decided he was getting nowhere by ignoring the barista and being endlessly pissy around him.

"Hey, Virgil?" Roman asked, breaking the silence of their peaceful walk back to the dorm buildings together. The theater student looked to the man walking next to him.

"Hm?" Virgil hummed, meeting Roman's whiskey colored eyes.

"I wasn't kidding about wanting to get to know you."

// an
this whole no school thing is really messing with my head, i almost forgot today was wednesday.

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