before you start the story!

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what is up my dudes, dudettes, and fellow them-dudes. tis I, the author. don't be all formal tho, y'all can call me Sif.

before you start the story, I ask that you keep these few things in mind (please and thank you)

1) this is a Sanders Sides fan fiction, so if you aren't familiar with Thomas Sanders's YouTube series Sanders Sides I suggest you check it out!

2) I am not the best writer, but I try. I've put a lot of effort, time, and research into each chapter, so please be kind about what you say!

3) updates will be every wednesday starting March 4, 2020 !!

4) if you are coming from one of my other stories (astrophile, theatrophile, etc.) this is a totally different universe, so, though there are some extremely subtle nods towards those stories, they are in no way related!

I sincerely hope you enjoy the story and stay safe!

// edit:
also, big thanks to hahaimdyinghaha for listening to my endless rants about the story and characters while i was writing it!! you make it tolerable (lmfao, get it??????)

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