Chapter 7

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Darcrow clicked his tongue. “You must be kidding me. The Emperor of the World Empire is none other than Master Ken. One of the Kings of Hell, the Wind Demon.”

“Yes, that's right. But he wasn't the one who conquered the world. Just what happened at the Heart Of the World, darling Hiro? Did you tossed that woman aside already and left the empire to your brother?” asked Samantha.

Hiro's face twitched and darkened. His Crimson-demon eyes burned in emotion. As though something uncalled for happened.

Hiro clenched his teeth, he looked down and murmured. “Ken... took everything.”

Darcrow's point of view:
“Ken took everything.” Hiro said.

Even though he didn't quite get what he meant by that, but he felt an urge of sympathy. But why does this "emperor" lost to his brother? If he was the conqueror... 

And not to mention the current emperor ordered him to slay all of the lower classes demons around the world. “Then, the sleeping empress is also... your,”

“Sleeping Empress? Who's that? Hiro's wife is a white-haired goddess.”

‘A goddess, huh.’ he brushed his chin as he think more deep. He took a deep breath and glanced at the so-called stripped from his position' emperor. 

‘He is indeed looks quite tough. The Royal crest are also embedded around his arms and legs. There's no mistaking that he is from the Royal Demon family. If he's one of the Demon kings, then maybe he's the rumuored youngest that was born and raised at the human world.’

“I see.” he said and went towards Coco and picked it up. “I don't really want to meddle into your business but please be careful. Coz' I'm gonna kill you one of this days.”

In one swoop, Hiro grabbed the peacock from his hand. “Wha--?!”

“Uri is mine.” 

Took by suprise, he frowned his eyebrows. “Ha? No, I saw that bird at the forest...” but he didn't tried to take it back. Instead, he jumped up to the tree near them and looked down.

“Uri is not a bird. She's a person.” Hiro tossed the peacock and as usual the peacock cries ”Cock!!” and in a split second, it turned into a person from a dramatic smoke.

A gorgeous and sexy woman with long ocean blue and emerald hair. 

It's the peacock Coco?!’


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