Chapter Nine

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Charm's POV:
My sister and I woke up and quickly got ready me changing into a purple leotard and Clara changing into a Blue leotard. Once we were ready we headed to the studio.
Charm's Leotard

Clara's Leotard

"Okay we are going to start on the duets, starting with Charm and Clara's Duet"Abby said and Clara and I ran to studio A to work on our duet. "Okay this looked pretty good yesterday let's see how it looks today"Abby said and we started our duet. "The duet looks amazing everything is great, now go get Maddie and Kenzie so I can work on their duet"Abby said we nodded and headed to the den"Maddie Kenzie your turn"I said and they ran into studio A. "So how is your duet going"Brynn said "it's going really well"I said "that's good"Kendall said "anyways where we going for lunch"Nia said "we could get Chick-fil-A"Kalani suggested "we know you have an addiction to it but we went there Friday"Kendall said "we could get some McDonald's"I said "no I don't want that"Brynn said "yeah that makes sense"I said "in and out"Nia suggested "yesssssss"Brynn said "is that her food addiction"I said "how'd you guess"Kendall said we all laughed "so we all going"Brynn sand "sure"Kalani said "so what's your food addiction Charm"Nia said "Subway or Wendy's"I said "cool"Kendall said "okay dancers it's time to work on the group"Abby said and we all ran into studio A. "Okay this looked very chilling yesterday so I expect nothing different from today now from the top"Abby said and we started the group. "That looks flawless this dance is looking amazing"Abby said we all nodded "okay its lunch time go have lunch then you head back in here so we can work on the group some more"Abby said we nodded and ran to change.
Nobody's POV:
We are in the viewing room once more and today we notice the moms having an issue with the group.
"Did you see her face"Jill said "whose face"Mellisa said "Charm's she looks like a baby out there"Jill said "that's kinda harsh I don't go around talking about Kendall's faces"Ashlee said "my child has emotion unlike this child who has these dark faces like she's going to murder someone"Jill said "Umm Jill it's a dance about people getting murdered by someone and charm is the lead what do you expect from the child to be happy on the stage"Ashlee said "it's just seems over done"Mellisa said "over done like Maddie's faces in season two and three"Ashlee said "leave my kid out of your mouth"Mellisa yelled "then leave an eleven year old out of your mouth"Ashlee said "oh shut up no one wants to hear it"Jill said "you know what no one wants to hear is everyday you attacking a child because Abby likes the kid"Ashlee said "you're pathetic"Mellisa said "what's pathetic is your double standard I can't say a word about your kid but you can gossip and basically attack an eleven year old, you're all hypocrites and we all know it"Ashlee said "I'm in Ashlee's side I've never seen you two this harsh on a child who's done nothing it seems really rude"Kira said "oh shut up Kira you attacked the kid too"Jill said "yeah but now I see how much this is effecting her and her sister I mean I heard she wanted to leave because of us I don't want a child to leave because some moms are attacking her and her sister"Kira said "kinda wish she had left"Mellisa said "Mellisa that's wrong wanting a kid to leave is rude and immature and it's just not right to that child who is working her butt off to be here and having two adults attack her every move isn't what a child should deal with"holly said "ugh shut up holly"Jill said "don't tell her to shut up"Ashlee said "she needs to learn to stay out of it like you all need to do"Mellisa said "If you're going to attack a child then I'll say something because you have no business talking about a child that isn't yours"Kira said "you all are awful"Jill said "pretty sure we're not the awful ones cause we're not the ones talking about a child"Ashlee said.
Back to Charm's POV:
"Sooooo Charm you dating anyone"Brynn said at In and Out "nope living the single life"I said "awwww I wanted another ship"Brynn said "what"I said "Brynn is obsessed with ships"Kalani said "and apparently Maddie and I's relationships are boring now"Kenzie said "yeah sorry about that kenz"Brynn said we all laughed "well I'm glad we are all enjoying this qna session but we have to head back to the studio"Maddie "okay mom"Kenzie jokingly said said "come on"Kendall said and we all headed back to the studio. Once we got to the studio we changed back into our dance wear and then we went back to studio A. "Okay let's start the group from the top"Abby said and we started the group. Once we finished the group we all headed home and headed to sleep.

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