3rd Person POV:
For three days following Niall's arrival at his mates' home all five mates took off from work to stay close together. During that time Niall got to know his four mates as well as them getting to know Niall. When Monday came around all five went back to work. Niall stayed at his mates' house Sunday night, making sure to have work clothes for returning to work the next day, so he could leave straight for their house.
Monday morning went on like normal even though Niall was in the house. Liam and Louis woke up at six o'clock to take showers and get dressed for work. When they were walking out of the bathroom they saw that Niall was sitting on the side of the bed stretching. "I'm sorry baby did we wake you up." Liam asked upon seeing the cute blonde. "No, you're good. I wake up at six thirty every work day morning so I can go for a run, helps keep me in shape for class." Niall told his alpha and beta with an adorable smile on his face. "Ok. If you want we have a treadmill downstairs and it's in front of the TV since it's the only way I will get on it." Louis offers. Niall gives him a hug and tells him that it would be perfect followed by giving Liam a hug since it seemed unfair to Niall to hug one and not the other. Niall changed into a pair of gym shorts and a tank top before tying his running shoes and going downstairs to jump on the treadmill. Once on the treadmill Niall turned on Netflix and chose NCIS before starting his run.
While Niall was running Harry and Zayn both woke up confused. They woke up to the sound of the TV on from the living room which is weird for them since when they wake up from work Liam and Louis are always gone to work already. Both men get out of bed and walk downstairs to see who was still home. Walking into the living room they are met with the sight of Niall slowing the treadmill to a stop and starting to climb off. Niall turned around only to be scared to death by Harry and Zayn in the doorway. "Hi." Is all Niall could get out. "Hey baby." The beta and alpha responded. "Is it okay if I go take a shower before I leave?" Niall asked shyly. "Leave?" both asked in concerned and sad voices. "Yes, leave. I still have a job guys. So, can I use the shower?" After hearing Niall clarify what he meant by leaving they told him he can use to master bathroom.
Niall went upstairs to shower while Zayn put on a pair of gym shorts and sneakers before going downstairs to the home gym to get a quick workout in before work. Harry decided to sit in front of the TV and grade the papers he has been putting off doing for almost a week. Thirty minutes later Harry got most of the papers done and was in the closet picking out what to wear for the day when Niall walked out of the bathroom fully dressed just in time for Zayn to walk in covered in sweat ready to take a shower. "I didn't use a lot of hot water so you should be good." Niall told Zayn. Zayn gave Niall a peck on the cheek in thanks before walking into the bathroom. Niall turned to Harry who was pulling a shirt over his head, "I'm fixing to make a breakfast fruit smoothie, would you or Zayn like one?" he asked the beta. "That would be awesome baby! I think Zayn would want one too." Harry says and kisses Niall's forehead before starting to gather everything he will need for his classes today while Niall went down to the kitchen.
Niall quickly made the smoothies and separated it into three travel cups just as Zayn and Harry walked in. The two men tried the smoothies and complimented Niall on how good it was as well as thanking him for making the drinks for them. All Niall did was smile at the two and kiss them both on the cheek before stating that it was time for him to go. The two older men had to leave too so they walked out together and to Niall's car to wave him off before getting in their own vehicles to leave for their jobs as well.
The five mates texted when they could but otherwise had to catch up on everything they missed while out. Liam spent his entire day catching up on the paperwork that was piling on his desk. Louis had one brain surgery on a middle-aged man and spent the rest of the day catching newly admitted cases. Harry knew that his class spent the days he was absent doing worksheets and not actually learning anything so he spent each class reviewing what they were learning before he left to try and get his students' brains working again. Zayn spent the day training new recruits that knew basically nothing about bombs. To say Zayn was in a pissed off mood would be the understatement of the century he was livid having to keep repeating himself constantly. Niall's adult dance rehearsal could have gone better, his assistant taught the dances while he was out and now he knows exactly why he is the assistant instead of choreographer, it sucked to say it nicely. The kids were at least better since Niall had a different assistant for that class. That class went smoothly and they even got a lot done meaning Niall at least got to end his work day on a good note.
Luckily, all mates got off at around the same time and since it was already decided that Niall was staying the night again he went by his apartment to shower and pick up more clothes before heading over. They ordered pizza and spent the night cuddled up together on the couch watching their favorite comedies until eleven o'clock when they cleaned up their mess and went upstairs to sleep through the night holding each other tight.
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