3rd person POV
"What are they" Bridgette asked as sven ran like they was no tommorow.
"Wolves" all three boys shout at the same time.
Flashes of grey, white and black ran after them. The wolves howl and bark getting closer and closer towards them.
Jason and Damian of course begin to fight then back with Felix helping a bit.
"Let me help" Bridgette says as Felix pulls her down.
"No" Felix says sternly.
"Why not" Bridgette huffed crossing her arms.
"I do not trust your judgement" he says in his emotionless voice.
"Why" she asks slightly glaring at the boy.
"You wanted to marry a guy you had just met" he points out.
"Can't argue with him there" Damian says.
"Sorry blueberry" Jason says.
"Seriously" she shouts grabbing something from the sled and throwing it at one of the wolves who was ready to pounce.
"Nice blueberry" Jason shouts.
One of the wolves knocks the sled to the side causing Felix to loose balance. He finds himself hanging to a rope with a wolf on his tale.
Bridgette thinks fast lighting a blanket on fire using the touch and throwing it at the wolf. Jason helps the guy up.
"I might have underestimated you" Damian says. "But you still an idiot"
Jason laugh as the girl rolls her eyes.
"You know I learnt my fast thinking from my sister" she says smirking as Damian lightly blushes.
They near the edge of the mountain.
"Get ready to jump sven" Bridgette shouts.
"You don't tell him what to do I do" Felix says loosening slowly unhooking sven from the satchel. "Jump sven" he says joining the two boys at the back.
Sven effortlessly jumps over the gorge and the boys are thrown right after him. All of them managed to land on the other side unharmed.
Bridgette jumps of sven as the boys dust themselves of. They look over the edge to see the sled completely destroyed.
"And I just had it repainted" Felix says staring at it.
"Look I understand if you don't want to help me anymore" Bridgette says walking away living all three of them behind. Sven gives Felix the look.
"What you think I'm still going to help her after my sled got totally destroyed" Felix asks crossing his arms.
"We'll buy you a new one" Damian says rolling his eyes.
"No way" Felix says as sven gives him a grim look.
"You have to come" Jason says looking towards Marinette's direction. "She won't survive out there and you are the only one who can get us up"
"Fine" he says sighing. Sven immediately jumps up in excitement.
"Blueberry wait for us" Jason says running after her with the two boys following him.
"You still want to come.... I mean sure you can tag along" she says 'smoothly'
"Of course we'll come Marinette and you are officially my sister's and I wouldn't want Damian's first crush to disappear in the mountains forever" Jason says laughing.
"I do not have a crush on the little snow angel" he says eyes widening as he realizes what he said.
"Yeah sure" Felix says rolling his eyes.
They walk for awhile and soon reach a part of the mountain where Arrendle is visible.
"Arrendle" Bridgette gasps.
"It'll be okay" Jason says smiling. "Pixie will fix it"
"How can you be so sure" Felix asks.
"She was able to keep the kingdom safe for about 18 years I'm sure she can reverse everything. She just needs to stop leaving in fear and believe in herself a bit more" Jason says smiling.
"Okay" Bridgette says breaking the tension. "Let's go save summer" she says smiling. "This way" she says pointing at the wrong direction.
"Other direction" Felix says making Jason snicker.
"I knew that" she says turning around making Jason laugh.
I'm back. And as suggested by one of my readers I started by updating this story. Please vote and comment.
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