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I didn't get it at first. But then you looked me in the eyes and I knew how to understand it. 

"Under that gorgeous stone, there was a plate. And written was an explanation as to why he had called it Elixir. It had said, To Raven. You are my love potion, as I fell right under your spell. You are my healing potion, as you kissed my scars away and sewed all my wounds close. You are my elixir. The only thing I need to keep me alive. You are the medicine to my shattered heart."

While you were saying this, you were smiling blissfully. As if to say, "Heal me, Rae. Heal me with your love."

I tried Neil, I did. But whatever I do, I kept thinking about your indifference in lies and truths. And I'd crush your heart instead.

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