I need you to be okay (requested)

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"I'm so happy we finally get to spend some time together." You said as you laid your cheek on Dahyun's shoulder. Your hands were intertwined, her fingers brushing along your palm as you walked through the city together.

The sun was shining on your shoulders. Yet, it didn't seem to be as bright as your girlfriend's smile. She was over the moon about unexpectedly getting to have the day off.

It was a beautiful day outside, so you just planned to spend the morning and part of the afternoon just enjoying walking through the city and maybe getting some food and do a little shopping along the way.

"Me too, baby." She smiled and stopped walking so she could kiss your lips.

You continued and she swung your hands together as you stopped walking yet again just a moment later.

You watched the cars go by, waiting for them all to clear so you could walk across the road and get back on the sidewalk to continue your walk.

When they finally cleared, you began to walk across the road again. She was talking to you about this upcoming project the girls start tomorrow when her eyes went wide. She suddenly let go of your hand and shoved you out of the way a little as a car suddenly came your way and ended up crashing into her.

Horrified people around you watched as Dahyun hit the ground and the car sped away.

"Dahyun!" You yelled and rushed to her side as she closed her eyes. You began to panic as your world began to crash down around you.

"Help! Please, someone, call for help!" You yelled and started to cry as people rushed to your side and tried to get Dahyun to open her eyes but she never did.

"Dahyun? Dahyun, please wake up. You have to get up." You pleaded and laid your hand over her bloody and probably broken one.

She wasn't moving or opening her eyes but she was still breathing and that was a bit of a relief.

The ambulance arrived a moment later. They quickly put her on a stretcher and loaded her into the back of the ambulance. They let you ride along.

You cried and watched her eyelashes flutter against her cheeks. She wasn't even close to opening her eyes. But she still had a heartbeat and her breathing was still sorta steady, which was a huge weight off of your chest.

"Is she gonna be okay?" You asked one of the medics, who turned his head to look at you and then sighed and said,

"I really wish I could tell you yes... but I honestly don't know right now."

The weight returned and you brushed your hand along her arm.

"Please be okay, Dahyun. I need you to be okay. Please don't give up." You pleaded.

Finally, you arrived at the hospital. They took her out and you followed. You tried to run back with her, but a nurse quickly stopped you.

"Honey, you can't go back there." She explained.

"I have to!"

She shook her head and tried to get you to calm down a little before taking you to a chair and sitting you down.

You shakily pulled your phone from your pocket and called Jihyo.

"Jihyo?" You whimpered as she answered.


She could tell right away that something was seriously wrong.

"You all need to come down here. Dahyun got hit by a car."

"What?" She yelled. "Okay, we're all on our way!"

You couldn't say anything else. Everything was blurry and you couldn't seem to say anything.

You felt a tap on your shoulder and turned your head to find the nurse standing there.

"Here. Thought you might want some water." She said and sent you a gentle smile.

"Thank you."

"Hey, if I hear anything about your girlfriend you will be the first to know."

"Thank you." You mumbled again. "Do you think she'll be okay?"

"I can't say. But she's going to surgery. We'll know in a few hours."

You sighed and sipped slowly on the cold water as she walked away with a small smile.

It was a few minutes later that you heard the sound of Momo's voice and the fast footsteps of the girls rushing to you.

Nayeon was the first to put her arms around you for a hug.

"Is she okay?"

"I don't know. Nobody will tell me. But she's going to surgery."

Mina sighed and tangled her fingers in her hair while Sana sat down beside you and put her hand on your thigh.

"Are you okay, y/n?"

You shook your head.

"It all happened so fast. She pushed me out of the way."

"Because she didn't want you to be hurt," Jeongyeon said as she squeezed your shoulder.

"I would've rather it been me."

Chaeyoung quickly put her arms around you for a hug and you put your head on her shoulder, letting more tears fall.

"We have to hope for the best. It's all we can do." Tzuyu mumbled sadly as she sat down.

"She'll be okay. Dahyun is tough. She's going to come out of this stronger than ever before." Jihyo tried to reassure, only for you to nod.

"I hope so. Because I don't know what I'd ever do without her."

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