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-Sapnaps pov-
I woke up, on the floor. What a great start to my morning. I got up off the floor to see, tulip in my spot, Tommy cuddled up to Karl, my fiance. Not on my watch.

I crawled onto the bed a pulled him off of Karl, as Karl watched. Tommy still didn't wake up but either way I'm cuddling with Karl. Weather Tommy likes it.

"I have two sides you know" Karl whispers, he's not wrong but I'm petty so I want the side Tommy was on. In the midst of my petty thoughts I was kicked. Someone, that person being Tommy, had kicked me in the ass because I pulled him off my Karl. Karl just laughed at how petty we were.

"oi, dick head I was sleeping there"
"so? I don't see your name here, go get dream to let deo join the server and cuddle with him!" I hissed, actually hissed. Tommy stared at me with annoyance in his eyes. He grabbed tulip and jumped off the bed, "maybe I will, mister sapnap" he added force to the 'p's in my name.

He wouldn't actually talk to dream to get whoever tommy's friend named deo to join just so he could cuddle with someone, would he? After a moment of having an argument in my head, I heard the front door close. Is he actually? I ran out the door of the bedroom, and see Tommy standing next to the door with his hand on the knob. This gremlin child, he really knows how to annoy people.

"so we're playing like that?" I glared at him. He laughed at me, removing his hand from the knob. I walked over to him without him noticing, and prepared for a tickle fest. As soon as I reached him Karl came out of the room "sapnap! Leave the boy alone, and get tulip ready for a bath Tommy" Karl ordered, as if we were workers. I can't argue with Tommy getting his daughter ready for a bath but I wanted to play around. I haven't had this much fun since Tommy got exiled because dream always visited Tommy and never talked to me or George. George. He's always busy splitting rule with eret. Since they don't know who should be king, eret suggested both of them and now they rule equally over a crater.

The good part is, we started building it back up. They made a prison, tube remade his court so if he lets us we'll hold an actual court meeting.

"dad!" Tommy yelled from the bathroom. I walked over to see him kneeled down next to him.

"what's up?" I looked at him, "I need towels and tulip doesn't like the clothes I picked for her" I laugh at him after noticing his hair is wet and so is his shirt. He glared at me, "this isn't funny" he said puling tulip out of the tub. He set her on the floor and grabbed her towel, drying her off and wrapping her up as they went to grab different clothes.

Do you like my dividers? I made them! It took a while but I did! Now let's address something, a few minutes ago I was scrolling trough mcyt books and found an actual smut book about tubbo and Tommy. I checked its not fake, sadly. Please, please, please never ship or sexualize minors. If they're okay with shipping that's fine but never sexualize minors, it's disgusting and makes the people involved in the fanfic  uncomfortable.

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