Lights, Camera, and Pose!
May 6th, 2019
Manhattan, New York
Seventeenth Week Pregnant
The Metropolitan Museum of Arts
Third P.O.V.
8:03 pm.
"We'll get out first, so we can help the ladies," Aleksander suggests to Xavier before he shot a wink to Lilly. She brushed it off before the car came to a halt.
Soon enough, the doors to Vera's side opened, revealing Drake once again, and the steps to the Metropolitan Museum of Art covered by a pink carpet. Cheers erupted louder as Aleksander and Xavier passed by her seat and stepped out of the car. Xavier turns back to offer his hand before Vera smiles and accepts meanwhile her other hand was occupied by Drake's.
Shouts of her name were flooding her ears. To be frank with herself, she wasn't quite fond of the spotlight and she doesn't think she'll ever be. She wasn't comfortable growing up with the light shined upon her, and she wasn't used to it now.
As time felt it slowed down, she walked beside Aleksander as they began walking towards the museum. From afar, she could see the cameras flashing beginning to turn her way. Xavier caught up to Aleksander as she slowed down to grasp Lilly's hand. The boys were walking next to each other with confidence as the group neared the steps.
"There's my brother!" Aleksander exclaims as he points towards a black cladding back who's hand was resting in another woman's waist. She kisses his cheek and steps off to take a solo picture. His body turns slightly Vera's way, showing off his stern side-profile which caused her breath to slow down as her heart rate picked up.
Vera felt Lilly squeeze her hand as Ezio glanced their way. Vera directed her gaze away towards the cameras as they were pointed towards her now.
One of the staff directs Lilly and Vera to stand in the center of the carpet as she informs them to face the cameras. Vera's eyes glanced afar, noticing Lady Gaga in her black two-piece. She looked gorgeous as she walked the rest up the stairs.
Vera's eyes couldn't help but land on Ezio. His body was covered in a black suit with small rips in them, showcasing some of his muscled torso which left her clenching her thighs for some sort of relief.
She heard him chuckle from where she was standing which caused her stomach to erupt in butterflies. The woman he was with was the same one announced on TMV. Her name was Cambria, and she was way prettier in person.
Vera sighed before her eyes fell on Lilly's who was giving her a reassuring smile.
Many cameramen were yelling Vera's name to look their way which caught Ezio's attention. His eyes fell on her exquisite body that was overly aroused for him. She noticed that he looked at her up from her head to toe from her peripherals. Her heart appeared to be racing out of her chest, and she was rather surprised that she wasn't clearly showing it.
Vera blew a kiss towards the flashing cameras before walking further down the carpet by herself. She was near Ezio before he walked up the stairs to meet his brother and Xavier. He side-hugs Aleksander and shakes Xavier's hand as he smiles. His pearl-white teeth were glistening under the flashes which caused her body to moisten between her clenched thighs.
From the side of her vision, Aleksander briefly points at Vera before his brother nods. He makes his way up the stairs with his date, entering inside the museum. She wasn't sure how this day was going to turn out judging on her hormonal feelings.
She could only hope.
May 6th, 2019
Manhattan, New York
Seventeenth Week Pregnant
The Metropolitan Museum of Arts
Vera's P.O.V.
9:49 pm.
"Vera!" I turned my head towards the voice that called my name. Aleksander wore a bright smile as he jogged his way over.
The Met Gala was uneventful for me, so far. I kept attempting to relieve the throb that awakened between my legs every time he was nearby. Most of the gala was spent with Lilly. I tried to contain my explicit feelings while other celebrities were welcoming me back to New York that haven't already at my parents' party earlier this year. They were a bunch of strangers that I'd forgotten, and some were big celebrities today.
"Hey. You disappeared on me, where did you guys go?" I asked, noticing Xavier was nowhere to be seen.
Aleksander leaned on the tall table where Lilly and I have been for the past hour. "We were with my brother and his girlfriend." I pursed my lips and nodded before I took a sip of my water. "Xavier should be here any minute. I haven't seen Ezio in a while and--wait, you haven't either!" Aleksander exclaims.
"I should introduce you guys again. Let me just get some scotch on the rocks real quick--" Lightly smacking the back of his head, we both chuckled. I tried to hide my face getting warmer and warmer, and it seemed like that was the only thing it was going to do.
"I'll call him over, though." He suggests as he pulls out his phone. I shake my head in protest before placing my hand on his arm. "It's okay. It's not necessary." I mumble with a smile that was difficult to form. I glanced at my side where Lilly was supposed to be, but she was catching up on a conversation with a good looking woman who I've never seen a day in my life before.
Lilly giggled before placing her hand lightly over the stranger and I slightly raised my eyebrows. I decided to leave her to her daily charades that were not going to stop soon.
He just shrugged before silence filled in between us despite the whole museum was filled with chatter. My nails drummed against my glass of water, not knowing where to direct my attention to. Aleksander was scrolling through his phone as most teenagers do, but as a single to-be-mother whose baby father was near and has no idea of the situation he's involved in is around, well, that would drive her a bit insane.
I glanced down at my long dress, still grateful for the coverage of my lower torso.
"Hey, Xav!" I heard Aleksander call out. I lifted my eyes and felt everything slow down once again. Behind Xavier, was the man who I was dreading to see, yet my body reacted otherwise. He was adjusting his cuff on his sleeve. His suit jacket was resting on his other arm, and his collarbone was peeking through the unbuttoned shirt, teasing me of what was to offer behind the fabric.
The moment quickly ended as Lilly pinched the tender skin on my arm which, thankfully, saved me from an embarrassing moment where Ezio could've clearly noticed my expressive manner.
"Ezio, you remember Vera, right?" Aleksander reintroduces as I pursed my lips.
Ezio's forest eyes were trained on my figure as he studied my camp-style dress. He nodded as he offered his hand. "Nice to see you, again." I nodded and his calloused hand encased my tender one.
As if it was on cue, I felt something repeatedly tap within my abdomen. I felt my breath caught up in my throat before I coughed. " Likewise," I mumbled.
I felt my ears irritably warm up as I let his hand go. I felt the steam leave my ears from feeling overwhelmed at the emotions overcoming. I subtly cup my belly, cherishing her first kick was with her father nearby. My eyes began to well up with subtle tears.
"Hey, Vera. I have to talk to you about something." Xavier interrupted. I nodded as he whisked me away from the table.
I purse my lips, making my way behind Xavier, but as I was about to take a deep breath in, it was knocked out of me as I felt myself collide into someone else. I sniffled. "I'm so sorry," I say before my eyes trained up at the victim.
"I should be sorry for not seeing such a beauty like you." He flirts. His dark eyes complimented his ivory soft skin. His hair was combed back and he was dressed a black trench-coat that was hiding his chrome suit underneath.
My cheeks warmed as I smiled. "What's your name?" I asked, the curiosity overpowering.
"Leone, but Leo for short. You look awfully familiar." He replies as his eyes seem to study my features deeply than before. "I'm Vera."
He clicks his tongue. "So you're the long lost woman of New York, huh?"
I chuckled. "Is that what they're calling me now?"
"Yeah, but I'd rather call you the beauty of New York instead."
Deep down inside, I knew a part of me was cringing at these cliche teenage pick-up lines, but I assume the old Vera would feel that way. The one I am today, she is completely smitten by this hunk of a man.
My cheeks blushed as he chuckled. "Who knew you could get any more beautiful than you are now when you're blushing." He added with a grin. I lightly hit his shoulder. "You could give time for a girl to recover," I mumble, attempting to keep our eye contact, but the new Vera I am now, seem to do anything but that.
My eyes caught where I had left Xavier, but it seems he went back to the table. I was thankful Xavier helped me out of the awkward situation with Ezio. I wasn't prepared for it, but I'm glad for the turns that were taken tonight that led me to Leone.
"Would you want to go with me to the after-party?"
I smiled and nodded. "Yes, I would." The smile quickly vanishing, feeling her feet peddling in my belly once again.
• • •
you guys have no idea how long and impatient i have been to post this chapter because this is where it beginssssss!!! he's back and a new hot character. LEONE IS CRINGEY NGL but i'm not good with finding the line between romance and cringe things.
what do you think of this chapter? let me know! i'll be posting another chapter tomorrow bc i'm so impatient haha. hope you enjoy this one!
thank you for the love and support once again! i'm sorry i cannot thank each and every one of you! school is piling on me once again and i'm planning to meet my online best friend chrissyvermot soon!
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- alli
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