Hey everyone! I know I don't usually do this. And no, this is not an update on me leaving again and taking a break. Don't worry, I will be staying.
This is an special announcement that I've been wanting to announce for a long time!!
It's official guys, there's going to be a sequel to Daddy Valentino!!
Everyone, I introduce to you....
Longing Valentino
This is the second book to the Valentino Series! And I'm so excited to continue this series.
The story will be based on Xavier's and Aleksander's late teenage years! I can't wait to start this story for you all to see!
Thank you all for being apart of my journey which helped me so much to continue Daddy Valentino. And now, I'll be posting the first chapter to Longing Valentino soon after I finish the first story, which is somewhat close to the end.
Tell me what you guys think what Book 2 will be about! I want to hear your opinions! Love you guys so much, and I can't wait to see you soon in
Longing Valentino.
Edit: hey guys after seeing a couple comments getting confused that Daddy Valentino is over.
I am just announcing the sequel for the Valentino Series! Vera and Ezio's story will continue and will end the right way. I would never leave you guys off like that lol.
Also, Longing Valentino is solely focusing on the boys' lives, HOWEVER, of course I will be showing you all the snippets of how everyone lives have turned out, including Vera and Ezio's life.
If you have any more questions, comment them here and i'll be glad to answer them for you guys :)
stay safe and healthy everyone! thank you <3
- alli
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