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Shane- Cassie, where's Cassie has anyone seem her?

Cassie- I'm right here, Daryl saved me

Shane- Right it's always Daryl

Andrea is by Amy's body

Dale- Andrea, she's bound to turn any minute you can't wait here

Andrea- I can and will

Jacqui- Jim, why is there fresh blood on your shirt?

Jim- I uhm it's from fighting last night

Daryl- That's a lie
Daryl pulls Jim's shirt up

Daryl- He's been bit

Dale- Jim, why did you lie to us

Lori- You could've told us Jim

Jim- I didn't want to bother you all

Rick- You would've bothered us when you tried eating us in the middle of the night

Shane- You know what it's not safe here no more, we should go to Fort Benning like I've said

Rick- No Fort Benning has been shut down for weeks now

Dale- Maybe the CDC is still in operation

Cassie- I passed the CDC when I was coming here, well when I got lost I passed it

Rick- Show us the way Kiddo

Shane- We'll have to take our movable stuff

Cassie- Yeah let's go ahead and do that and then I'll lead everyone to the CDC

After a while everyone gets packed up

Cassie- Follow me guys

Daryl- Wait, Cassie do you want to drive my motorcycle?

Cassie- You'd let me?

Daryl- Well I'll be on it with you so yeah

Cassie- Ok then uh guys follow Daryl motorcycle

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