Idea: Everybody fights over the custody of Izuku (THAT'S MY SON! - NO HE'S MINE)
Oh, look! A crack Oneshot! Let's hope that I don't turn it angsty! (Though I probably won't-)
I hope you enjoy this chapter and feel free to leave a like and/or comment!
(Art/Sketch at the top drawn by me)
// Update //
Yeah, I just kept this as a chaotic, (somewhat) light-hearted crack chapter. Who would've thought?
Also, I am not dead yet. Just very exhausted and done with life. End my suffering.
And lastly, to my fellow manga readers- how's the anime adaptation doing so far for you?
Hastily ducking under the nearest flipped-over table he found, the curly green-haired boy sighed deeply, running his hands over his sweaty forehead. His pulse thudded ever so loudly against his eardrums as he continued to carefully crawl further from the ongoing battle.
Why couldn't he have at least one normal day at this god-forsaken school? Was this really too much to ask for? Because, apparently, yes. Yes, it was.
Now, you're probably curious as to how Izuku found himself in this predicament, so let me set the scene for you:
It was a nice Thursday morning and the weather had started turning warm once again as spring bloomed all around Japan, the once naked trees and dull parks regaining their color with each day. The students of class 1A woke up early as always to get ready for their classes, which would start in about an hour.
Both Iida and Izuku had just finished their morning runs, joining the rest of their classmates down in the lobby and exchanging a few good mornings with those who had just woken up- or rather had been forcefully dragged out of bed because otherwise, they would probably oversleep again.
Izuku loved mornings like this, seeing his classmates interact with each other and the vibe around him carrying a pleasant atmosphere with it, helping his underlying anxiety, which would never quite stop bothering him no matter what he tried, but he had gotten used to it so he didn't really bother with it anymore, even laying off of on his medication and doubling down his doses.
His green eyes scanned over everyone present in the common room, doing a quick headcount and list of who wasn't ready to head out yet. A routine he had kind of picked up ever since they had moved into the dorms. Tokoyami, Hagakure, Koda, and Sato still had to show up, along with Mineta but nobody cared about that disgusting grape. It would only be another few days and he'd be thrown out of the Hero Course, anyway.
Humming quietly to himself as he went to go and grab his uniform from his room, Izuku passed both Koda and Sato, who usually took a little longer to get down to their classmates, since the two of them needed to look after their animals or bake something for their training. Izuku sent them a calm smile before disappearing into his room, changing out of his clothes, and getting ready to leave.
Just when he was about to reach out and grab his yellow school bag on the floor a startled scream from downstairs made him still his previous movements, quickly turning the other way and almost crashing through his door as a result. Thundering steps closing in behind him notified him of Tokoyami's presence, the bird-headed boy also having heard the scream.
Izuku pretty much threw himself down the stairs, Tokoyami close behind him as they skidded to a harsh stop once they reached the crowded common room of the dorms. "What's going on?!" Izuku hastily called out, visibly alarmed and fists raised, ready to fend off any danger, only for his attention to fall on the big screen in the middle of the room, his mouth going dry at the sight being displayed.
The TV was set to the news channel, a distressed news reporter pointing at the smoking building on the other side of a heavily demolished bridge. Tartarus, the highest security prison in all of Asia lay in shambles, rubble, and fire scattered over what remained of the building.
"Holy shit, this- this can't be real". Kaminari gasped from Izuku's right, standing close to the kitchen aisle with the rest of the Bakusquad. Judging from their reactions they definitely weren't feeling any better than the electricity user, faces pale and eyes wide in shock. "That means he is out again. And All Might isn't able to fight anymore". Momo whispered hoarsely, shaking slightly as Jirou tried to hold her upright.
Gritting his teeth at the display, Izuku frowned deeply at the level of destruction. Just when everything seemed to go smoothly again this had to happen. He did not doubt that the League would once again gear up for another attack with All For One is free. It unnerved him greatly, knowing that no one in the entirety of Japan would be able to go toe to toe with the underground mastermind.
And he was most definitely not ready yet to step in All Might's footsteps.
The loud bang of the front doors being thrown open ripped Izuku out of his train of thought, eyes quickly zipping over to the person now standing in the door frame. "Aizawa-sensei!" A few of his classmates cried out in relief at the sight of their homeroom teacher, Izuku himself letting his tensed muscles relax a bit.
Aizawa looked slightly disheveled like he had just run here all the way from the main building, which he most likely had, now that Izuku thought about it. "I see that you've already caught wind of the situation, Problem children, meaning that I won't have to break the news to you. Collect everyone and follow me to UA. Principal Nedzu will hold a gathering for all the Hero courses, which will most likely be roped into this whole chaos".
Their teacher explained with a grim look, earning multiple nods or mumbles in response. Izuku grimaced slightly at the sight of his classmates' distressed and anxious expressions, expressions he had hoped not to see again for a long while but there was nothing he could do about it. They were heroes in training, after all. This would be part of their future.
̶B̶u̶t̶ ̶e̶v̶e̶n̶ ̶a̶f̶t̶e̶r̶ ̶e̶v̶e̶r̶y̶t̶h̶i̶n̶g̶,̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶y̶ ̶w̶e̶r̶e̶ ̶s̶t̶i̶l̶l̶ ̶c̶h̶i̶l̶d̶r̶e̶n̶.̶
Moving over to where his group, referred to as the "Dekusquad", "Izu-crew" or "Softie-Nerds" (which Bakugo had "lovingly" dubbed them after getting pissed off for the nth time that day, to which Izuku had almost, almost dropped the bomb of having a thief, two attempted murderers and one who planned his father's death in his group), stood, the greenette shifted his focus to making sure that they were all alright and not shaken up too badly by the news.
It took them about two minutes to fully gather everyone and everything, immediately turning to follow their teacher to the central UA building in an orderly fashion. In the corner of his eyes, Izuku could spot some of the other pro-heroes leading their classes over to the auditorium in which the assembly on their first day had been held, which 1-A had never gotten to witness.
As soon as they arrived, the students immediately picked up on the almost suffocating atmosphere inside the assembly hall. Panicked students huddling together in their respective classes scurrying to find a place to sit down whilst Aizawa-sensei departed from their class to join Principal Nedzu and the other teachers up on the stage.
Claiming an empty row of seats for themselves, the Class 1A students sat down and looked up towards the stage, waiting for Nedzu to start his speech. After about a minute the furred Principal nodded back at his colleagues and walked up to his pedestal, tapping the mic to gain everyone's attention. All eyes now rested on the principal of UA, some holding their breath while others fidgeted nervously.
"Welcome, dear hero students! Am I a mouse? A rat? A bear? Who knows! I am the principal of UA, Nedzu. Now, I'm sure all of you must have caught wind of this morning's incident at Tartarus, so I will directly get to the point. It is almost unavoidable for you hero course students to not get involved in the upcoming operations to locate and bring down All For One, as requested by the HPSC (Hero-Public-Safety-Commission)".
Izuku frowned at this, glancing over at the two neatly dressed-up individuals on stage next to the teachers. "So that's who they are...". He looked the two up and down but could not make anything out about what their quirks could be, so he turned back to Nedzu. "Of course, we will make sure to deploy most of you as support and backup for the pro heroes, but if worse comes to the worst, we cannot assure your or your peer's safety."
Anxious murmurs arose at this, Izuku's lips tugging down further at the increasingly dropping mood. His stomach churned as his uneasiness continued to grow. "Until then, your teachers will up your training and your normal classes will get reduced so you will have more time to prepare your quirk or super moves you still wish to practice on. Once the schedule and group plans for the operation are finished you will be informed about them through your homeroom teachers.
But that'll be all from me for now. I wish you the best of luck. Vlad, Present Mic, I presume you can take it from here".
Grimacing at his aching hand, Izuku massaged his burning muscles while observing the rest of his class out of the corner of his eyes. It had been almost two days since the assembly had been held by Nedzu and everyone was at the edge of their seat, anxiously training their moves and preparing for whatever the future might fling at them.
He couldn't deny that he had been able to sleep well after the news of the prison break, the uneasy feeling in his stomach growing larger with every hour that passed. Doubling over and taking a well-overdue nap on the harsh concrete floor sounded like a good idea right now, but he knew that it would only freak his classmates out more, so he had to hold off on it for now.
Sighing quietly, Izuku brushed through his tangled green curls, focusing back on the obstacle course he had finished about four times now, his viridian eyes flitting from wall to wall as he went over it all in his head. What could he do to quicken his movements and jumps? How strongly should he push himself off of the ground to climb over the rock wall? Should he keep using only 10% for now or try to run it in case something happens to his quirk?
The green-haired student huffed, crouching down low to ready his legs and try the course all over again when suddenly- "Izuku honey!" He stumbled, startled by the familiar voice of his mother. Spluttering sharply, Izuku reeled back before he could fall face first into the cold floor, his head snapping to the entrance of Gymn Zeta, which Aizawa-sensei had introduced them to since Gymn Gamma and Beta along with the other facilities were currently being used by other heroic-classes.
"M-Mom?!" He squeaked out, visibly confused as he watched both his mother and All Might approach him from where he stood. Inko smiled at him and held up the small basket she had been carrying, the noise around them subsiding as his classmates turned to take in the newcomers. "Auntie Inko, what are you doing here?" Bakugo rumbled out, strolling away from the several damaged pillars, on which he had been testing out his explosions earlier.
"Ah, Katsuki! It's so nice to see you again. I'm just here because Izuku asked me to gather some of his notebooks from home and send them to him. But since I wanted to see him I decided to just come here instead of sending them per parcel, I thought it'd be best to also bring along some baked goods for all of you". Inko smiled kindly at his classmates, who blushed, flattered at his mother's words, and hurried forwards to greet her properly.
Izuku gradually mirrored his mother's smile, watching her hand out the baked biscuits and cookies before glancing over to All Might, who grinned fondly at the lighthearted chatter of the students and his mother. They all had really needed a break for a while now and Izuku, although slightly worried, was grateful that his teacher had allowed his mother to come on campus and distract them for even just a little while.
Carefully rolling his sore shoulders, Izuku stepped forward to take one of the chocolate chip cookies when suddenly an alarm blared loudly through the speakers of the Gymn, startling everyone back into raising their guard and tensing up. A tug from deep within One For All confirmed Izuku's fears. The league had made their first move and attacked UA.
"Attention all hero personnel and students, this is not a drill. Security system 3 has been breached. Evacuate immediately to the safety bunkers through the tunnels. All teachers and students of the hero course are allowed to use force against the attackers. I repeat- Attention all-..."
Silently cursing under his breath Izuku glanced at his teachers for guidance before worriedly moving closer to his concerned mother. Of course, they had to attack when his mother decided to come and visit them. That was just his kind of bad luck.
Aizawa came sprinting over towards them with a grim expression, clutching his capture weapon with a tight, white-knuckled grasp. "Problem-children! Stay together and follow me! All Might and Ms. Midoriya, stay behind us while we move to the main UA building and then go evacuate with the others. We have no time to waste!" He called out hurriedly as everyone fell into formation.
With Bakugo on his left and Todoroki on his right, Izuku took the lead behind his teacher, being the strongest heavy hitters of their class and most experienced with the league's attacks. He knew that his mother would be safe with All Might and his classmates, yet he still couldn't help himself and glanced back ever so often.
The outside of UA was in absolute chaos. Different classes ran out of the gyms behind their homeroom teachers, either going to evacuate or fight against the attackers. Blue flames were scattered around the area, several Nomus running wild and a few smaller villain henchmen going after terrified students.
"God damn it- this is worse than I thought it'd be". Aizawa swore silently, regaining Izuku's attention. The greenette grimaced at this, his brows furrowing slightly as he watched Vlad King split his class into 3 groups and send them to help the frantic students escape from the Nomu. Bakugo grunted next to him, grinding his teeth in displeasure while Todoroki just huffed out an icy breath, frowning at their teacher's back.
Yayorozu and Iida sped up toward the front, overtaking Midoriya, Bakugo, and Todoroki as they flanked their homeroom teacher. "Sensei! Shouldn't some of us go and help out the other classes?!" Momo asked breathlessly. Aizawa shook his head at her, his eyes remaining trained on his surroundings. "Vlad and his class can handle this. We'll be needed in going against the League". Iida looked like he wanted to retort something but he nodded, keeping silent.
Just when they were about to reach a side entrance to the main building an earth-quaking explosion went off close by. Izuku reared his head up in surprise, an aching feeling of dread going crazy in his mind, tugging his attention upwards. A gasp was punched out of his lungs as his heart stopped. A big chunk of U.A.'s tower had been destroyed and was now crashing down on them at rapid speeds.
Izuku screamed out, blackwhip activating almost instantly as he grabbed everyone and launched backward, pulling them along and out of the way of the rubble. His classmates yelped around him but he could only think of shielding them from the incoming danger, sending a gush of air force toward the falling debris to direct its course.
Not a second later the pieces of what was once a classroom crumbled down, hitting the ground and shattering the concrete. The greenette hissed lowly, feeling his ankle creak dangerously and his hand cramp up, not having properly controlled the percentage of One For All when he tried to fully evade the rubble.
"Midoriya!" - "Izuku!" Both his teachers and mother cried out whilst his classmates rushed to his aid as he stumbled slightly. Todoroki quickly grabbed onto him from his left, helping him to stabilize himself and regain his footing. "Fucking Deku, warn us next time-" Bakugo rumbled, stepping up next to him before looking up to the destroyed classroom, scowling darkly.
"Incoming!" Bakugo roared whilst everyone huddled together around Midoriya. All Might placed himself in front of Inko, making sure to keep her out of sight so she wouldn't be targeted to draw out Midoriya. On the fourth story of the tower where the explosion had gone off stood none other than Shigaraki Tomura, accompanied by Dabi, Toga, Twice, Mr. Compress, and Spinner. Izuku could feel a violent shudder crawl down his back when he met the ruby-red eyes of the decay-villain.
"Ah, there you are. I was wondering if you had already gone into hiding, hero". Shigaraki drawled, his lips quirking up to form a sly grin. Izuku blinked up at him in shock. Why was Shigaraki talking to him specifically? Did All For One inform him about One For All or just request the villain to capture him? He could feel his classmates glancing at him but he chose to ignore it. "What do you want, Shigaraki?!"
The pastel-blue-haired villain simply cocked his head at him, holding his arms out as if he were expecting a hug. "It's quite simple. We came here to collect what originally belongs to sensei". Shigaraki chuckled, his right hand swinging in their direction. His index finger pointed down toward the students as his grin widened, never once breaking eye contact with the greenette. "Surrender yourself, Midoriya Izuku. And come home".
Nearly choking on his spit, Izuku felt his mouth run dry and his throat tighten up with panic. What the hell did he mean by "Come home"?! Why would he say it like that? "Like hell we'll just hand him over to you!" The ash blonde furiously snarled up at the villains, small explosions going off on the palms of his support gloves. His surrounding classmates just nodded determinedly, pulling him further into their midst.
Izuku pursed his lips at them, silently appreciating their support. Yet he doubted that they alone would be enough to fend off the whole league. But he couldn't just go with Shigaraki. If he went with them All For One would easily be able to steal One For All from him and all would be lost.
Gnawing on his lower lip, Izuku glanced back at both All Might and his mother. "But I can't let them get hurt, either. What do I do?" His brows furrowed, a ringing in his head deafening the noise around him, falling further into his mind-space. "The most important thing is to get mom out safely. Though they definitely won't let us go without a fight... Damn this."
Oblivious to his inner turmoil, Shigaraki turned to scowl down at the hero students, lowering his gaze and retracting his hand. "How annoying. The NPCs are trying to keep me from my prize. How about we show them what happens if they get in the way of our quest? Nomu, come." The pastel-blue-haired villain commanded leisurely, the others immediately jumping into motion.
A big, winged Nomu with dark navy-blue skin suddenly appeared from a black portal, allowing the League to get onto its back and fly them toward the ground. "Everyone back up! Bakugo! Todoroki! Hold them off- Iida, Yayorozu- you take over orders in case we get split up! And Problem Child, you
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