Tighnati POV
I was driving for about 16 min but the motorcycle ran out of gas and the city that I live in is 1 hour and a half to get there and it was in the middle of no where on the road with noting on me
I had to walk for a while but yet there are no exit to the endless road
It was getting dark and the moon was fading in, I leaned other motorcycle from the tiredness for some long I've been running around to find an exit
I looked at the full moon hopping that the endless road will end but I got unlucky scenario instead
One of the men found me
how is this possible then o realized the young boss put a tracker in my jacket
I threw my jacket away quickly and now I'm facing 6-8 men with guns
I had no chance of surviving if I fight them with a dagger so my only way of surviving is to hide from the men there's the forest
I hated to go back but maybe I'll find a another way to get back to the city or even find Cyno and the others
I tried to think of an other way to go because I hated the idea to go back to the forest that is near after just what happened but before I could think deep into my thoughts they were shooting at me non-stop
I ducked down to block the bullets and be shielded by the motorcycle but I heard a vehicle coming from the other side if the road
I was getting hope again I waved to the people who was driving hoping that they will see me but when they stepped out the car
it was the men
I now have no place to go because the gun was automatic rifle(A/N I don't know much about guns so I Googled it if basically a gun that could shoot repeatedly without reloading for a period of time)
If I got up ill be shot down immediately and possibly die and right now I'm being surrounded with the automatic rifle and there's no way to evade it
I.. I guess this is the end i thought to myself beginning to lose all hope I had, I looked down blankly zoning out
I pictured myself with Collei and Cyno together having fun, I just want to see them one more time..
I heard the men reloading their guns ready to shot, one of them threw a smoke bomb at my direction but I didn't stop it
i heard the gunshots shooting but suddenly I was pulled into the forest right behind me
“Tighnari we have to go before they see you”A familiar voice said
I looked back up to see kaveh, which a injured hand it seems like he got shot on the hand
“What are your doing here!?”I asked
“Keep your voice down we have to go”Kaveh said while taking my hand to pull me up and ran
“Thanks Kaveh but where are we going tho”I said
“To the camp, don't worry there's some supplies that we can use”He replied
I saw Alhaitham, madame Faruzan and some other of my classmates
“Ok why are we all here”I asked kaveh
“A school trip”Alhaitham said
“U could've let me said that you book nerd”Kaveh said
Kaveh and Alhaitham just doing their usual arguments but they are really doing a bad job of hiding that they are dating its very obvious
Dehya leaded me to the room with aid kits along with Kaveh
“Tighnari you should stay for the night since your injuries still haven't been fully recovered”Dehya said
I agreed happily knowing that I'm now in a safe area and can have a peaceful night
it was about 1am now I just had some food and drink and rested my shoulder I was getting really tired but the thought of Cyno still being stresses me out a lot right now
what if he's in danger what will happen
It keeps bothering me a lot and I wonder what happened to Collei because she has attachment issues and I'm not sure how she's doing right now
The annoying thoughts keeps getting to me a lot but I managed to sleep after 2 hours
I checked the time it was 7 in the morning,I walked out of the little room in the medical room to see madame Faruzan ordering people around to eat
I went over to Kaveh asking him if he has heard from Cyno the pass few days
“Sorry man but I haven't seen him at all but we do share location on snapchat”Kaveh told me, hope was finally starting to come back again
“Can I see”I asked
He handed me his phone while continued eating, I looked at his location and he seems to be in a forest, I looked closer and it seems like a abandoned buliding
My goodness how many abandoned buildings are there that I have to go to it's creepy
It enlighten me that Cyno is doing alright
A/N: thank you for continuing to read my fanfic and sorry for didn't publish any chapters for a bit of time
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