Chapter 11

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Cyno POV

I woke up at midnight, probably at 2-3am

I found myself walking outside to the front yard

“Oh Tighnari when will u come back..”I said softly while looking up to the sky

I sat down on a bench near the front door,I looked at my hand remembering what happened

Oh god I did not want to remember that

I somehow didn't feel any embarrassment or cringed instead of feeling any emotion I felt noting just empty

I miss Tighnari so much I can't even imagine what it'll be like soon without Tighnari

I remembered the time that I started a fight with some bullies to defend him

I thought deep in my memories with Tighnari I started feeling something wet on my cheek

“Tears”my voice was flat

suddenly I heard a loud sound of police cars driving though

fuck did the school already informed the police?

I ran back in the house and looked through the window hoping to see them gone but they went door to door inside

I couldn't understand why they are going door to door at midnight but I had to tell the others


But we don't have anything to disguise ourselves”Nliou said

“We have to run”I replied

“But there's a chance that the person that they're looking for isn't us”Collei said

“Not likely”I responded

we planned quickly of what to do in the kitchen dining table with anxiety deep down our stomachs but we have no choice but to go

Amber and I got some weapons in case of an attack or having them walking in this house,Collei got the windows ready for our escape with a bag of food and water, knowing that we might be out for a while and Nliou will answer the door

“Hello officers is there a problem”Nliou said innocently

“Oh! hello young lady are you with 3 other people here? it's just that u look quite like the description of the people we are looking for”The officer replied but I can tell he's suspicious about this already

“Oh! no no I live alone there's no one here” Nliou said cheerfully

“May we have a look?” The officers said

I moved my head slightly to notify Amber to be ready to attack as soon as they walk in

“Oh there's really noting to see really tho hehe..”Nliou trying to keep them out

“Ma'am we know its kind of personal to go into people's house but this is a  important case we have to”The office replied

“No no.. I guarantee you there's noti-”Nliou replied but got pushed back  by the officers that just ran in

“GO” I said to Amber

we both knocked out the officers fast enough to make them unconscious for just a few minutes

Nliou locked the door to prevent anymore policemen to see

I grabbed their walkie-talkies incase soon they send backups

we all went out the window one by one,soon we went in the forest where they most likely to lose track of us

Nliou kept her phone with her so we wouldnt get lost in the forest but soon there will be thunderstorm coming soon

“There's a buliding over there we can take shelter before it starts raining”Amber pointed out

We ran over to the nearby abandoned building and everyone rested until it was morning

A/N:sorry if this chapter is short I just didn't have any ideas

586 words

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