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Rex and Ahsoka stood in the command center along with Steela and the other rebels, overseeing the conversation between the rebels and the council. Fives and Anakin were there too... and kriff. So was Kix. He shot Rex a murderous glare while the jedi and the rebels discussed tactics.

"We have elected Steela as our leader, and have made progress both in our offensive and propaganda." Lux detailed. "Your support has proved invaluable, master Jedi."

Anakin nodded. "We thank you for the update, Bonteri. May I inquire on your next step?" He asked, looking outwardly calm and diplomatic, but Ahsoka caught her master's jaw twitch slightly in annoyance. She threw a glance at Rex and sent him her feelings of humor and sympathy for her master at him. Rex's lips twitched up into a smile, which was about as much as a full blown laugh from him while they were in a briefing.

"We need to find a way to stop the droids for a slightly more permanent solution. They're making them faster than we can destroy them." Steela spoke up, stepping forward to speak with the jedi.

"Oh? And how do this, will you?" Grandmaster Yoda asked. Steela shifted her weight from foot to foot, but her face showed no unease.

"We have a few ideas, from setting traps that will only effect droids at key areas to taking out the power grid, but that is something that we are still working out." She said, her voice careful and even.

Master Yoda considered this answer, but accepted it. He turned to Ahsoka. "Padawan Tano, on this mission, observe only. Do not engage unless defend yourself you must." Yoda said. Ahsoka nodded. "Captain Rex, unfit for combat you are. Stay at the encampment, you will." Rex saluted the High General.

"Yes sir." He said, moving back to parade rest.

The council members nodded and flickered out one by one, until only Anakin and his two troopers were left.

"Fives, you are dismissed. I would like to speak to my padawan alone?" He addressed the rebels. The room cleared pretty quickly until only Rex and Ahsoka were left. He nodded at his fiancee and moved to the door.

"Rex?" Anakin stopped him. Rex looked back at his general.

"Sir-ah... Anakin?" He straightened up a bit like he was trying not to stand at attention.

"Kix will be checking in on a holocall." The medic's form disappeared and only Anakin was left. Rex paled slightly, but he managed a dry swallow and a nod.

"Understood, Anakin." He said, exiting the room. Ahsoka turned to face her master, who was looking over his shoulder at something she couldn't see.

"Finally! I thought they'd never leave me alone." He sighed exasperatedly. Ahsoka laughed.

"Enjoying playing the polition, master?" She asked, smirking. Anakin rolled his eyes.

"I usually prefer to do the fighting rather than the talking." He grimaced. "I wanted to talk to you about your relationship with Rex." He said. Ahsoka stiffened slightly, and Anakin rushed to reassure her. "You're both safe for now. I've told no one and I don't think master Ti has either." Ahsoka relaxed slightly, letting out a breath she didn't know she had been holding.

"What about it master?" She asked, still slightly defensive.

"I'm worried that you're getting too protective over him. I know he'a recovering from your ordeal on Naboo, but you cannot lock him in a box and call him safe, Snips." Anakin admonished. Ahsoka frowned at the ground.

"I know that you are worried about him. I understand completely, but you must be mindful of your emotions, padawan." He said. Ahsoka flinched. "I know, I know. I'm one to talk, but you need to hear that." Anakin sighed.

"I... understand, master." Ahsoka said. Anakin smiled grimly.

"I think you owe Rex a bit of an apology."

Ahsoka nodded. Anakin reached to end the hologram, but Ahsoka's head snapped up. "Master, there's something I... We, me and Rex, need to talk to you about." She could practically feel Anakin's blood pressure skyrocket all the way from Corascant. "Not like that, you ninny!" She said, chuckling at Anakin's comical expression as his eyes immediately went to her stomach.

"Oh. Good. Well, what is it then?" He asked. Ahsoka hesitated, not entirely sure how the combat of the mando weddings worked.

"I think part of it Rex needs to ask you about himself, but it's for when we get back." She said, biting her lip and twisting her ring around nervously. Anakin's eyes widened.

"Do you think you're going too fast, Ahsoka?" He asked. Ahsoka arched a white marking at him.

"I think you're one to talk." She said. Anakin chuckled.

"True. And I'd support you if it was tomorrow or in fifty years." He smiled at his padawan. Ahsoka smiled.

The master and padawan made small talk for a few minutes, waiting for Kix to get done chewing out the captain. Finally a disgruntled Rex stepped in the room. He had his cane again, which he shot a murderous glare at the door, back towards the direction of his and Ahsoka's rooms.

"Kix said you wanted to talk to me S-Anakin." He said. Anakin smiled slightly.

"So you and Ahsoka are finally tying the knot? She refuses to give me details with out you here so please, spill." The general borderline commanded. Rex shot an uneasy look at Ahsoka, and she nodded encouragingly.

"We wanted to follow a mando wedding tradition, and since Ahsoka didn't know her father too well, we wanted to knot if you would take that roll." He said, dancing around the single combat bit. Anakin smiled, but his eyes were looking a little misty. It was hard to tell over hologram though.

"The tradition where the groom to be fights the father for his daughter's hand? You want me?" He asked, sounding a little choked up. Rex nodded, relieved that Anakin already knew about that detail.

"You are her master." He said, scuffing at the ground awkwardly. Her captain's ears were bright red.

"Oh, I wish I was there to hug both of you in person. Of course!" Anakin said, grinning like a fool. Rex relaxed slightly.

"I look forward to it sir." He said, forgetting his order not to call his general that temporarily. If Anakin noticed, he said nothing.

"As do I, captain." Anakin smiled, and pretended to wipe a tear from his eye dramatically. "My little Snips is all grown up." He said. Ahsoka rolled her eyes as Anakin played the proud big brother.

"I'll see you at the next briefing master." She said, and Anakin nodded eagerly as he ended the call. As soon as his form winked out and the lights came on in the command room, Ahsoka launched herself at Rex and wrapped her arms around him.

"I owe you an apology." She mumbled into his shirt. Rex wrapped one arm around her a d stroked her head with his other hand, his fingers trembling against his back lekku. "I was being an overprotective di'kut and I didn't want to lose you and-"

Rex cut off her ramble, "Apology accepted, Cyare. I understand." He pressed a kiss on the crease between her montrals. She still clung to him, trembling slightly. Rex hummed a tune softly, the sound rumbling from deep in his chest against her montrals.

"Ahsoka?" He said eventually, once she had calmed down a bit, "It's been a long day. Let's get some rest, ok love?" He whispered. Ahsoka nodded and pulled her face out of his chest.

"Ok." She yawned. It was still fairly early, only about eight in the evening by standard hours, but they headed back to the room none the less. They found a tray with two bowls of food, and Ahsoka's stomach growled loudly to remind her she hadn't eaten since late that morning.

Rex laughed at passed her a bowl of stew. It was mostly meat, but there was a few bits of vegetable floating around that she avoided. Rex was using the force to steady his hands, but he was as tired as she was, especially after the run earlier.

Ahsoka had finished her bowl and was watching him struggle to get the spoon to his lips without dropping half the contents back into the bowl. He grunted in frustration. Ahsoka put a hand on his shoulder and traced soothing circles on his back. She reached out with the force gently and tightened the strands around and in his hands ever so slightly. Rex gave her a grateful look and finished the bowl quickly.

"Thanks, Cyare." He said, Ahsoka took the dishes and tray and put them on the floor by Rex's backpack. She flipped the refresher light on before turning out the main lights and coming back to the bed. She had pulled Rex's shirt on again and kicked off her shoes. Rex shed his boots and just fell back on the bed, too tired to do much more.

Ahsoka curled up with her head on his chest, all ready half asleep. She pulled the blanket over the both of them and sighed contentedly.

"I love you Rexie." She murmured. Rex gave a half grunt of 'love you too' before giving way to snores. Ahsoka was right behind him, succumbing to the peaceful black of dreamless sleep.

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