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"So, you and the captain huh?" Lux sat down on the stone steps of the secluded stairway Ahsoka had been sitting in. She had been trying to get away from the prying eyes, but she found that welcomed Lux's presence surprisingly. Ahsoka looked down at her knees where her shoto hilt was in pieces.

"Yeah. Me and the captain." She put the kyber crystal back in and fiddled with the energy gate some more.

"How long?"

Ahsoka sighed. "I've known him for years, but it's only been about six months since we managed to stumble our way into each other's arms."

"I'm sorry." Lux said softly. Ahsoka looked up at him a few steps above her. "For Carlac. I didn't know how else to shut you up short of covering your mouth and.... I'm rambling aren't I." He sighed and wiped at his face, smearing droid oil and dust across his face.

The corners of Ahsoka's mouth lifted. "Just a little. I understand, but I though Rex would tear your head off for a few hours before I convinced him you were alright."

Lux winced. "I thought togruta were the crazy protective ones."

"Well, I almost shredded Steela yesterday, but normally I'm pretty chill."

Lux outright laughed at that. "I think your definition of chill does not match mine." Ahsoka smirked and rolled her eyes.

"Sure, mister 'gonna go join a cult of sadistic murderers' is calmer than I am." She punched him lightly in the shoulder.

"That was one time!" Lux fell playfully back against the mossy wall on the other side of the stairwell.

"Sure. At least I was there to save your sorry rear end." Ahsoka actually managed a grin, one of the first ones that somebody outside of Rex had seen since her stint with Caedus.

"Speaking of saving, how is the captain?" Lux asked seriously. The grin slid from Ahsoka's face as she sighed, rubbing her eyes grittily.

"They had me sedate him because he was being a stubborn arse and wouldn't let a medic examine him after he only stopped breathing for two minutes." She pulled a face. "But most clones are like that. Aside from some dust in his lungs and older injuries, he's fine."

Lux relaxed a little. "Good. That's good."

"What about you? You come out unscathed?" Ahsoka snapped the pieces of her shoto blade back together and ignited it. She grinned delightedly as the yellow blade grew to the length of a full lightsaber. She flicked the switch on the bottom of the hilt and the blade shortened back down to it's normal length before she shut it off.

Lux blinked, having been mesmerized by the gold blade. "Uh... yeah. I'm fine."

Ahsoka gave him a sly smirk. "And your girlfriend Steela?"

"She's not my girlfriend." Lux pouted. Ahsoka laughed.

"Lemme guess. 'Just a friend?'" Lux huffed again.

"She's better off than your boyfriend. She's actually conscious."

Ahsoka hesitated. "Rex isn't my boyfriend." She said, twisting her ring around her finger nervously. Lux's eyes widened.

"You guys are...?"

"Planning! We're still planning." Ahsoka filled in hurriedly. "We wanted to do it sooner rather than later because..." she trailed off.

"Because you're both soldiers, and you would rather have loved once then waited and missed the chance?" Lux supplied. Ahsoka nodded.

"Yeah. How did you know?"

"I'm a senator's son. I understand people." He supplied, trying and failing to be aloof about it. Ahsoka raised an eyebrow skeptically. "And as a senator's son I have been exposed to the gossip and drama if politics since I was a baby." He admitted. Ahsoka giggled.

"That's one way to learn."

"Tell me about it." Lux sighed. His face softened slightly. "If you guys need a place to... well..." He cleared his throat awkwardly. "If you need a place to go, Onderon will always be a safe haven for you guys." He managed. Ahsoka's face lit up. She opened her mouth to thank her friend, but her commlink went off.

"Snips, your captain is awake and very grumpy. Could use a hand right about now." Anakin's voice crackled through the speaker. Lux put a hand on her shoulder.

"Go on. He needs you." He said with an understanding smile. Ahsoka nodded gratefully and took a few steps down the stairs. She looked over her shoulder at the senator's son.

"Lux?" She hesitated, trying to put all of the words she wanted to say into a coherent sentence. "Good luck." It was the best she could do, but Lux understood.

Rex was sitting up in bed when the door slid open and he was nearly tackled by his togruta. He grunted as she slammed into him, giving him a rather forceful hug now that she knew he was alright.

"Hey Cyare." He whispered as she buried her face in his chest, her montrals rubbing against the underside of his neck.

"Sorry for sedating you." Her voice was muffled by his shirt. Rex chuckled a little.

"'S alright, love." He wrapped his arms around her and leaned back against the wall. She pulled her head up and leaned it against his shoulder, a strange parallel to the position they were in only a few hours before.

"Sorry for using the force without permission. It was an accident." He said quietly. Ahsoka just hummed slightly. "And for giving you a heart attack." He added. Ahsoka laughed at that.

"There you go." She chuckled, reaching up to trace the angles of his face gently. Rex closed his eyes and nuzzled into her hand a little, making her laugh again. She continued to move her hand down, running a soft touch across his jawline and neck before letting her hand travel down his arm, tracing the lines of veins and muscles through the white teeshirt he was wearing.


"Hmm?" He grunted contentedly.

"What do you want to do for our wedding?" She asked quietly. Rex's brow creased a little as he frowned at the wall.

"Haven't really thought about it." He said after a beat. Ahsoka's wandering hand found fiance's and laced her fingers through his.

"You're a terrible liar, Rexie." She chided, "My people really don't have weddings, so I thought I would let you decide how to do it."

"There are some things I would like." He admitted, pulling his arm around Ahsoka's small frame to hold her as close as possible.

"And what would that be?"

"A mandalorian tradition and vows. The groom has to best the father of the bride in single combat to prove that he can and will protect her, and the bride has to best her groom to prove that she can take care of herself." He explained. It was Ahsoka's turn to frown slightly.

"But I never knew my father." She said almost regretfully.

"I'm sure Anakin would take up that postion, even though he's more of a big brother." Rex said hesitantly. Ahsoka chuckled.

"In that case, you would get your shebs handed to you on a silver platter." She snorted. Rex grunted and made a face.

"Wow. Thanks for the vote of confidence." He said sardonically, rolling his eyes. Ahsoka pulled herself up to give him a gentle kiss.

"I call it how I see it, love." She said cheekily, breaking away.

"Well then. I guess I just have to prove you wrong." Rex smirked. Ahsoka kissed him again, on the cheek this time.

"Nothing would make me happier. But I think we both know that I could kick you butt." She quipped. Rex outright laughed at that one.

"There was never any doubt that you would knock me to the dust." He bantered back. Ahsoka giggled at that.

"Anything else?" She asked. Rex tilted his head thoughtfully

"For normal mandalorian weddings, they also exchange personal armor. Usually like a gauntlet or a bracer. The vows are simple enough. You just need to say them in front of a witness. Usually the head of the clan." He frowned slightly.

"I'm not opposed to that." Ahsoka grinned up at him. "We could have Cody as the witness, he was the marshal commander." She suggested. Rex returned the smile.

"I like that. 'Bet he would too." He gave a low rumbling laugh against Ahsoka's montrals. She chuckled too. "The question is when though." He sighed.

Ahsoka pursed her lips as she considered that aspect. "How about... two months from now, aboard the Resolute? That will give you time to heal as long as you kriffing stay out of combat like Kix ordered." She growled, pushing herself away from him to glare at him menacingly.

Rex raised his hands in surrender. "Ok ok. I will behave for two months and focus on getting better. No more 'unforeseen circumstances.' Promise."

Ahsoka curled into a ball with her head in his lap. "Good. I'll hold you to that."

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