What A Suprise

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"Whoo!! You should've seen me, I was on FIYAAAAHH!" Red cheered, Blue and Cyan just rolled their eyes on him.

"Red, you set a whole truck on fire," Green said blankly and Blue managed to let out a snicker.

"It slipped out of my hands! Besides, the thieves were in the truck," Red crossed his arms, not amused.

"Funny you said that, because that just made it even worse. Fire slipped out of your hands and you set a truck on fire, PLUS almost burning the thieves inside alive," Green snapped back and Red was taken aback.

"Whatevs, Green. They're fine, right?" Red waved his hands, he was always the most confident out of them all, but he would never come to admit his mistakes. Only at certain times.

"They're fine, because White froze the truck! You're a ninja, Red. Start thinking with your head instead of your urge to literally destroy everything you come across!" Green yelled angrily.

"Hey, hey, don't raise your voice at me! Just because you're supposedly the Green Ninja doesn't make you any better than us! You were practically ordering us around, we did as you told and now you're getting mad?" Red just about had enough of Green. As much as he knew, Green was the youngest in the group. Yet he acted like he was so much older than everyone just because Master Wu said that he was meant to lead them.

"I'm mad because you're not taking this job seriously! Being a ninja isn't fun, Red! Whatever you do decides whether you're going to live to see the daylight ever again! Do you think it's fun, Red? Huh? You have the most destructive element, yet you're playing around like it's some sort of a game?" Green was mad, indeed. He wasn't mad because Red accused him of bossing everyone around, although he did, but because he wasn't cooperating with his teammates. Master Wu gave him a big responsibility to look after the ninja team, even if he was younger than everyone else. He felt as if he let Master Wu down, which deep down he knew was his uncle. Because Master Wu was his father's brother.

"Me? Playing around? Why don't you look at Blue?!"

"Hey, don't bring me into this!" Blue raised his hands and backed away a few paces.

"Red, I'm asking you to please, take this seriously. Being a ninja is a sacrifice, Red. Although we've been dealing with common thugs lately, but...but I know that soon we're gonna have to face an even bigger threat. Think about the people you swore to protect, think about us! We're not just your teammates, we're your friends," Green sighed and White patted him on the shoulder.

"Friends...? Funny...because I never once recalled any of you being there for me when I needed comfort the most," Red scoffed and revealed a sense of sadness.

"You know we can't, Red," Black muttered. He watched as Red scoffed again and turned around to leave. Cyan and Blue looked at each other and shrugged as they too, left.

"It's okay, Green. Give him some time, he'll work it out," White assured the boy in green as he watched everyone leave. "I'll be going now, Green. Call us if you need any help," White dashed off and took one last look at the boy standing frozen on spot, he sighed and left. Black gave out a small groan and nodded at Green before jumping out of the window, leaving the boy in green gi, his head down and strands of blonde hair fell over his face.

It felt as if he's completely alone again. With Master Wu gone, how was he supposed to manage all of this alone? Why can't it be someone else? Why did it have to be him? He's not fit for a leader, at all! Not to mention he's literally younger than the rest of his teammates. He's already failed in keeping Red on track, soon he'll fail all of his other teammates and he'll go down in history as the worst Green Ninja ever. With such a big responsibility, he'll crumble before he even get to unlock his true potential.

But what choice does he have?


"Hey, Kai.....Kai!! Kai, wake up, the teacher's calling you!" The voice of Jay Walker echoing into Kai's ears. He forcefully opened his eyes and rubbed them.

What the...where am I? The classroom? What the heck? Since when did I get here?

"Kai Smith, are you going to pay attention or are you going to sleep through the whole semester?" Pythor slammed his book on the table, a few students gave out small chuckles.

Pythor.P Chumsworth, a teacher in Ninjago High and Kai's math teacher. He had hair as white as snow tied into a long fishtail that stretched down to his waist and strands of purple hair hidden in the sea of white. It would be attractive if he didn't had such a bad impression on students. No one has ever seen him smile, at least, no students has ever seen him smile. Pythor wasn't exactly the patient type and he has this habit of slamming his books on the table to make a point. Wonder how many books has he 'killed'. It was even made into a meme on the students' Instagram post.

"Kai Smith, detention, now," Pythor pointed to the door for him to leave immediately. Detention, seriously? What is he, 11? Who invented detention anyway? How's that going to help? It's just a waste of time. What do the teachers expect a kid to react when they experienced one time in detention? "I don't wanna be trapped in a room anymore, from now on I'm gonna be a good student," It's hilarious, really.

"Whatever," Kai grabbed his bag and stormed out of the classroom. Pythor could only sigh as he watched the wild teen walked down the hallway on heavy footsteps.

"Alright, class. Let's continue, shall we?"


"Being a ninja is a sacrifice, Red," Green's words kept replaying in Kai's mind over and over. Tch, of course it is. But it was also the only way to prove himself. When he was approached by Master Wu, he knew he was looking at the chance to prove that he wasn't all that useless. It always seemed like he had nothing to worry about, school life was great, being a ninja sounds awesome. But in truth, he knew people have been talking behind his back.

"He's such a show off,"

"He call that handsome? Someone buy him a new mirror,"

"Seriously? He's not even good at anything and he's getting fame to which he doesn't even deserve?"

"He's useless and he knows it, that's why he's trying so hard to act confident,"

Of course, Kai knew that. The only thing he'll ever admit is that he's a sore loser. But he is trying to change that, to prove that he's really worth something. But no matter how hard he tries, there will always be people there to pull him down. To drain his confidence and to push him back into the darkness that he tried so hard to get out of. In truth, he couldn't blame Green either. He knew he was a total wreck, yet he let his anger get the better of him. Green was right, maybe he should quit being a ninja. This job just doesn't seem right for him.

"Kai? Are you okay?"

Kai flinched, he looked up to see Jay staring at him worryingly.

"Kai, you haven't even touched your food yet,"

Right, they were in the cafeteria, eating. Or so only Jay was eating, while Kai just stared into his food like they owed him money.

Jay Walker, the same age as Kai. He had a darker shade of brown hair that curled and puffed like cotton candy. He had soft brown eyes and blue coloured irises. Freckles spread across his cheeks and he always sort of gave a nervous impression. Jay wasn't exactly the popular type, but because he's friends with Kai, his reputation had shot up a bit. He never attended any sports, but Kai thought he would be perfect for football. Since he watched him played and he seemed pretty decent. However, Jay would just make an excuse like "I wanna keep low" or "I'm not as good as you say I am" and just shrugged it off.

"I'm fine, Jay. Just...getting a lot on my mind these days," Kai went back to his food and found that he had no appetite, again.

"Is this about Mr.Pythor? You know how he is, Kai. Plus, any teacher would be mad if one of their students were to be sleeping during their class," Jay tried to comfort Kai, in hopes of getting him out of his bad mood.

"No, it's not about that. Just...leave me alone, alright?" Kai stood up and left, Jay could only watch with his eyebrows squeezed together.

What's up with him? I should ask Cole, maybe he knows what's going on.

As far as Jay knew, Cole was Kai's best friend. If anything, he would know what's going on with him, right?


"Sorry, I don't know either," Cole responded and received a groan from Jay.

"I thought you were his best friend?"

"He wouldn't tell me about it. It's strange though, I don't know what could be bothering him," Cole shrugged as Jay looked at him, unconvinced.

"Hey, what's with that look? I really don't know, okay?" He leaned against the set of lockers behind him.

"He's been sleeping in class lately, he never sleeps in class!" Jay exclaimed and Cole seemed unbothered.

"You would be surprised to know that Kai used to sleep in class, a lot. But I guess this is because he's been getting sleepless nights?" Cole assumed, it made sense to Jay. Of course, why else would Kai be sleeping in class? Either way, he will have to ask Kai again. Otherwise, he would have to let this go on. And Jay can't let that happen. Because Kai, is his friend.


Lloyd opened the scroll to find a list of names, he gasped as he read through the contents. Why had Master Wu sent him this?

"Master, what were you thinking? Delivering this scroll to me in the middle of the night, and then vanish before I could even wake up..." Lloyd had sadness written all over his face. It's obvious that he misses his uncle dearly, it's been months since he saw him. But now, this scroll appeared by his side overnight with a simple "by Wu" written on the top of it. He couldn't understand his uncle's motive at all. But what he could understand, is what he read in the scroll.

This has just gotten confusing, because in that scroll, contained the names of his teammates. Every single one of them, and a few new names written at the bottom. Something like "Amber- Skylor" and "Wind- Euphrasia", does that mean there are even more elemental masters?

As far as he knew, his teammates all study in the same school as him. Lloyd knew that when the time comes, they will have to eventually reveal themselves to each other in order to stop a bigger threat. The hardest part is Lloyd's identity. Because if they found out that he's Lloyd Garmadon, he feared that they would go against him.

That's, what Lloyd was afraid of.

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