Chapter 47

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Nandani's POV
Manik is 'pagal' in real terms. He is sleeping so peacefully on my shoulders. Well in films, it's usually the girls doing that but My Monster is different. I as sure he must have not slept at all for the entire night and he came too early to the airport also. We still have 30 minutes before the flight lands, so let me let him sleep. I ruffle through his hair playfully because he doesn't let me do it when he is awake. Just then I saw his phone sticking out of the pocket of his pants. Should I check to make sure he was lying? I should trust his words. It's not that I don't, but I am his wife, this is my right. I slowly take the phone out of his pocket. I pressed the home button of his iPhone 6 and got another shock of my life. It was my picture on the lock screen. The shocking part was that I didn't even know when and where he had clicked this picture. I think it was from the time when we last visited Shimla. I love this man, My Monster so much.

I look over my husband and find no one looking so I go close to his face and peak his cheek, but to my night mare he woke up. "What did you just do Nandani?" Manik asked.

He looked so cute while waking up from his mini nap, but I was too embarrassed to look at him after being caught. Defence is the best attack, "What did I do mr Manik Malhotra?" I asked.

"Okay, like that. So you didn't do anything?" He said smirkingly. Before I could reply, he pulled me by my arm and nuzzled into my nape, sending sizzles to my entire body.

"Manik..." I said getting lost into the sensations.

"Hmmm...." Is all I could hear and he placed a soft kiss on neck.

"Manik." Mom called out and we quickly fixed ourselves and looked normal. Well she was sitting in the middle row with dad and she possibly couldn't have seen us, so I relaxed myself.

"Yes mom." Manik replied. It was funny how he would always get interrupted, but this time it was mom and he pretty much couldn't do anything about it. I chuckled and looked out of the window, as if any of our friends spotted my face, then it would become another topic to mock us about.

"I want the list that I gave you in Mumbai, I have to give it to pandit ji as soon as we land." Mom said and Manik followed her instructions.

He then turned to me and whispered in my ears, "We shall not be disturbed tonight, so..." He was interrupted once again.

"Ladies and gentalmen, please fasten your seat belts. The flight is about to land." The Airhostess announced. I laughed harder, seeing an irritated Monster.

"Yeah, yeah, laugh as much as you want. I will see what you do tonight." Yes, he threatened me. And I am scared! What is he going to do tonight?

Manik's POV
"So guys all the rooms are filled in the farmhouse, maybe you could take a room in our hotel. It's just nearby. Cabir and his family will be staying there. The bride and the groom can't see each other after haldi so..." Navya apologetically said.

My heart was dancing up and down as Navya announced this when we were in the living room of the farmhouse. Well only us friends, all our parents and adults went to the pandit ji straight from the airport. "If there is a problem...then it's fine. Me and Nandani can just stay in a hotel...., after all you don't have enough rooms here so. No problem." I tried to sound normal but excitement was clearly visible in my voice.

"Of course Manik, you are so sad that you are staying away from us, right! Then lets do one thing, you guys take Abhi's room. I will ask Abhi to come along with us in the hotel." Cabir said. I hated the fact that he knew me so much.

"Yeah..." I said it so unwillingly and Nandani too looked down in disappointment. And then everyone bust into laughter. Me and Nandani had become the most easy targets to be laughed at from the past few days. But honestly, I didn't mind. Instead of sulking and complaining, I too smiled and looked at Nandani.

"Wow Manik, we get to see a different side of you everyday nowadays. It's good, Nandani is good for your health." Dhruv commented and I slightly blushed.

"Hi guys..." Somebody called out from the back. It was Abhimanyu.

"Hey Abhi..." I greeted and so did everyone else. Mukti also did, but he ignored as always. Awkward, had the situation become.

"Guys, let's play something." Aaliya suggested and breaking the awkwardness.

"Yeah...Let's play 'Never have I ever'." Navya suggested.

"No.. man. Let's play something physical." I said and there was a silence once again. Nandani couldn't believe what I said and chocked on water that she was galloping. "Guys, Physical as in something sporty. I don't want to play these boring games." I clarified their dirty doubts.

"Oh that, otherwise I thought you meant.......fighting. Don't get other ideas." Cabir teased me once again and winked at us.

"There is a basketball court in the backyard, maybe we can play a match of basketball?" Dhruv said.

"Nice, I love basketball." Nandani cheered up and said.

"With this height, can you play basketball?" I mocked her, lovingly.

"Haww...Manik, you don't know. Nandu used to play for our school, don't go on her height." Navya said. It was surprising to know.

"Yes, I am the best." Nandani too playfully said. Oh I love this side of her's.

"Okay then let's do one thing, any couples can't be together. I mean in the same team. It would be fun like that." Aaliya suggested.

"Cool, then Manik, Aaliya, Cabir and Mukti in one team and Nandani, Navya, Abhi and me in one team." Dhruv divided us into teams.

Everyone agreed and changed into something sporty, then we all went to the court, while Navya got the ball.

"So Mr Malhotra, get ready to lose." Nandani said standing next to me.

"Mrs Malhotra, I may loss in love, but not in this. And I am very competitive, but don't you think you sound so over confident?" I also gave her the Manik Malhotra's tashan.

"I am, because I have a very important tool. Which I am sure will make me win." Nandani said.

"Which tool?" I asked in confusion.

"Nandani...." Abhi called out to her. She smiled widely and wink at me, walking to her team. This game might just be fun.

They formed a group huddle and spoke about something, they seemed to be quite serious about wining.

"So, what's the strategy?" Mukti asked.

"No strategy, just distract your partner and get the ball." Cabir smiled and said. And yes, that was pretty much our 'strategy'.

And the game began.
End of POV

Manik got the ball and he dribbled it to his side, hoping to score a basket. But perhaps the other team had the same strategy as Cabir's, so Nandani came and blocked his way.

"Mrs Malhotra, you can't get this ball from me. So be a good wife and move away." Manik said to Nandani.

"Mr Malhotra, maybe I can." Nandani said and turned around, causing her hair to hit Manik's face. Manik got shocked at first and then lost into Nandani. Nandani had grabbed the ball and proceeded to her side. Manik had forgotten that it was the game and just kept looking at Nandani. He had perhaps entered his own world by now. And on the other side, Nandani had scored a basket.

"Yehhh..." Nandani celebrated her goal with her team.

"Manik, I though that was our strategy." Cabir said in Manik's ears bringing him back to reality.

Manik realised what Nandani meant before. Her tool was her hair, so that he would get distracted and he couldn't believe it worked. He ignored his team mates and walked towards Nandani. "Nandani, this is not fair. Tie your hair!" Yes, he cried like a baby.

"Why Manik? What's wrong with my hair?" She acted all cute in front of everyone. And she had trapped him in such a way that he couldn't even tell the reason, otherwise their friends would find a reason to tease him.

"No...I mean, they would get dirty so that's why." He calmed down.

"Manik, can you concentrate on the game and not on Nandani for once." An annoyed Cabir said.

They got back to the game. All the couples had their moments. Cabir teased Navya and got the ball, Aaliya acted all angry on Dhruv and Dhruv himself gave the ball away to her, Manik now took advantage of his height and played around with Nandani. But the game got serious when Mukti got the ball.

Abhi covered Mukti, however he made no attempts to get the ball from Mukti and stood still looking away. Mukti tried to get him to play but then lost it and threw away the ball in anger.

"Enough is enough now Abhi! Do you even know that you treat me worse than a stranger, you make me feel like a piece of trash lying on the road. But not anymore, now I don't care. The last hope I had for us, I am breaking it today. I am not trying anymore because I am tired of it. Now I chose to move on and I will show you what move on is called." Mukti lashed out at Abhi.

"Mukti..." Nandani tried to calm it down but Mukti was really hurt this time.

"No Nandani, this man here doesn't love me. He is not worth my tears, my waiting and for me. He was right when he said we are not meant for each other. Not those reasons that he gave, but because he can never love me the way I do. And as Manik says, it is not a profitable deal. So Abhimanyu Thakkar, now you don't matter to me at all." Mukti said and walked away leaving everyone in a shock.

Abhimanyu stood still, while Navya, Nandani and Aaliya went behind Mukti. When a girl lashes out without tears, it is evident that that person is more hurt then angry.

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