Chapter 27

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I am really sorry for not updating for so long and giving such a small update. But I will make up for it with tomorrow's update.

Nandani's POV
I woke and found myself in the bed. I recalled how I had fallen asleep on the couch then how did I get here. And this is Manik's room. I quickly got up and checked the time. It was 2 hours since I was sleeping. I quickly went towards the lounge to find everyone preparing for dinner. I apologised to everyone but they instead scolded me for it. We prepared for dinner and soon had it.
End of POV

Manik's POV
Everyone slept early today as we were going to leave early in the morning to witness the sunrise. I had never seen sunrise in my life, but now I will. It's kind of exciting. If sunset can be beautiful then I wonder how sunrise would be. I switched off the lights and proceeded towards my room. But on the way, I spot someone sitting on the bench outside in the garden. It was surprising to see someone up so late, that also in this cold weather.
I went closer to find Nandani. She was deep into her thoughts when I interrupted her as I sat next to her.
"Manik, you here?" She asked.
"Yeah, what are you doing her?" I asked.
"I slept in the afternoon so I wasn't feeling sleepy." She said not looking at me.
"Stop worrying about Rishab. Dr Mehta said he is fine and doing well." I really didn't know how I though of it but I said it, trying to stop all her worries.
She looked at me with a shock, "You called at the ashram?"
I realised what I had just said. There was no way I could cover it up so I confessed honestly. "Yeah, when you were sleeping, I thought of......." She understood and smiled.
At that moment, I was ready to do anything for her to keep smiling. I wanted to be that every reason which made her smile.
"Thank you." She said. I didn't know why she was saying it for. I mean she doesn't know about the money thing, does she.
"Thank you, for what?" I nervously asked.
"You have helped me a lot regarding Rishab. I mean emotionally. All these years people just asked from me, you were the first person who offered help. Somewhere or the other I was falling apart, but you helped me. And I really appreciate it." She said with moist eyes. I don't think I could ever understand her pain. But I wanted to share it with her. However there was a question I really wanted to ask.
"Nandani....can I ask you something?" I hesitated but asked.
She nodded in approval so I asked. "You said you went to the same boarding school as Navya's. But then how? I mean, looking at your financial state now." I didn't know if my words were hurting her so I stopped.
"Manik, please can we not take about all this. I don't want to think about my past." She looked hurt, but I guess she wasn't ready to open up about it. So I thought of leaving this matter.
"So Navya said that you met Dhruv in your dance class? But you did Classical, so did Dhruv also learn classical?" I don't know why I asked this. But dance did bring out the best in her, so why not talk about it.
She laughed about it, I didn't know why but I loved that sight of hers.
"No. I learned classical in the school but me and Dhruv met in Salsa dance classes. He was my partner."
I hated the fact that they were partner that also in Salsa classes. It was such a cosy dance where they have to come so close.
"Have this." She said bringing me out of my thoughts. I looked at her and saw that she was offering me the other half of her showl. Just then I realised I was shivering with the cold outside.
I smiled thanking her for offering and then quickly got into the showl with her.
"How do you know Para gliding?" She asked me.
"Dad taught me. When we went to Australia for vacations, he took me with him and taught me." I smiled as I thought about my times with my family.
"You should smile often, it makes you look a little less monstrous." She said smiling and looking the other side. "You love your family a lot right?" She asked. I guess she missed hers. But I tried and diverted her attention to other stuff.
End of POV

They both spoke for a while and soon fell asleep on the bench itself with the showl covering them but their closeness bringing in the warmth.

Everyone woke up early and got ready but waited for Manik and Nandani. They checked their rooms as well but they were missing. Everyone panicked but then Cabir saw them outside on the bench so he went to them. Everyone followed him and admired the couple, peaceful sleeping in each other's arms. Cabir and Mukti took pictures quietly and then woke them up.
"Manik darling, wake up." Mukti said in Manik's ears.
"Nandani please....don't trouble me in my dreams as well." Manik said lazily pulling Nandani closer in his sleep.
Everyone got surprised at his response and couldn't believe that it was Manik saying this. Aryaman however looked a little disturbed to see all this. But no one had time to notice him as they were busy troubling the couple.
"Nandani, please give me a kiss na..." Cabir said into Nandani's ears.
"Manik, since when do you sound like Cabir." Nandani asked in her sleep.
Everyone got scared as they might get caught and just then Nandani and Manik got up realising the prank.
" you tell us that you guys hate each other. And now you guys are spending nights together?" Cabir teased them.
"It's nothing like that. We were just talking about somethings last night and didn't realise when we fell asleep. Can't friends even talk to each other?" Manik said and walked away denying all of their allegations. Nandani too went away and got ready.

Everyone left to the sun rise point and enjoyed the view. After that everyone went for shopping. All the girls were busy shopping while the boys were trying out all sorts of food items as they didn't want to go with the girls. You know how the equation is between boys and shopping.
They went to few other places and ended their day.

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