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"We have another idea." the witches were cackling at each other, as another one spoke. Damien held the unconscious girl in his arms. "We can make her forget him." The jet black-haired women looked at the fallen leader in pure evil. In return, Kyle bared his teeth in disgust, but what could he do? Beside him, Luke only stared helplessly at the floor.

"You can not use a memory spell on two that have already bonded." the devil looked at the women in utter annoyance and disgust. "The bond can not make them forget each other. If that was the case, I would have had that done instead of a time curse." He seemed to want to say more, but he held his tongue, and let his expression tell the room what he had wished to say instead.

"That's where you are wrong." The air was still after that. No one insulted the devil, but he was desperate, so he let the comment slide.

"It's true that half of them are bonded. The other mindset in them, the other entity in their minds are not. We can make that part of them forget each other, and if you play this well enough, just maybe, that entity can confuse the other one." the head witch of the table rose as the rest followed.

"So you're saying a memory spell is possible." the devil questioned, his face widening into a grin.

"Most definitely."

By then, half of the witches council was already out the door. "Where are you going?" the devil asked in confusion. Finally, the last witch at the end of the table got up.

Viana stirred, and as she woke up, she was confronted with the rather empty room.

"The witches council came in here with the thoughts of doing a time spell, but since it has now been changed to a mere memory spell, one witch will be more than enough." She had blazing red hair and gray eyes. She looked like Morgan, but she wasn't.

"Who are—who are you?" Viana stammered in Damien's arms.

"You're not Morgan. You're too old to be Morgan. Who are you?" she continued as if adding this extra sentence would clear up the confusion. The witch's expression didn't change.

"Who is this Morgan?" the red-head asked, turning to Kyle and Luke as if they could explain this unusual name.

"Vi." the name was said almost too softly, but with her super hearing, Viana could make out the word perfectly. She looked at Luke and saw the pure pain in his eyes as he struggled to meet her's.

"That's Morgan's mother. Or was, I mean."

If Morgan still existed.

Luke's unspoken words rang almost too loudly in her ears.

Scoffing, the witch waved a hand in the air to silence them. "Nonsense, I do not have a daughter. I am a mother to no one."

It was a joke. A cruel joke. Morgan had sacrificed everything for them, and it was only fate that her mother would be the one to make Morgan's intentions fruitless.

"Make all three of them forget," the booming voice of the monster caused her to shudder in fear.

"Whats going on?" Viana asked herself.

"They are going to make you forget about Kyle." the sadness in her own voice was so unbearable.

"I thought we were bonded with him?" the clueless, highschool Viana, struggled to understand the dire situation she was in.

The 1921 part of her mind only sighed. "I am bonded to him. You're not."

"So they will make me forget you?"

"Yes. And you will forget Kyle too."

"I won't. Don't let me forget! Please." her novice self-begged to the older version in that also dwelled in her.

Her mind stayed silent.

The witch looked at the three in the room as she began her chant.

"Viana. I love you." Kyle's golden eyes showed so much sadness and defeat. His Alpha eyes lit up the room as he spoke. "I'll love you longer than forever."

Viana had heard these words before. But she also hadn't. The high-school part of Viana was a little flustered at what Kyle had said, but the other Viana, the stronger minded one knew where she had heard this before.

It was his wedding vows.

"I love you too." She was crying now, crying as the devil clutched her tighter to him.

Electricity flew from the fingertips of the sorcerer, as the energy crackled against the air. It hurt. A lot. She was on fire, but she was also locked in a frozen freezer. Her whole body, as well as her mind, went numb.

º º º

She woke up to find herself in a well-lit room.

"You're up." the devil stroked her face as she regained consciousness.

"Damien," she croaked.

The devil hesitated, a small smile played on his lips. The way she said his name made his entire body shiver with happiness.

He brought his face close to hers and their lips touched. Opening his eyes again, he waited for her to say something about Kyle, but she didn't. She only wore a blank expression.

"Come on. You hungry?"

º º º

Something was wrong. She had asked Damien where she was, and he had responded simply with home. But a piece of her didn't think this was home.

Her mind fought with itself constantly every day. Something in her was trying to get her to remember. But how could she remember when she didn't feel like she forgot anything.

Sometimes she would wake up, curled beside Damien as words echoed in her mind.

"You love him. You won't forget him. You can't forget him."

But what was this voice? It surely had to be her own mind. But what was her mind trying to tell her? Who was him? It had to be Damien, but as she thought this, her mind would fight with itself again. It couldn't be Damien, but it had to be.

She loved this man, she was sure of it. He never slept, he never ate, he was Death. He was the ruler of hell and she convinced herself she loved him. But why did she always feel like she was missing something?

Sometimes she would wake up with the words Aconitum replaying in her mind.

"What is an Aconitum?" she asked him one night when she woke from her usual night terrors.

He was awake, as usual.

"It's an organization. Why?"

"It's a word I dream about constantly. I was thinking about it and I don't know why."

"It's an organization I control. Werewolves."

"Werewolves." she tasted the word against her tongue. The word had some sort of familiarity to it. But how did the word werewolf relate to her?

"They are envious, jealous creatures. I simply feed them hate and arrogance and watch them tear each other apart. I make the Alphas die every seven years."

"Why seven?"

"Seven years doesn't seem too long but doesn't seem to short either. I give each of them a little window for power; just a small enough time feel the energy of authority. Then I feed hatred to their brethren and watch power consume loved ones."

"That's...." she paused, unsure how to finish her sentence.

"Cruel? Evil? Unmoral? I am the devil after all." he wrapped his arms around her, as she rested her head against his chest.

"So you never failed to have them kill each other every seven years?"

"No. Once I let a man rule for twenty-one years."

"Fourteen years more than expected. Why?" she tilted her head to look into Damien's darkened eyes.

"This man thought he owned Aconitum, so I showed him what true fear was. After the seven years, he could never sleep properly again, or eat properly again. He was always waiting and watching for something or someone—always wondering how he lived so long when every other ruler never did. He drove himself crazy and eventually, he too killed himself." He leaned into her ear. "I drove the man crazy without having to do anything."

"And then another ruler stepped up right?"

"Yes. His son, and his son's wife."

"And you killed them as well." she closed her eyes, already expecting the answer.

"No. I let them live. It wasAconitum that died."

"So you stopped your killing spree over two mere couples." She teased and he nested his chin against her head.

"I decided there was no point in terrorizing werewolves anymore. I decided to stop picking on them."

"How nice of you." she giggled as he kissed her and between the kiss, she could feel herself grinning. "Mind telling me the name of this infamous leader? He must be relieved to know he wouldn't have to die after seven years."

"He doesn't know. Even though I stopped, it wasn't like I told them—"

"Typical move."

"—but," he continued, "he has far more other things to worry about than some organization."

She stayed silent for a while. She trusted Damien, after all, he had no reason to lie to her. It took him awhile to answer her last question."

"His name.." the man paused. "His name is Kyle."

º º º

"You okay?" She sat at the dining table with her love one morning as he watched her eat. "You seemed troubled," he asked.

"I'm trying to remember," she responded.

"Remember what?" the man raised a brow and looked intensely at her.

"I don't know."

"Then maybe it isn't something worth remembering." He was by her side in an instant, holding her face gently, as he locked his lips with hers.

º º º

The Alpha was troubled. He had locked himself in his room for days, with only the company of Luke.

Around him, people had been asking for a Luna. His Luna. But he didn't have a Luna. He never had one; he wasn't suitable for love.

So who was this Viana person that his people kept asking about?

"Don't let your thoughts consume you." Luke stood by him. He had watched his leader drive himself insane over the past few days.

"Don't you feel like something is missing. My mind keeps telling me to remember. I don't know what though. And this Viana person—she haunts my mind. I just don't know who she is." He turned to his friend, troubled. "Don't you feel something missing?"

"Yes." solemnly, Luke sat down on the couch beside him. "But it's not real. Surely you would remember her if she was so important to you. Do yourself a favor and stop stressing over something that doesn't exist. If you tell your people to stop, they will. They listen to you."

"Do you think there is something wrong with me? Surely I would be able to remember this person that my people keep referring to as their Luna. A part of me is missing."

"Find someone real who can fill that hole. Don't go around searching for a rumor that doesn't exist." Luke explained, but even his mind was troubled.

Walking out of the room, Luke took one last look at his friend. "You have a pack to care for and a life to live. Don't go wasting it on your imagination."

Kyle watched his friend leave. Sighing he closed his eyes and let himself get lost in the darkness.

His mind was trying so hard to get him to remember. It bothered him every day. It was like a person was living in his brain. He would learn to ignore it. After all, he was just a cursed prince.

º º º

The end

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