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Yuki's Pov
Wah,why did I leave Yuri when I know when I know I don't like being away from her.*Runs back to Yuri and boys but bumps into Yuri*."Yuri!"I said *jumps to Yuri's arms*."Yuki?"she asked*Puts me down*."Yes?"I asked."You idiot!Do you know how hard finding you was?!"she said *hits me on the head*."Wah,I'm so sorry!I'm so sorry!I'm so sorry!!!"I said.*She sighs*"Fine I'll forgive you,now let's go back to the boys!"Yuri said *runs there but stops*."Wait,why do we need to watch when they're the triples'?"I asked."Because they're on a mission for some reason"she replied."Why?It's still Cards Week"I said."I don't know either but Haru-nii leaved a note for us.Here see for yourself"she said*gives me the note*.

To:Yuki and Yuri Hearts
From:Haruka,Ema and Yui Hearts

Hey Yuki,Yuri we had an important mission and we had to go immediately.We had no time to tell you two so we just leaved a note for you two.Also don't tell the boys we don't want to make them worry,so if they ask about us just make an excuse or something. Good Luck!!!

From your lovely older sisters,
Haruka,Ema and Yui

P.S remember to feed the vampires
*Sighs and gives her back the note* "You three just had to give us all the responsibility"I said."I know right"Yuri said."Well let's go back before other cupids try to take them away from us"I said."Well that's the plan,right?"she said.*We both run back to the boys*.

Back there
Yuri's Pov
Thank goodness no one came to them.*Sora and Shiro walk to us*."What do you two want?!"Yuki asked them.What happened to our stay quite plan?"We know you two are mad at us,so we decided to give you two a free day!"they said. "When is this day?"I asked. "Tomorrow"Sora said."Oh well thats good I guess"I said."Um yay?" Yuki said."Well this didn't turn out as expected"Shiro said."What did you two expected?"I asked."Well what we expected was when we told you two we're going to give you two a free day,we thought that you two will have a new level of appreciation for us"Shiro said.
*Yuki and I look at each other*.
"Well that had certainly failed"we said."Oh well see you two later" they said*they left with a depression aura around her*."Well what are we gonna do now?"Yuki said with a bored tone.

To be continued...................................

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