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With Subaru and Yuki
"I have a bad feeling for some reason"Yuki said"Why is that?" Subaru asked"I don't know how, but I have a bad feeling"Yuki said
"Well kid it's getting late,I'm going to bed."Subaru said as he left.
"So vampires also have the
teleportion ability,too."Yuki said as he flew to his room.

With Kanato and Yuri
Yuri is caught by Kanato and is trying to escape him."Kanato-nii can you please let me go?"Yuri asked."I'm never ever letting go!" Kanato said as he grip gets tighter.
"Kanato-nii I can't breathe"She said as she tries to breathe for air. "Fine I'm letting go,but I'm going to hold onto you"Kanato said as he let's go and holds her hand."Dinners ready!!"Reiji called out to everyone.

~~~Time Skip~~~
The Next Day
"What?Why are you going home today, why can't you stay with me?"Kanato asked Yuri."I'm sorry, but I'm still going to miss "Yuri aplogized."Subaru-nii I going to miss you so much"Yuki said as he hugged Subaru"I guess I will miss you,too"Subaru said."I'm going to miss you guys,too"Yui said."I'm  gonna miss you,too"the twins said as they hugged Yui."Hey Yuri came back here when you're Pancake's age"Ayato said."I'll think about it" Yuri replied as she went to into the car with Yuki."Goodbye everyone!" The twins said.Yui was waving goodbye,Kanato was trying to hold his tears and Subaru was thinking about Yuki.

After a few minutes
"Sir you can stop here"Yuri said. "Are you sure kids,a walk to the city is so far from here?"The driver asked."Of course sir,we're positive"
The twins said.The driver stopped by the sidewalk and the twins went out and thanked the driver.The twins waited until no one was there and went back to the Demension of love.

In the Demension of Love
"We're home"Yuki and Yuri said.
"Welcome back " Sora and Shiro said to the younger twins"So, how did your guys adventure go?"Shiro
asked."It went pretty well, we saw all the triples and their human mates"Yuri said."And Yuri has two lovers"Yuki completed."I see them as friends,but they see me as their lovers"Yuri said."I see,Hey Yuki how many lovers did you get?"Sora asked."0,because there are no girls other than our sisters"Yuki said.
"Hey next time before you guys visit anyone,leave a note"Shiro said "Or tell us, so we can go with you guys next time"Sora added.
"Oh ok,but what if you guys go somewhere will you tell us?"The twins asked."Of course or we will leave a note"Shiro said."So,tell us about your adventure " Sora asked.

"I will wait for a few days to catch them"said a mysterious dark figure.

To be continued......................

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